

Hydrocarbon Accumulation Model at the Shengtuo Area and Petroleum Prospects in the Dongying Depression

【作者】 周建林

【导师】 刘丛强; 李阳;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(地球化学研究所) , 地球化学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 利用现代油气成藏理论,综合运用地质、地球物理和地球化学资料,对胜坨油田的油气分布、构造和圈闭、沉积和储层、油气生成和运移、以及油气勘探前景等进行了深入综合研究,进行了成藏模式和成藏机理探讨,阐明了油气富集的地质规律,明确了该区进一步勘探和开发的方向和目标。对整个胜利油区的隐蔽油气藏成因和预测具有重要的指导意义。 1.通过精细的油源对比,确定了胜坨地区有效烃源岩的识别标志,查明了附近利津洼陷和民丰洼陷沙河街组烃源岩的地质地球化学特征,阐明了有效烃源岩的分布及其成因规律,说明有效烃源岩对胜坨复式油气聚集带形成的控制作用。 2.通过系统的断裂形态学、断裂运动学和动力学分析,阐明了胜北断层对沙河街组沉积体系和储集性砂体分布的控制作用,以及对各种圈闭的控制作用。同时开展了构造应力场分析,再现油气运移和成藏的流体运动方向。 3.通过层序地层学和沉积体系研究,建立了沙河街组储集性砂体分布模式,着重建立了Es<sup>中和Es3储集性砂体成因模式和分布规律,为隐蔽油气藏勘探提供依据。同时利用储层描述方法和技术,对Es2重点储层进行高分辨率层序格架研究,阐明胜坨大油田储集空间的展布规律。 4.在有效烃源岩、断裂构造和储层沉积体系研究的基础上,开展了油气运移通道和油气运移期次分析,查明胜北断裂及其次级断层是沟通研究区储层和圈闭的主要油气运移通道,扇三角洲和水下扇砂体是油气运移的另一种通道。所以与大型断层相连的砂体基本都形成了油气充满度较高的油藏。 5.针对研究区沙三段下部和沙四段岩性圈闭比较发育、成藏条件良好的情况,首次利用物理模拟装置进行了单砂体油藏形成的模拟实验。结果表明,在高压异常条件下,孔隙度和渗透率对原油进入由水充满砂岩具有强烈的控制作用。 虽然胜坨经过40年不断的油气勘探找到了4亿多吨原油储量,但是作者认为还具有很大的找油潜力。其中胜北断裂下降盘的沙三段下部和沙四段扇三角洲砂体、近岸水下扇砂体和浊积扇砂体具有很好的成藏条件,值得进一步勘探。

【Abstract】 Based on the modern theory of oil and gas accumulation, a comprehensive study is performed on the Shengtuo area with geological, geophysical and geochemical data in the area. An accumulation model and a distribution regularity of hydrocarbon is postulated and new objects of exploration and development are pointed out for the area. All these conclusions are instructive to the forecasting of subtle trap pools.A detailed correlation of oil and source rocks is completed, and real effective source rocks are defined. The geological and geochemical characters of source rocks of Shahejie Formation(Es) in adjacent the Lijin Sag and the Minfeng Sag are recognized, and the distribution of effective source rock are made clear. The author believes that the effective source rock plays a controlling role on the formation of composite hydrocarbon accumulation in the Shengtuo area.Based on analysis of fault morphology, and tectonic dynamics, the author finds thatShengbei Fault controlled the deposit system, reservoir distribution and various types oftraps in th earea. At the same time structure stress field was analyzed, and the fluid flow direction of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation were represented.This disertation established the stratigraphy sequence and deposition system of the Es reservoir. In addition, a high resolution of stratigraphic sequence frame of main reservoirs in Esa Member is represented, and evaluation on the reservoirs is also made.The path and time of hydrocarbon migration are studied based on the study of effective source rocks, fault structure and reservoir deposit system, which shows that Shengbei Fault and other minor faults are the main paths between source rock sand reservoir in traps, and the fan-delta sandstones and sub-water fan sandstones are another kind of migration path. Therefore most sandstone bodies connected with the faults are infilled with hydrocarbon and with high oil saturation.Simulation experiments of oil pool formation in a single sandstone block with physical simulation equipment for the first time, in order recovery of the oil accumulation oringin. The experiments show that porosity and permeability of sandstones strongly control on oil infilling into the sandstones.Although about 4 × 108t oil reserves have been found in the Shengtuo area for 40 years exploration, the author believe that a large resource potential still exists in this area. Some sandstone bodies have excellent probility of hydrocarbon accumulation, such as delta-fan sandstone bodies, nearshore sub-water delta sandstone bodies and turbidity-fan sandstones of lower part of the Es3 and Es4 Member in the Shengtuo area.
