

【作者】 吴滔

【导师】 葛剑雄;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 历史地理学, 2003, 博士


【摘要】 以往明清江南市镇史的研究,更关注的是市镇的“中央性”机能。或者强调市镇在经济、文化、生活等方面无比强大的“向心力”;或者从特定区域以外寻找研究空间,热衷跨区域的比较及与国内国际市场的经济联系。很少注意市镇与农村之间的关系,乃至将农村在城乡关系中的位置悬置起来。本文选取清代苏州地区作为个案,拟将视角放在市镇与周围农村的关系上,从内部而不是外部透视江南社会的方方面面,将经济、社会、文化等静止的要素化约到流动、鲜活的历史过程中去,以一种“模糊”的解释策略来避免“城乡一体”或“城乡二元”的简单理解模式。 从空间格局角度进行审视,水网化的交通背景以及作为联络城乡工具和出行临时居所的航船,为市镇与农村的频繁沟通创造了必要的物质前提。而以交换、信仰、休闲等为媒介形成的“乡脚”世界,则借流动的航船和静止的茶馆为载体,通过现实中的“地理界限”、“市场圈”、“信仰圈”等多个同心圆相重叠的方式,共同完成着讯息的传递和人群的交流。 如果把市镇与农村之间的关系置于一个“长时段”的地方历史过程中来加以理解,我们可以领略到另一番风貌。明末清初,以“奴变”运动的广泛性和“一田两主”制的普遍化为标志,城乡格局发生了戏剧性的转变。地权的分散引致地主和佃户之间的关系越来越失去人情味,从而加速了士绅地主从乡间徙居城镇的进程。在农村,诸如兴修水利、饥济饥荒等重要工作常常无人顾及,原来属于地主的特殊职责已经泛化到市镇这样的特定空间之中。居城的地主士绅与农民之间只剩下土地租佃的关系,日常生活已没有较紧密的往来,主佃的居住空间可以不在同一地点。如何协调地主与农民之间的共同利益愈显重要,与此相关的应对策略和制度安排的复杂性,在很大程度上改变了以“地主”为主体的地方精英的“在地性”,进而对清代江南的城乡关系产生了深远的影响。 在嘉定、宝山二县,最初仅仅履行施粥功能的“粥厂”,随着承担地方事务不断增多,渐渐具备了有形的管理空间,且表现出“厂镇合流”的趋向:对于每个具体的“厂(镇)”而言,均具备了联络市镇和乡村的功能,以此为基础,数 . 量众多的“厂(镇)”共同构成了嘉定宝山城乡联系的网络。 通过以上几个有限的研究片段,本文力图表明,在以苏州为中心的清代江南 ·社会中,市镇与农村之间交流频繁,联络广泛,构造出具有高度流动性的城乡格 局。

【Abstract】 In previous years, the studies on Jiangnan market towns always put more attention to the comparison between ultra-regions and the economic relation between national or international markets. Most scholars tried to find their research space besides the certain region and appeared a kind of deflexion, such as market study or village study only. Especially, the thought of "economic determinism" governs almost the whole studies of Jiangnan region. This dissertation putting its researching interests on the relationship between the market towns and their surrounding villages, observing each aspect of Jiangnan society from the "interior" viewpoint instead of the "exterior", and melting the economic, social and cultural factors into a kind of flowing and lively historical macrocosm, using a "vague" interpretative methods to avoid the simple pattern of "the sameness of towns and villages" (城乡一体) or "the duality of towns and villages"(城乡二元)..This dissertation has pandect and case studies also. The pandect made up the defects in previous studies, such as the discrepancy of distance-feeling of different people, and the function of yitian-liangzhu - 田两主(one plot, two masters) to the modern town-village relationship. There has no systematic research to the former question yet and the present studies on the latter are limited within the land ownership and property right. This dissertation also regarded the flowing boats and the immobile tea houses as the bridges connecting the market towns and the countrysides, and reviewed the structure of xiangjiao 乡脚(the radiating range of market towns) by means of the economic and religionary approaches. Chapter 5 has presented a case study of Wujiang County, it backdated the developing history of several years since the stage of ’yeshi-dianli " 业食佃力(landlord provides food and peasant supplies labor) to "Jiangcun society" 江村社会 and pointed out the transition of living space of gentries and its influence into the country society. Chapter 6 reviewed an important phenomenon in the regional institution of Jiading and Baoshan since "Jiading three ?slaughters" 嘉定三屠 to the period of local autonomy in early 20th century, that is, the union of Chang 厂 (relieving sites) and Zhen 镇 (market towns) and the Chang directors 厂董 intervened into the local governmental affairs completely. This chapter discussed the long-termbackground of the forming of local institution and did not neglect the function of haphazard events.Based on the researches above, this dissertation tried to prove such a picture: in the Suzhou-centered Jiangnan society during Qing Dynasty, there has frequent communications between the market towns and countryside and a flowing spatial pattern has appeared already.

【关键词】 清代江南苏州市镇农村流动空间
【Key words】 Qing DynastyJiangnanSuzhoumarket towncountrysideflowingspatial pattern
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】K249
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】2350