

【作者】 李虎

【导师】 黄颂杰;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 外国哲学, 2003, 博士


【摘要】 本文研究了现代西方自由主义理论的基本逻辑论证结构和元理论范式。通过对当代西方自由主义理论在法哲学、社会哲学、政治哲学若干相关联的紧迫性问题如政治自由的基本概念、自由与权利、法治和整体性、制度稳定性等的讨论,对政治合理性、主流自由主义的理论渊源、社群主义、罗尔斯关于正义理论的解释性框架、德沃金的法律整体性理论以及自由的自然历史建构理论(马克思)等等的剖析,阐明了主导的现代自由主义理论的基本概念及其处理制度稳定性与法律整体性的关系所涉及的一系列分析哲学和哲学史的理论解释框架。 自由主义理论作为一种以宪法道德解释为核心的法律整体性观点,作为追求制度稳定性和治理良好的社会的根本途径的一种探究,内在的蕴涵一种后经验主义的形而上学视野,并和西方形而上学传统尤其是古典本体论构架保持紧密的协同性。经由对后现代境况下法律整体性和平行的实用主义法理学及其工具理性观点的深入发掘,论文还尝试性地描述了法律整体性和制度稳定性相互作用的制度事实的复杂处境,揭示了法律解释的实践理性与后现代形而上学的关系。通过探讨马克恩的自由理论及生态自由、意识形态批判等问题,展示法律的整体性与制度稳定性的内在联系及其与分析本体论立场的相互融通性质,本书证明了这种融通为法律整体性与制度稳定性所支持并为主提供了更深厚的理念支持。贯穿全文的是一种源于亚里士多德和马克思的分析本体论方法,在更深层意义—上是提出了一种历史的行为理论的批判理性架构或哲学人类学。 第1章自由主义。这一章详细分析了西方自由主义的基本内核及其历史基础、后自由主义种种倾向。本文认为自由主义理论核心的内涵就是通过宪政国家而对抽象的个人政治自由予以法律保护。本章分析了自由主义的权利道德和宪政概念面对当代西方最尖锐深刻的来自社群主义的批评而对后现代视野的公共理性和交覆共识理念的依赖及隐藏的冲突。 第2章稳定性初论:法律整体性与后现代形而上学。自由权利模式强烈要求法哲学而非法理学来解决一个至关重要的问题:如何才能将一种制度建立在真正的稳定性之上。本章分析了自由主义法理学的冲突根本上不在于实证主义想当然地认为是:法律的道德规范性观点与法律经济学或规则实证主义方法的冲突,而在对稳定性原则的理解的可能深度或预期的不同。本文论证了立足于合理化习俗的占典以及近代形而上学到后经验主义一后现代形而上学视野承诺的一种先天推理模式与制度的整体性的相互融贯性框架是自由主义制度稳定性的关键的理论基石;讨论了马克思关于自由的理论,关于社会演化的自然历史观点和自由个性理论及其预设的生态自由概念所提供的更深入的超越自由主义制度稳定性观点的自由理论。 作为全文的总结,论文最后探讨了相关的意识形态批判、存在精神分析等当代重大的理论与实践问题。

【Abstract】 The dissertation studies the basic logic frame of argumentum and the meta theoretical paradigm of the modern western liberalism. By studying the contemporary related issues in the philosophical jurisprudence, social philosophy and political theory , such as basic notion of political liberty , liberty and rights , rule of law and integrity , institutional stability etc. and by analyzing political rationality, the originality of main current in liberalism, communitarianism , the Rawls’ theory of justice, Dworkin’s theory of integrity of law , the nature history construction of freedom( from Marx) etc. , I try to describe the basic notion of the predominant modern liberalism and the theoretical frameworks of analytic philosophy and traditions of western philosophy as far as the inner relationship between the stability of social system and the integrity of law was concerned.Liberalism theory strongly depends on a view of law as integrity chiefly based on the so called moral conviction of constitution to find a way towards a well ordered society or stability .To mining the deep intercourse of the integrity of law and the institutional stability , the dissertation makes a transition at the level of the post modern ontology through the tradition that liberalism congenial with ontology to cultivate a more strong view of stability at a background of post-modern /post -empiricism metaphysics . Furthermore, the dissertation probes the natural-history-transition theory of liberal view of Marxism that deals with the expectancy of ecological liberty theory contemportory liberalism cannot fulfilled.Piercing through the full text is a method of analytic-ontology come from Aristotle and Marx, in the deeper sense is to adduce a kind of basic support structure for historical and behavioral theory of critic reason or philosophical anthropology. Chapter one, Liberalism, this chapter analyses the core doctrine and historical background of liberalism, the trends of after liberalism, critics of communitarians, the deep rooted contradistinction of constitutional concept with the postmodern perspectives of public reason and over-lapping consensus withheld in many contemportory liberals.Chapter two discusses the possibility of stability within liberal views of law as integrity. We also discuss the collisions of concept of law between legal-positivism, pragmatic jurisprudence with Dworkin’s concept of law as mode of principle and integrity, then we discuss the intercourse between transcendent frame of reasonablecustoms of the pre/post/modem metaphysics and institutional integrity that provide the stability .The dissertation then discusses Marx’s theory of liberty .we hold that Marx’s concept of natural, history and liberal personality, the problem of ecological liberty such as animal liberation are beyond the domain of institutional stability liberals were limited.In the epilogue, I discuss the critic of ideology, existential psychoanalysis etc., strongly recommend future studies in the critical anthropology and political unconsciousness.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】D90
  • 【下载频次】1001