

Systematic Studies on Trichogrammatidae and Mymaridae from Xinjiang (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea)

【作者】 胡红英

【导师】 林乃铨;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 本论文对我国新疆赤眼蜂科Trichogrammatidae和缨小蜂科Mymaridae进行了系统的分类研究。检查了采自新疆26个县、市的标本共约12,656号,重点研究了已解剖制片的标本1,855号,共鉴定描述了新疆赤眼蜂科16属38种(其中包括2个中国新记录属、16个新种、6个中国新记录种和1个未定名种);缨小蜂科16属54种(内含1个中国新记录属、22个新种、17个中国新记录种和3个未定名种)。除赤眼蜂属Trichogramma Westwood此前在新疆已有记载外,其余各属均为新疆首次报道。 全文包括总论、区系分析和分类描述3个部分。总论中介绍了赤眼蜂科和缨小蜂科的分类历史及分类沿革、形态特征、生物学特性、寄主范围及在害虫生物防治上的应用情况等。在区系分析部分,初步分析了新疆地区已知赤眼蜂、缨小蜂的地理分布及区系成分。在分类描述部分,首先根据已有标本编制了各科已知属的分类检索表,然后详细描述了每个属和种的形态特征,本文所列属、种的描述都有比较固定的记载格式。每个属均按属名、异名录、属模式种、模式标本产地、分布、属征、研究历史及现状等顺序记述。对种类较多(3种以上)的属,还提供了分种检索表,以便于参考。各个种的描述,分别按种名(包括中名和学名)、图版序号、异名录和成虫形态特征等先后顺序记述。形态记述之后,列出研究标本(或模式标本)的数量、寄主和分布地点。如系新种,还有新种学名的词源、新种与其近缘种的鉴别特征等等。文后附有较详尽的形态特征图。 主要研究结果如下: 一、赤眼蜂及缨小蜂的地理分布及区系成分初步分析 在新疆已知赤眼蜂的区系成分中,特有种占有绝对优势,其它依次是广布种、古北种、东洋种。新疆已知缨小蜂的特有种同样占绝对优势,其次是古北种、广布种、全北种及东洋种;与赤眼蜂区系组成的主要不同点表现在广布种的数量及组成上,缨小蜂广布种所占的比例明显少于赤眼蜂,但跨多区(3个以上)广布种比较普遍。 赤眼蜂和缨小蜂在新疆地区的分布是不均衡的:准噶尔盆由于地处在哈萨克斯坦荒漠与蒙古荒漠的过渡地带,自然环境条件比塔里木盆地优越,也易于同毗邻地区进行物种交流,因此物种较为丰富,区系成分也较复杂。塔里木盆地由于几呈全封闭的菱形盆地,难于同其它地区进行物种交流,加上自然条件严酷,因而赤眼蜂和缨小蜂种类很少,区系成分简单。新疆东部诸盆地由于受到准噶尔盆地及东疆以外邻省区系成分的影响,赤眼蜂、缨小蜂种类较塔里木盆地丰富,其区系成分介于塔里木盆地与准噶尔盆地之间。天山山地因为调查采集不够,已知的赤眼蜂、缨小蜂种类很少。随着新疆地区寄生蜂资源的调查不断深入,赤眼蜂和缨小蜂等寄生蜂的区系研究也将更完善。 二、新疆赤眼蜂及缨小蜂种类 本文记述的赤眼蜂、缨小蜂各属及其已知种类如下,注有“*”者为中国分布新记录。 (一)赤眼蜂科Trichogrammatidae1.副赤眼蜂属*只红,亡厂jCh侧井脚a Girault(1)塔里木副赤眼蜂,新种尸tar加jca,sP、nov.2.赤眼蜂属介丁动俐犷别画日west“od(2)舟蛾赤眼蜂大elost卿。pang et Chen (3)螟黄赤眼蜂T.ch刀on拈Ishii (4)暗黑赤眼蜂关刀jn toj Voegele (5)玉米螟赤眼蜂厂ostrj刀jao pang et Ct‘e‘, (6)广赤眼蜂大eoesc朗5 west,ood3.续翅赤眼蜂属袄移印五阳翻阳Ti组berlake (7)未定名种触胭刀加习尹a·sP·4.爱波赤眼蜂属EPol.,’A阳Sj ta Girault (8)石河子爱波赤眼蜂,新种三sh功ezjca,sP,nov. (9)林氏爱波赤眼蜂,新种三lj二j,sP.nov. (10)透明爱波赤眼蜂*E.cl~Hayat“tViggia”i5.纹翅赤眼蜂属Lat力r口口叹r了5 Foerst改1种,未描述6.光脉赤眼蜂属助五心初oz’dea Girault (11)长翅光脉赤眼蜂划.do11’chopter8(Nowicki少 (12)沙湾光脉赤眼蜂,新种A·Sh“阳njCa,Sp·nov, (13)土耳其光脉赤眼蜂*A,助a tolj似Nowieki 7.肿棒赤眼蜂属7b留jdz’c1ava Girault (14)双斑肿棒赤眼蜂*T. bJ泳又Culota(Blood) 8.广翅赤眼蜂属加g日了la Girault (15)断脉广翅赤眼蜂,新种2.sz’IJadon“Ura,sP·nov· 9.环索赤眼蜂属伪”tz’a viggiani (16)直茎环索赤眼蜂,新种双eu动J,P即,’s,SP,nov. 10.寡索赤眼蜂属Olj岁招j招Walker (17)红色寡索赤眼蜂a已r’y艺去rlna Lin (18)短角寡索赤眼蜂a厉evz’corD,’s Lin (19)长突寡索赤眼蜂a劝jb以yae lshii (20)斑翅寡索赤眼蜂,新种a“Cu]arz’soptera,sP·nov· (21)日本寡索赤眼蜂0.j尽ponjca Yaohiro (22)德氏寡索赤眼蜂*0.山‘刁ntjsj Viggian主 (23)阿尔泰寡索赤眼蜂,新种a altojCa,sp·nov· (24)飞虱寡索赤眼蜂O.”,~拈uj Viggiani (25)长索寡索赤眼蜂a elo从乡Zt尽Lin (26)短足寡索赤眼蜂,新种abrjV1’P郎,sP·nov· (27)长角寡索赤眼蜂a了口刀岁corn拈Lin (28)广翅寡索赤眼蜂,新种a勿a召刀usopt卿,sP·“ov· (29)短翅寡索赤眼蜂,新种a为r日F口pters,sP·nov.(30)肿脉寡索赤眼蜂akl,,e1了Giraolt1

