

Study on Lubricant Mechanism and Design of Water Lubricated Plastic Alloy Bearings

【作者】 彭晋民

【导师】 秦大同; 王家序;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 轴承是机器中用来支撑轴的一种重要零件,如何减少轴承与轴之间的动摩擦,提高机械效率,一直是滑动轴承设计者所研究和迫切需要解决的课题,设计者们在轴承结构、润滑剂、减摩材料及制造加工工艺等方面进行了大量的改进工作。利用天然水替代矿物油作为各种机械传动和流体动力系统工作介质以及利用非金属作为传动摩擦副的研究课题,是机械传动系统的高效节能与环境保护科学研究领域的前沿,现已引起了人们的普遍关注,并成为国内外竞相研究的热点。水润滑轴承便是因兼顾以上优点而得以广泛应用的传动结构件之一。但水润滑轴承作为一个研究课题,仍存在大量问题需要解决。在理论上,进一步完善水润滑轴承的润滑理论,研究非金属材料摩擦副在以水为润滑介质情况下的润滑机理;在设计和应用上提高该轴承的承载能力扩大其应用范围;这些研究均具有普遍而重要的意义。论文的研究工作得到“九五”国家重点科技攻关项目的资助。论文针对水润滑轴承的结构和润滑特点结合弹性力学和弹流润滑理论,建立了由水润滑条件下的雷诺方程、变形方程和载荷方程组成的基本方程组,并将该方程组作为润滑机理的数学模型。塑料合金的弹性变形对载荷的敏感性是基本方程组不易得到收敛的数值解的重要原因,作者应用多重网格法并采用适当的网格划分和迭代初值编制了计算程序,成功求得数值解。根据数值解结果绘出了压强分布曲线和水膜形状曲线,以此作为理论基础分析了轴承的润滑特性。在理论分析的基础上,通过实验考查了水润滑轴承摩擦学性能,验证了润滑机理的正确性。论文对水润滑轴承的材料进行改性研究,从硫化体系、补强填充体系和软化增塑体系等方面选择适当的配方来提高其力学性能和摩擦学性能。通过实验分析了各体系对材料性能的影响并确定了各种填料的含量。在确定基础配方后,运用玻璃纤维和碳纤维的增强作用,并加入纳米级的氧化锌晶须(ZnOw),提高了轴承材料的力学性能,同时还降低了其摩擦因数。最终得到的新型塑料合金轴承材料力学性能可达到或超过美国国防部颁布的MIL-B-17901(船舶)军用标准。在实验研究的基础上得到了水润滑塑料合金轴承的结构参数,并分析了制造过程中的主要工艺参数-温度、压强和时间对轴承性能的影响,得到了制造轴承的最佳工艺路线,保证轴承有良好的使用性能和较长的使用寿命。运用屏显式MPV-20B摩擦磨损实验机模拟实际工况,研究了间隙、载荷及转<WP=5>速对水润滑轴承润滑性能的影响;得到其最大承载能力和最高转速。

【Abstract】 The bearing is a kind of important part in the machine for supporting spindles. It is an urgent question for discussion to solve how to reduce the friction between bearings and shafts and how to improve the efficiency. Devisers have done many works to improve the performance of bearings, which include structure, lubricant, subtract friction material, and manufacturing process aspect. The topic of using tap water to substitute mineral oil as medium in many kinds of mechanical transmissions and liquid dynamical systems is the front of saving energy sources in mechanical transmission systems and environment protection science research area. It has also arose the attention pervasively, and been a hotspot in developed countries in the world.Water lubrication bearing is one of the components widely used in transmission because it has lots of merits mentioned above. But from research and development of the water lubrication bearing, we can see that as a young topic, it still has many problems to be researched. The topic has prevalent and import meaning not only on the mechanism but also in design and application. It includes perfect the lubricate mechanism on water lubricated bearings, and to fill up mechanism of non-mental material friction pairs make water as the lubrication medium, even to enlarge the apply range of the bearings and material. Basic equations include Reynolds equation, deform equation and load equation are set on the base of bearings’ structure. Elastic mechanic theory and elastic hydrodynamic lubricated(EHL) theory are used during deduce equations. Equations are made as mathematic model in the paper.The important reason of not easy to get the convergent numerical solution is that plastic alloy’s elasticity deform is sensitive to the load. Multi grid method is used and appropriate grid is set during get the numerical solution. Calculate program are programmed after choose alternate initial value. Numerical solution is get by the program. The pressure distributing graph and water membrane figure are protracted by the Numerical solution. Then we used it as the mechanism basic to analyse the bearings’ lubrication characteristic. The influence for bearings on speed and load are discussed by experiments. Currents of the experimental result are same as the theory analysis. From that the mechanism is proved to be correct.Research on modifying bearings’ material performance was done in the paper. Vulcanize system, stronger filling in system, fence system, and intenerate increase mold<WP=7>system are selected to advance its mechanic performance and tribology performance. Influence between appropriate component and material are discussed by experiment. At the same time, short fiber technique are used to enhance the dynamics capability of the bearing’ material, and reduce its co-friction obviously. Then the new material for BTG water lubrication plastic alloy bearings is get. Its mechanic capability should attain or exceeded MIL-B-17901B standard (shipping) issued by US DOD.In the structure design, experience formula and experiment data are combined to get the bearings’ figure parameter. PVT graph and appropriate long: diameter ratio are get. The best L: D ratio is 4:1. At the same time, some experiments of the pressure about time and temperature are done. Even then the best molding parameter of the BTG water lubrication plastic alloy bearings are get. Influence that caused by different factors on the lubricate capability of the water lubrication bearings are discussed through the experiment. Finally performance about the great carrying capacity and the speed are get.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期