

On Deixis of Demonstrative "zhe" and "na

【作者】 王道英

【导师】 范开泰;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 现代汉语, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 指示是人类语言的普遍现象。汉语中最常见、最典型、最复杂的指示词语是“这”和“那”类指代词。在以往的语用学研究中,篇章指示被认为是不典型的“指示”。但在自然语言处理中,篇章指示有着特殊重要性。本文运用“指示”理论和衔接理论重新对汉语“这”与“那”类指代词进行分类。同时以大量真实文本为语料,详细探讨“这”、“那”指代词在情景语境中的手势和非手势指示、上下文语境中回指、预指等现象的规律或倾向性规律。全文共分七章。第一章绪论。本章简要介绍了语言中的指示现象,以往的研究及研究现代汉语篇章中“这”、“那”类指示的必要性,本研究的目的。同时指出本文立论依据和具体研究方法。第二章指示类型。本章以西方“指示”理论和“衔接”理论为基础,重新对现代汉语“这”、“那”类指代词在篇章中的指示进行分类。第三章直接指示。本章研究“这”与“那”在非语言环境中的手势用法和非手势用法。语料分析表明,“这”与“那”在语篇中直接指示的出现频率并不高,我们主要借鉴语用学指示研究中手势用法、象征用法理论,分析现代汉语中“这”与“那”类指代规律。第四章回指(一)——显性回指。本章主要研究先行词在前,回指项在后,先行词和回指项共指的显性回指。我们以被替代成分(先行词)的句法功能为着眼点,详细讨论“这”与“那”类段内回指中名词性、动词性、小句性回指,以及跨段回指的指代规律。第五章回指(二)——隐性回指。本章主要研究先行词在前,回指项在后,先行词和回指项之间非共指的隐性回指。根据回指项和先行词之间的隐性关系,本章主要讨论“这”与“那”类指示中部分—整体型、联想型、总括型等隐性回指指代规律。第六章预指。本章主要研究先行词(被指代项)在后,回指项(指代项)在前的“这”与“那”类指代词的预指规律。语料频率统计显示,预指在汉语中的出现频率相当低,本章简要讨论了“这”与“那”类在篇章中的用法。第七章结论与启示。通过对书面语语料中“这”与“那”类指示在语言环境、非语言环境中的考察,总结本研究的理论意义、实用价值。

【Abstract】 Deixis is a universal phenomenon in human languages. The most typical and complicated deictic words in modern Chinese are demonstrative pronouns this and that. In previous studies, deixis in discourse was considered untypical. But it plays an important role in natural language understanding. Based on the theories of Deixis and Cohesion, this dissertation reclassifies Chinese demonstrative pronouns this and that. Meanwhile, by using real data in our corpus, we attempt to investigate the gestural and symbolic usage of this and that in situational context and anaphora and cataphora in linguistic context. The dissertation is composed of seven chapters.Chapter 1 is the introduction. It briefly introduces the pervasive phenomena of deixis in natural languages and overviews the previous studies on deixis both in the West and Chinese. We also present the necessities and objectives and the foundations and ways of this study. Chapter 2 is the types of deixis. Based on Deixis and Cohesion, we reclassify deictic usage of this and that in Chinese discourse.Chapter 3 is devoted to deixis in situational context. It mainly studies the gestural usage and symbolic usage of Chinese deictic words this and that. The statistic shows that deixis in situational context doesn’t occur frequently. We adopt the deictic theory to study the rules of Chinese deictic words this and that.Chapter 4 is anaphora I——explicit anaphora. It studies the coreferentially explicit relationship between antecedent and anaphor. Based on the function of antecedent, we thoroughly investigate the nominal anaphora, verbal anaphora and clausal anaphora within a paragraph and anaphora across paragraphs. Chapter 5 is anaphora II——implicit anaphora. It studies the coreferentially implicit relationship between antecedent and anaphor. Based on the different relationship between antecedent and anaphor, we mainly analysis the implicit part-whole, associated and inclusive relationship between antecedent and anaphor. Chapter 6 is cataphora. It studies the rules between post-antecedent and anaphor. The statistic shows the occurrence of cataphora is relatively few. Thus we briefly study the formal markers in discourse. Chapter 7 is the conclusion and implications. Through the investigation of situational context and linguistic context of Chinese demonstrative pronouns this and that in real text, we conclude the theoretical implications and practical values of this study.

  • 【分类号】H146
  • 【被引频次】24
  • 【下载频次】2557