

Modern Translation of "The Records of the Three Kingdoms" and Case Study of Classical Chinese

【作者】 崔泳准

【导师】 吴金华;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 本文从“汉语史研究”和“翻译学研究”的结合部切入,对《三国志》今译(包括汉译、韩译)工作的历史和现状加以考察,着重揭示中古汉语的特点以及《三国志》今译中的难点、疑点、盲点,并在此基础上对有关的理论和实践问题提出自己的见解,以期推进方兴未艾的中古汉语研究与中国古籍的翻译工作。 本文的主要论述以下几点:(1)翻译学作为新兴的学科,跟语言学、文献学的关系最为密切;(2)古籍今译所涉及的语言文字问题,为古汉语研究提供了富有理论价值和应用价值的新课题。(3)在全球化背景下,《三国志》今译工作具有广阔的发展前景;为了不断提高今译的质量,今后必须加强“中古汉语”的研究。(4)译文忠实于原著,应是翻译工作的基本原则。同一语种古籍的今译,只要古、今语言没有发生不可直接沟通的质变,应尽可能地采取直译的方式;对于古有今无的语言表达形式,应自觉地采取意译的方式。要弄清那些内容适合直译,那些内容适合意译,取决于古今文化与语言的比较研究。(5)古今文化的差异、异国语言的差异,为不同语种的古籍今译设置了重重障碍。对于语际翻译工作来说,只有充分了解不同民族的文化与语言的异同,才有可能避免滥译、增译、漏译等各种弊病。 全文由绪论、正文、馀论三部分组成。 绪论部分说明本课题研究的科学意义、学术价值、基本内容、预期目标及研究的方法。 正文共分八章。第一、二章属通论性质,第三、四、五、六、七、八章是专题研究。第一章概要地介绍《三国志》今译的现状。第二章总论《三国志》今译的理论与实践。第三章至第七章以汉译本为例,说明《三国志》语言研究与文本的关系,讨论汉译本中的词汇问题、语法问题、语音问题及翻译的表述问题。第八章以《三国志》韩译本为例,就《三国志》韩译工作中值得注意的问题作了简略的分析。馀论部分就翻译学与语言学若干问题提出自己的见解。 文后附录了《关于(三国志)韩译工作的思考》(已发表)和本文的参考文献。

【Abstract】 Starting with the integrated study of both classical Chinese history and translatological theory, this dissertation unveils the characteristic of middle Chinese and some difficult or doubtful points of modern translation of "The Records of the Three Kingdoms" by close observing on the history and current situation of its mandarin or Korean translation. On this basis the dissertation shapes particular opinion on relevant theory and practice, in the hope of advancing the research of middle Chinese and translation of the Chinese ancient classics.The main points of this dissertation are:(1) Translatology as a new developing discipline is in most close relations with linguistics and philology;(2) The linguistic and literal features related with the modern translation of ancient classics provide rich theoretical and applicable subject for the study of classical Chinese;(3) Under globalization background, the modem translation of "The Records of the Three Kingdoms" has wide development prospects; For further promoting the quality of modem translation, the study of the middle ancient Chinese must be strengthened in the near future;(4) Authentic to the original, should be a basic principle of translation. Within the same language system, the modern translation of ancient classics should take the measure of direct translation if qualitative changes that block the direct communication today not happened. Otherwise, if the ancient expression no longer exists, free translation is consciously the best choice. The way to decide which content suits direct translation, or which content is suitable for free translation, depends on the comparative study of culture and linguistics between ancient and today;(5) The differences of time, culture, country and language set up the very heavy obstacle with the modern translation of ancient classics. To the practice of cross-language translation, only with fully understanding of the similarities and diversities between nationality, culture and language, just may it prevents from incondite translation, hard translation or kind of bullshit translation.The full dissertation is made up of three parts: introduction, main body and the plus.The introduction part describes the study’s scientific significance, academic value, basic content, expectant objective and research method.The main body divides into eight chapters. Chapter one and two are general descriptions, the next six chapters make the case study. Chapter one briefs the current situation of modem translation of "The Records of the Three Kingdoms". Chapter two presents the theory and practice of modern translation of "The Records of the Three Kingdoms". Chapter three to seven explain the relation between linguistic study and dissertation of "The Records of the Three Kingdoms" by taking its mandarin translation as example, discuss the translation’s key points of vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and the formulation of translation. Chapter eight makes a brief analysis on the key points of the Korean translation of "The Records of the Three Kingdoms". The plus part gives the author’s own opinion on translation theory and linguistics.Appendix includes "Consideration on the Korean translation of The Records of the Three Kingdoms "(published) and references.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】H159
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】548