

Study on Microsatellite Magnetic Attitude Control and Three Axis Passivity Stabilization

【作者】 李太玉

【导师】 张育林;

【作者基本信息】 中国人民解放军国防科学技术大学 , 航空宇航科学与技术, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 从20世纪80年代美国军方提出了现代小卫星的概念以来,现代微小卫星技术发展非常迅速,微小卫星是目前航天器发展的一个重要方向。现代微小卫星具有重量轻、性能好、研制周期短、造价低等优点。现代小卫星可通过构成星座或进行编队飞行大大的提高了卫星的性能。作为现代微小卫星关键部分,现代微小卫星的姿态控制系统需具有结构简单、质量轻、工作时间长和可靠性高的特点。本文在国家高技术航天领域“863-2”基金资助下,对微小卫星姿态磁控制和三轴姿态被动稳定方法进行了系统的研究。 通过对卫星姿态动力学方程分析,得出卫星的势函数,结合卫星的势函数和角动量方程导出各姿态之间变化关系,提出利用地磁场实现偏置动量轮卫星姿态稳定的控制规律。 通过对在轨卫星地磁场强度的变化规律分析,将卫星磁力矩器产生的磁矩按富利哀级数展开,根据卫星所需卸载角动量大小,按照最优控制理论求出三轴磁矩取值,得到一种新的利用地磁场给飞轮卸载的方法。 根据磁力矩在地磁场中的定向阻尼特性,提出了磁控重力梯度卫星和携带阻尼器的非重力梯度姿态控制规律,根据地磁场强度变化规律选择控制系数,提高卫星的姿态控制精度。 根据地磁力矩定向阻尼特性和线性叠加理论,提出仅用磁力矩器实现对地指向卫星三轴姿态稳定的控制规律。 结合李亚普诺夫方法和模糊控制理论实现微小卫星姿态磁控制。通过构造李亚普诺夫函数得出切变流形函数,得到一种开关控制,利用模糊控制克服了常规开关控制所固有的抖振现象。 通过对卫星地磁场和微分Riccati方程进行近似处理,给出有外界扰动和结构化摄动圆轨道卫星系统的H_∞磁姿态控制规律。 通过对卫星姿态动力学方程分析,给出如何利用环境力矩实现微小卫星三轴姿态被动稳定,并提出三种利用环境力矩实现微小卫星三轴姿态被动稳定方案,即一种利用气动力矩和重力梯度实现微小卫星三轴姿态被动稳定方案和两种利用重力梯度和地磁力矩实现微小卫星三轴姿态被动稳定方案,对采用这三种方案的卫星的姿态运动进行详细分国防科技大学研究生院学位论文析。

【Abstract】 Since the concept of microsatellite was proposed in the 80’s 20 centuries, its techniques have made great progress in recent years, the development of which is a significant trend in the aerospace area. The microsatellite characterized with light weight, good performance, short development cycle, low cost and its performance can be enhanced greatly by means of constellation or formation flying. As a key section of microsatellite, the microsatellite attitude control system should have the feature of simple configuration, light weight, long working time and high reliability. In this paper, the methods of microsatellite magnetic attitude control and three axis passivity stabilization are studied systemically under the " 863-2 " fund aiding.The microsatellite attitude control system possesses the characteristics of simple configuration, light quality, long working time and high reliability. According to this, the microsatellite magnetic attitude control and three-axis attitude passive stabilization are studied systematically.Through the analysis of the attitude dynamic equation, the potential energy function is derived. The relationships of attitude varieties are derived from energy function and angle momentum equation and thus the attitude control laws of bias momentum satellite are put forward.Through the analysis of the dynamic characteristic of geomagnetic intensity in a orbit, the magnetic dipoles produced by magnetorquer are expanded in Fourier series. The new method of momentum unloading is educed according to the need of the sum of unloaded momentum, and the magnetic dipoles are figured out under the theory of optimal control.According to the direction and damping characteristic of the torque produced by the magnetorquers, the three axis attitude control schemes of gravity gradient satellite and other satellite with damper is presented. The control coefficients are determined by the dynamic characteristics of geomagnetic intensity, so the attitude control precision is improved.According to the direction and damping characteristic of magnetic torque and the theory of linearity, the scheme of satellite attitude control just using magnetic torque is presented.The magnetic attitude control laws for the microsatellite are presented from Lyapunov function and the theory of fuzzy control. The sliding mode function can be educed by constructing a Lyapunov function . and the theory of fuzzy control is used to solve the sliding mode vibration problem.Through the approximate handling of geomagnetic intensity and differential riccati equation, the magnetic attitude H control law of the microsatellite in a circle orbit which has external disturb and the structural perturbation is presented.Through the analysis of attitude dynamic equation, how to realize three axis passivity stabilization of the mircrosatellite by just using environmental torque is presented. Three sortsconformations of three axis passivity stabilization of the mircrosatellite by using environmental torque are put forward, one is to realize the passive attitude control of microsatellite by using the aerodynamic moment and the gravity gradient, the other two by making use of the gravity gradient and the geomagnetic moment, the attitude dynamics of microsatellite of the three sorts are analysed in detail.
