

【作者】 徐元景

【导师】 牛欣;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 中西医结合基础生理, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 随着全球的信息化浪潮和Internet的发展,医疗资料的数字化和可交流性日益受到医疗人士,包括中医师的重视。本文旨在研究中医医疗档案的数字化、中医“望闻问切”的数字化记录和建立可交流的中医相关数据库。全套系统包括笔记本电脑、多功能脉象诊断仪、舌象采集系统和专用的中医辅助诊断软件系统。中医脉诊历来在中医学中占有重要的地位,利用现代计算机技术,辅助并模拟复杂的中医脉诊过程,促进中医药学的现代化发展,是继承和发扬祖国传统医学的一项重要研究课题。针对目前脉象形成机理尚未完全搞清、没有能全面反映脉象属性变化的脉诊仪问世的现状,在国家自然科学基金和国家中医药管理局重点课题的资助下,我们在原有的MX-II、ZJ-2型脉诊仪的基础上,进一步研制了新型的多功能脉象诊断仪,并开发了脉动信号的拾取和分析软件,进行了一定量的临床脉象采集工作,初步探讨了脉象的位、数、形、势形成机理与脉图特征点的关系。新型的多功能脉象诊断仪是采用集电阻应变式、光感式、电阻抗式传感器于一身的组合式传感器,可以同步描记脉波压力波、心电图II导联、阻抗容积波和指端容积波。与以前的脉诊仪相比,新型脉象诊断仪便于携带、使用方便,其核心部分只有220g重,采用USB供电,无需外接电源,便于医生出诊使用。在人机对照探讨脉图参数特征的过程中,根据脉图参数值,运用“位、数、形、势”理论,可以初步分析出脉搏的“位、数、形、势”等基本脉搏特征。即使在压力脉图中,不同的脉象的脉图特征也可以在一定程度上得到相应的体现。望舌诊病是中医学独特的诊断方法。望舌可以了解脏腑气血的盛衰、病邪所在的浅深、病情变化的进退,对处方用药和判断预后有重大意义。舌体裸露舌象变化迅速而明显,是病情变化最灵敏的外象反应,而且此诊法简便易行,所以它已成为临床辨证必不可少的客观依据。客观记录和描述舌的图像,是中医数字化和信息化的重要组成部分。近年来,随着计算机技术的飞跃发展,利用计算机来处理舌诊内容已成为重要的研究方法。我们研究组在中医舌象真彩色图像系统研究的基础上,以RGB色彩分析模型为基础,结合数码技术,在既往的中医数字化脉诊研究、中医辅助诊断软件开发的基础上,初步开发了中医彩色舌诊图像记录和处理系统。中医辅助诊疗系统是指利用计算机技术,辅助中医师记录病情、参与辨证、提示诊断、协助处方以及进行某些远程医疗和教学的计算机辅助系统。我们课题组在上世纪九十年代曾经开发出适用于中医临证及辅助教学的计算机模拟系统(TCMCADS生成系统)并获得获北京市优秀教学成果一等奖。随着计算机技术的飞速发展,原有的软件系统已经不能满足现有的临床、科研及教学的需要,同时由于有了更快的计算机硬件系统、更完善的软件开发平台和方兴未艾的国际互联网技术,使得以前很难实现的或不可能实现的设想(如实时辅助诊疗和远程医疗和教学)逐渐成为可能。我们在TCMCADS生成系统的基础上,发展了其合理的医理设计,重新编写了新的中医辅助诊疗系统软件,进行病历记录、辅助诊断和脉象舌象采集。

【Abstract】 With the global information-based tide and globalization of traditional Chinese medicine, digital and standard Chinese medicine has been risen to the schedule, It is increasing constantly to carry on the demands of exchanging, teaching, scientific research of Chinese medicine by modern computer technology and Internet. This system is based on the TCMCADS which had been developed early. It can make digital examination by feeling the pulse and viewing tongue , gather and reappear the pulse image of Chinese medicine, as well as tongue pictures. It offers an easy to use platform for Chinese medicine doctor’s clinical work.Pulse-feeling diagnosis method has always been very important in traditional Chinese medical science. It is very necessary to use the up-dated computer science and technology to help and imitate the complicated course of pulse-feeling, promoting Chinese medical science. We manufacture a new multi-function diagnosis apparatus, and exploit software independently to acquire and analyze the pulse signals. The new multi-function diagnosis apparatus, by using the integrated sensor, which includes resistance strain gauge, photohead and impedance sensor, is only 220g in weight and is powered by the USB port of the notebook. It is able to collect the pulse pressure, input impedance of radialis artery signal, finger-point blood volume signal and electrocardiogram II signal at the same time or detect each signal alone. According to the theory of "pulse position, rate, shape and force" , we analyzed preliminarily the pulse’s properties and tried to establish the organic relations among pulse conditions, wave graphs, diseases, syndromes and syndromes and symptoms.The tongue examination is based on a digital camera and the RGB color model to record the picture of the tongue and can analysis the color of the tongue point by point.The assistant diagnostic system of TCM consists of the pulse-feeling and tongue examination apparatus and case recording software. It can assist doctor to record the case and give some diagnosis and prescription advices to him.

  • 【分类号】R241
  • 【被引频次】14
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