

Study on Nonlinear FEM of Self-propelled Guns and Technology of Visual Simulation

【作者】 王长武

【导师】 陈运生;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 火炮、自动武器与弹药工程, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 本文研究的自行火炮非线性有限元法的动力学仿真及其后处理技术是国防“九五”重点预研项目“先进加榴炮系统仿真技术研究”的部分内容,其研究成果主要有以下几个方面:1、提出了自行火炮系统模块化、参数化的仿真建模方法,自行火炮分为后坐部分等六个组成模块,每个模块采用参数化建模,便于修改局部设计参数,提高了建模效率。2、建立了某自行火炮的三维实体模型和全炮有限元模型,求解了各主要部件以及全炮的固有频率,与试验数据相比较符合较好。3、讨论了非线性有限元动力学方程的建立及其解法,提出了用增量逐步迭代法求解非线性有限元动力学方程组,在每一个载荷步内用Newton-Raphson法或修正的Newton-Raphson法进行迭代求解,并分析了解的稳定性和收敛精度。4、应用大幅度转动约束单元、非线性弹簧阻尼单元、三维五节点接触单元分别模拟自行火炮履带板之间的转动约束连接、悬挂非线性振动及负重轮与履带板之间的接触和履带板与地面的接触问题;根据材料非线性理论,提出利用Drucker—Prager材料建立土壤的非线性有限元模型。5、通过求解全炮非线性有限元模型,得到了某自行火炮发射全过程的车体大位移滑动、俯仰运动、炮口扰动等非线性动态响应。比较了在考虑土壤的材料非线性、履带与地面的接触以及不考虑这两种非线性状态下的仿真结果。6、编制了多体动力学数值仿真软件与I-DEAS的数据接口,实现了基于I-DEAS的自行火炮发射动力学仿真可视化。在3D MAX开发环境中,利用纹理、光照等技术进行了自行火炮的真实感建模,通过曲线拟合,模拟火炮各个部件在发射过程中的运动规律,并结合声音和炮口火焰效果,实现了自行火炮发射动力学的多媒体描述。7、基于TCP/IP协议、OpenGL、Client/Server、面向对象等技术,在LAN平台上建立了火炮发射动力学分布式实时仿真系统,为研究虚拟火炮打下了坚实基础。

【Abstract】 This paper focuses on launch dynamics of self-propelled gun with nonlinear Finite Element Methods and post-processing technology, based on "the Ninth National Five years project" of defense keystone research task of dynamic simulation technique study. The main results are concluded as followings: I ) A modeling method of modularization and parameterization is presented. The whole system is composed of six modules, each module is based on parameterization modeling, which makes modification easier and modeling efficient higher. II) A 3-D model and finite element model of a self-propelled gun is built. The intrinsic frequencies of all main assemblies and full gun are got, which are consistent with experiment data. III) The construction and solution of nonlinear finite element dynamics equations are analyzed, and the increment iteration method is used to solve them, in which Newton-Raphson or modified Newton-Raphson is adopted, also the stability of solution and convergence precision are discussed. IV) Revolute joint element, nonlinear spring-damper element, 3-D 5 points contact element are applied to simulate the revolute restriction between two caterpillar boards, suspension nonlinear vibration, contact between wheels and caterpillar boards, and contact between caterpillar boards and ground are considered respectively. Drucker-Prager material is employed to simulate reinforced concrete. V) The nonlinear dynamic response of vehicle, projectile, and gun barrel is derived by the nonlinear FEM. It is compared simulation results in which material nonlinearity of ground and contact nonlinearity between caterpillar boards and ground are considered with those without the former nonlinear factors. VI) The interface between multi-body simulation system and I-DEAS is developed, and the visual simulation of self-propelled gun is fulfilled based on the I-DEAS platform. Multi-media shows of self-propelled gun are accomplished including curve simulation, texturing, lighting technology voice effect, flame effect, etc. VII) Distributed real-time dynamics simulation system for virtual self-propelled gun, which is a solid basis for virtual-reality gun, is set up through LAN, based on TCP/IP protocol, OpenGL, Client/Server, Object Oriented, etc.

  • 【分类号】TJ818
  • 【被引频次】29
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