

【作者】 王胜利

【导师】 荣长海;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 在马克思恩格斯最初创立的科学社会主义理论体系中,教育就是一项重要内容。他们极为重视教育的社会地位和作用。后来,在近100年的社会主义社会建设历程中,几乎每一个社会主义国家执政的无产阶级政党及其领袖都非常重视教育。然而,许多国家,包括中国,在社会主义社会建设中都在很大一段时间中没能正确认识教育在社会主义社会建设与发展中的地位与作用,使社会主义社会的发展失去了应有的坚实基础和强大动力。因此,认真研究科学社会主义理论与实践中的一项重要课题——教育与中国社会主义社会发展的关系,具有很重要的理论和实际意义。 几千年来,中国积淀了丰富的教育思想,形成了深厚的教育传统,也产生了许多教育大家。然而,当西方资本主义迅速发展的时候,中国教育不仅一步步远离近现代人类文明,也拖住了中国社会前进的步伐。新中国成立后,中国教育有了飞跃的发展,推动了新中国各项事业的进步。但新中国的教育发展也同新中国的发展历程一样曲折多难,甚至灾难更多更深重。80年代中期以来,以发达国家为先导,世界大多数国家的教育加速发展,经济社会在教育发展的强有力推动下日新月异。新技术革命、知识经济使各国的综合国力竞争焦点迅速定位在教育竞争上。教育不强,国家必弱。没有合格的教育,中国社会主义社会的发展就是一句空话。于是,中国共产党的第三代领导集体确定了这样的国策:“教育是立国之本。”“要把教育摆在优先发展的重要战略位置”。 中国教育积弊太久,欠帐太多。面对世界教育的飞速发展与激烈竞争,面对现存的严重问题和严峻挑战,我们必须冷静思考、深入分析、勇于探索,找出一条战胜困难和挑战的发展之路,使中国教育尽快缩短与发达国家教育的差距,并走入强国之列。进入21世纪,随着教育战略地位不断提升和作用的日益重大,我们必须从新的视角审视教育,以新的观念认识教育,将其作为中国社会主义社会理论与实践的核心问题之一进行研究、考察,从本质上把握新世纪的中国教育,推动其快速发展,推动中国社会主义社会的全面进步。中国社会主义事业的盛哀成败取决于正在进行的现代化建设。教育的总体发展水平和方向,决定着中国社会主义现代化建设的总体水平和方向;科教竞争力和实力已成为国家综合竞争力和实力的重要核心内容之一。科技创新能力是其竞争力和实力的基础;建立有中国特色的教育体制是推动中国社会主义经济、政治、文化发展的重要的战略性事业。在知识经济时代,教育本身就是产业,教育的发展将成为国民经济发展的巨大动力。教育是社会主义民主法制建设的重要前提,社会主义事业接班人的培养离不开教育,这就意味着,社会主义民主政治建设要随着教育的进步而发展。教育也是社会主义精神文明建设极为重要的基础,在全社会形成共同理想和精神支柱是教育的根本任务之一。 教育已经成为中国社会主义理论与实践的重要战略性问题,教育己直接关系着中国的生产力发展,关系着综合国力增强和国际地位的提高,甚至在某种程度上决定着社会主义在中国的发展进程。我们必须把教育纳入重要议事日程,在实际工作中切实重视起来,使我国教育快速、健康发展,推动经济社会的发展。 出于对教育重要社会地位与作用的认识和实际工作中的感受,笔者确定了这样的选题,力求在理论上阐明教育与中国社会主义社会发展的内在关系,探索中国教育在新时代条件下的改革与发展之路。

【Abstract】 In the theory of scientific socialism originally created by Marx and Engles, education is the very important part of it. They thought highly of it very much. After that, in the course of socialism construction nearly 100 years, almost every Party in power and leader of socialist countries had also paid great attention to it. But a lot of countries, including China, didn’t realize the status and function in the construction and development of socialism correctly for a long period in that course, so the socialism development lost firm foundation and mighty motive force. To study this very important issue of the theory andpractice of the socialism attentively -- the relation between the educationand the socialism society development has very important meaning.For thousands of years, China has accumulated plenty of education thoughts, formed profound education tradition and brought about many great educators. But in the course of rapid development of the capitalism, Chinese education became further and further from human civilization. After the creation of the PRC, the education of China developed greatly, pushed on the development of every aspect of the society. While the development of the education in new China is the same with the course of it full of difficulties. Since the middle of 1980’s of last century, leading by the advanced countries, the education of many countries have developed greatly and pushed on by it, the economy and society also developed greatly. New technology revolution and knowledge economy have made education the focus of the competition among the synthesis state power. Without a powerful education, the state will be weak. So the third generation leadership group of the CPC have made sure the police of the state; " Education is the foundation of the state." " Put education on the very important strategy position and give priority to the development of it."Facing the rapid development and fierily competition among the world education, the serious problems and the challenges, we must think calmly, analyses deeply, quest bravely, try to find a road to progress, make the education of China develop greatly and step in the rank of the advanced countries. In the 21 century, with the strategy position of education becominghigher and more important, we must realize education from new aspect and view, study it as one of the core questions of the socialism theory and practice, in order to make it progress more rapidly and also the Chinese socialist society. The level and development orientation of Chinese education will decide on those of the Chinese modernization construction. Education is the base of the science and technology innovation.Building up the education system with Chinese characteristic to push on the economy, politics and culture development of China is the very important strategy task. Because of the realizing of the importance of education and the practice work feeling, the author selected this issue, trying to enunciate the relation of education and the development of Chinese socialism society, request the reform and development road of the Chinese education in the new century.

  • 【分类号】G521
  • 【被引频次】5
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