

Research and Implementation of Complex Dynamic Real-Time Cooperation Model DReaSCoM

【作者】 王晓东

【导师】 周兴铭;

【作者基本信息】 中国人民解放军国防科学技术大学 , 计算机科学与技术, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 现代科技的进步,尤其是信息科技的突飞猛进,极大地促进了人类社会的协作,计算机在人类社会的协作活动中扮演着愈来愈重要的角色,计算机支持协同工作(Computer Supported Cooperative Work,简称CSCW)成为当今研究的热点之一。 作为人类最复杂的社会活动,战争离不开协作,信息时代的数字化战争更是如此。 由于作战部队的信息处理能力以及相互之间的通信能力有限,在应用于机械化战争的C~4ISR作战指挥控制系统中,各级作战部队之间的协同作战表现为在上级指挥员严格控制下的指令性协同,协同的灵活性差,协作效率低,难以适应瞬息万变的战场态势。 信息技术的发展,以及信息装备的应用,提高了各级指挥员的信息处理能力和相互的通信能力,也促进了作战部队之间以更复杂、灵活、有效的方式协同作战。在美军大力倡导的联合作战体系中,其海军提出了与传统的“平台中心战”所不同的新的作战思想——“网络中心战”,研制了基于高通信能力、高信息处理能力的新一代协同作战指挥控制系统CEC,并已装备部队。 “网络中心战”在协作行为方面对新一代作战指挥控制系统提出了更高的应用需求,包括协作群体结构的复杂性、战场态势的动态性、协同作战决策的连续实时调整、系统内纵横交错的强协同协作等,使目前经典的协作模型难以描述其协作行为。如何应用计算机支持协同工作CSCW技术来支持新一代协同作战指挥控制系统,以提高作战指挥系统的协作能力,目前还没有相应的研究。本文即针对新一代协同作战指挥控制系统这一特殊应用背景,研究其相应的计算机支持协同工作模型及其关键技术,并进行原型系统的设计和验证。 本文试图借助计算机支持协同工作的最新技术,建立新一代协同作战指挥控制系统的协作模型。文中首先分析了协同作战指挥控制系统中的复杂性、动态性、实时性等特性,据此把它抽象为一种复杂的动态实时强协同协作模型DReaSCoM;研究了其中的群体感知和协作控制两项关键技术,提出了适合于协同作战指挥应用特性的动态层次式群体感知机制DHGA和动态层次式协作控制机制DHCC;在此基础上设计了新一代作战指挥控制系统平台原型;最后开发了一个简单的原型验证系统,对本文所构造的协作模型以及相应机制进行了功能验证。 本文研究工作的创新点主要包括以下几个方面: 1.独创性地提出了复杂的层次式协作系统结构——群簇,对传统的“树”型层次结构加以扩充,使其能够描述由多个协作群体组成的复杂大系统(群体的群体)。 2.应用基于Agent的分析和建模方法,建立了协作成员相应的组织和功能结构。 国防科学技术大学研究生院学位论文 3.建立了基于群簇结构的复杂的动态实时强协同协作模型DReaSCOM,通过协作群体内成员之间的横向自主协作和不同协作群体之间的纵向协作控制,实现了新一代作战指挥控制系统中的“集中控制、分布决策”,提供了对新一代作战指挥控制系统中动态、实时、强协同的协作行为的支持。 4.针对协作模型中群体感知和协作控制两项关键技术,提出了动态层次式群体感知机制DHGA和动态层次式协作控制机制DHCC,并作出了进一步的性能分析和评价。 5.设计了新一代协同作战指挥控制原型系统平台。 6.开发了一个简单的原型验证系统,对复杂的动态实时强协同协作模型DReaSCoM以及群体感知机制DHGA和协作控制机制DHCC进行了功能验证。 我们的研究表明,新一代协同作战指挥控制系统具有比当前的协作应用系统更复杂的应用需求,本文所构造的复杂的动态实时强协同协作模型DReaSCoM以及动态层次式群体感知机制DHGA和协作控制机制DHCC,能够有效地描述作战指挥控制系统中复杂的协作行为。 本文探索性地研究了新一代协同作战指挥控制系统中的协作模型,为我军新一代协同作战指挥控制系统的研制提供了理论和实践的尝试,具有重要的参考价值。 由于协同作战指挥控制系统功能复杂、系统庞大,受人力、资金等条件限制,本文所作的研究工作还很初步,我军新一代协同作战指挥控制系统的实现还需要我们不懈的努力。

【Abstract】 The great progress of modern technology, especially the IT (information technology), promotes the cooperation among human beings. Computer has been playing a much more important role in people’s cooperation than ever before. CSCW (Computer Supported Cooperative Work) becomes a hot topic in recent years.As the most complicated social activities, combat cannot be commanded without cooperation, especially in the Information Age.Due to the limited capabilities of communicating and information processing, combating units can only cooperate under the commanding of their superiors in traditional C4ISR (Command, Control, Communication, Computer, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) systems. The directed cooperation is too inefficient to be applied in modern battlefield.Those commanders’ capabilities of communicating and information processing have been improved due to the great progress of information technology. They can cooperate in more efficient, flexible, and complex ways. In the "Network Centered Warfare" proposed by US Navy, which is different from traditional "Platform Centered Warfare", CEC (Cooperative Engagement Capabilities) had been developed and is equipped for US Navy currently.The cooperation in Network Centered Warfare is more complex than before, including the complexities of group structures, the dynamics of battlefield situation, the continuous realtime adjustment of combatant strategy, and the strong cooperation in horizontal and vertical directions. Those conventional cooperation models cannot describe the cooperative behavior in modern C4ISR system. In this dissertation, a new cooperation model and key technologies for modern C4ISR system are studied. And a prototype is also designed and developed to validate the cooperation model proposed in the thesis.Firstly, the properties of cooperation in C4ISR system, such as complexity, dynamic and real-time, are described. A new cooperation model, DReaSCoM (Dynamic Real-time Strong Cooperation Model), is proposed. Two key technologies of cooperation model-group awareness and cooperation control, are studied, and specific mechanisms for group awareness and cooperation control in DReaSCoM, DHGA and DHCC, are also proposed. As a result, a prototype of the dynamic real-time strong cooperation system is developed to verify the cooperation model DReaSCoM and related mechanisms.The study of the thesis can be concluded as follows.1. A new complex hierarchical structure, Group Cluster, is firstly proposed. Expanded from traditional tree structure, the Group Cluster can illustrate the complex system.2. The architecture and functional structure of cooperators are constructed using agent-based models.3. The cooperation model DReaSCoM is built on group cluster. The ’Centered Command, Distributed Decision’ in modern C4ISR system can be realized through horizontal intra-group cooperation and vertical inter-group cooperation.4. .A new group awareness mechanism, DHGA, and a new cooperation control mechanism, DHCC, are proposed for the dynamic hierarchical cooperation of cooperation model DReaSCoM, and their performance are also evaluated.5. A platform of the new generation of C4ISR system is designed based on the cooperation model DReaSCoM.6. A prototype is developed to validate the cooperation model DReaSCoM and the related mechanisms, DHGA and DHCC.It can be concluded from the thesis that the new generation of C4ISR system is more complex than common cooperative systems, and the cooperation model DReaSCoM, DHGA group awareness mechanism and DHCC cooperation control mechanism can be applied to describe the cooperative behaviors of modern C4ISR system.
