

Research on the Agile Product Configuration and Flexible Production Controlling for Mass Customization

【作者】 李涛

【导师】 谭建荣;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 本文在探讨了大批量定制的相关技术的基础上,较为系统地研究了大批量定制下,配置产品的建模、表达和执行控制的理论与方法。试图能够在设计、制造和销售服务等产品生命周期的全过程建立起面向大批量定制的集成信息系统。本文重点研究了产品族建模的方法和实现技术,研究了客户需求驱动的产品配置设计的方法,研究了如何组建敏捷供需链并实现客户、制造商和供应商之间的信息交换,给出了敏捷供需链中生产运作管理的相关技术及应用方法。本文的研究不仅具有重要的理论价值,而且在工程实践中也体现了一定的实用价值。 第一章在阐述制造企业环境的变化与面临问题的基础上,指出了大批量定制生产模式出现的原因和其特点。详细分析了大批量定制生产中产品族建模技术、面向敏捷供需链的企业重组技术和大批量定制的生产管理等方面的研究现状。指出了现有研究的不足,提出了亟待解决的问题。提出了面向MC的信息系统的基本结构框架,给出了相关各分系统的信息集成和功能集成的问题。最后给出了本文主要研究内容、技术路线和论文的组织结构。 第二章针对大批量定制中产品族结构的特点,给出了采用面向对象技术的产品功能结构单元的定义,并提出了产品功能结构树为核心、产品功能结构单元与零部件族建立实例化关联的产品族结构模型。针对模型的实现和信息集成,提出了基于产品特征分离的BOM结构和产品功能结构BOM与配置产品BOM分离策略的模型实现方法,并对具体的产品族模型实现技术做了详细地研究。 第三章针对大批量定制生产的配置设计信息表达,研究了采用复合知识表示法建立机械产品的配置规则信息知识库的方法。提出了基于知识和产品功能结构单元的产品族配置模板,并以此为基础,给出了产品族的配置信息模型。对客户需求干涉的判断,给出了冲突度和协同度的定义规则。提出了基于客户需求映射和层次分析法的产品族配置模板的配置求解的基本算法,实现产品配置模板的配置设计过程。 第四章提出了面向配置产品的敏捷供需链模型,将客户配置管理与供需链管理集成,充分利用联盟企业的设计、制造资源,以增加企业产品多样性、降低产品成本、缩短产品交付时间。对于客户与制造企业以及制造企业之间如何进行面向MC的敏捷供需链的组织和运作,提出基于WEB的定单配置系统框架,并提出了采用ISP形式的敏捷供需链构建方案,探讨了ISP代理的应用构建框架和处理业务。 第五章指出了实现大批量定制生产的成本和速度要求,不仅仅是产品设计方法学的问题,如何在生产过程中控制和优化配置产品的执行也是关键手段。提出了MC生产环境下的MRPⅡ/JIT混合的生产管理系统的基本框架,并重点讨论了主生产计划、物料需求计划和车间作业控制的相关技术。提出了联盟企业的随机MPS方法、基于瓶颈工序的车间作业计划编制算法和动态调度的策略。 第六章介绍了在本文理论研究的基础上,开发的产品配置设计应用系统和柔性生产管理浙江大学博士学位论文:面向大批量定制的敏捷产品配置与柔性生产控制的研究系统,介绍了系统的结构特点和主要模块的功能,部分实现了关于面向MC的集成信息管理系统的构想,验证了本文理论的有效性。第七章对全文进行了总结,并展望了今后的研究工作。

【Abstract】 Based on the discussion of the relative technologies of Mass Customization (MC), this dissertation makes a systematic research of the theory and method of the modeling and expression of the product family configuration and the configuration product’s implementing and controlling, meanwhile, tries to establish an integrated information system which can support the product lifecycle management. The emphases of this dissertation are on the methods of product family modeling and realization, the methods of the product configuration design for customer’s requirement, the agile supply chain management (ASCM) and the flexible production management system in detail. The research has important values of the theory and practice, and it has been applied in the enterprises successfully.In the 1st chapter, based on the summarization of the changes in the environment of modern manufacturing enterprises and the main problems in these enterprises, the dissertation presents the causes of appearance and characters of MC. Then, this chapter analyzes the development of product family modeling, the BPR of ASCM and flexible production management of MC, discusses the limits of the known researches and brings forward the problems needed to be solved. Meanwhile, the dissertation presents an architecture of the information system oriented to MC and analyzes the integrating of information and functions between the sub systems. Finally, the purpose, significance and key research contents of this dissertation are briefly described.In the 2nd chapter, the definition of Product Function and Structure Components (PFSC) based on OO technology is presented. At the same time, a product family structure model is established. This model’s basis is the Product Function and Structure Components tree, and it sets up the relations between PFSC and instances of product family. Furthermore, a new BOM based-on character separation and PFSC BOM is given to build the configuration product structure. How to realize the product family model in information system is also given in detail.In the 3rd chapter, to meet the requirements of the expression of the configuration design information, a product configuration template (PCT) based on PFSC is formulated. The PCT can respond to the specific requirements of customer and work out the product configuration rapidly. An information model of PCT and the approach to generate configuration solution are also illustrated. Because of great variety in structure of mechanical products, multiple ways to express the configuration knowledge are introduced. Moreover, the PCT presents a mapping algorithm and an AHP algorithm to solve the configuration process.In the 4th chapter, a model of ASCM for MC through the integration of the customer requirement management and the supply chain management is presented. The design and manufacturing resource of ally enterprise can be used thoroughly, thus to realize the cost, time andvariety demand of MC. As to the organizing of Agile Supply Chain Management, this chapter presents a scenario of ASCM constitution that is based on ISP. The application framework of ISP and business processing are also presented.the 5th chapter points out that the realization of MC based not only on design methodology but also on the controlling in manufacturing. Then, presents a hybrid system of MRP II /JIT to build the framework of flexible production management system. Further more, researches the relative technologies of MPS, MRP and SFC, presents an optimization model of stochastic MPS based on bi-directional consuming forecast and heuristic algorithm. A schedule of SFC based on bottleneck working procedure and a dynamic dispatching strategy are also given in this chapter.In the 6th chapter, a product configuration design system and a flexible production management system are described. The two systems’ architecture characters and main modules are introduced, partly realized the idea of integrated information management system which is oriented to MC. These applications testify the

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期