【Abstract】 This paper is based upon the examination of 1, 855 slide - mounted specimens mainly collected by sweeping from Xinjiang , China. It consists of 16 valid genera and 38 species of Trichogrammatidae (including 16 species new to science, 2 genera and 6 species new records for China), 16 valid genera and 54 species of Mymaridae (among which, 22 species are new to science, 1 genus and 13 species are new records for China).The paper comprises 3 parts: General account , geographical distribution and fauna component of trichogrammatids and mymarids in Xinjiang and Taxonomic part. In General part, the taxonomic history, morphology, biology, hosts records and the apply on the biological control etc. are briefly reviewed.In the second part, the general geographical features of Xinjiang is described and the characters of geographical distribution and fauna component of trichogrammatids and mymarids in Xinjiang are analyzed briefly , characteristics of faunal components of Trichogrammatidae in Xinjiang is summarized as follows : Endemic species are the most , the next are Widely-distributed species , Palearctic species (including Centre-Asiatic species, Pan-palearctic species and Asiatic species) and Oriental species. The composition of Mymaridae fauna as follows: Endemic species are also the most dominant components, the next are Palearctic species, Widely-distributed species , Holarctic species and Oriental species. There is the richest trichogrammatids and mymarids in Jungar basin, and the fauna component is very complex; being the almost close basin, Tarim basin species are fewer, the fauna component is simpler; the species in Eastern basins are more than that in Tarim basin and the fauna component is between Jungar’ s and Tarim basin’ s; there are fewer species on Tianshan mountain, mainly because of the inadequate collecting.In the third part, the 16 genera of Trichogrammatidae and 16 genera of Mymaridae from Xinjiang are diagnosed and keyed for both sexes. In each genus the following information is given : 1)generic synonymy ; 2) geographic distribution; 3)diagnosis; 4)the historical review and the present species; 5)hosts; 6)species known from China. When the genus is detailed studied, a key to the included species from Xinjiang (if species more than 2) and full description of each species is proposed, all the species illustrated in detail. In addition, an illustrated overview of the morphology of the 2 families ispresented to acquaint readers with basic structures.A list of the genera and the number of species under each genus treated in this paper are as follows. Those marked with an asterick are new records for China.I Trichogrammatidae1. *Paratrichogramma Girault, Isp. (new species)2. Trichogramma Westwood, 5 spp.3. Megaphragma Timberlake, Isp. (unnamed)4. Epoligosita Girault, 3 spp. (2 new species, 1 new record )5. Lathromeris Foerster, 1 sp. (undescribed)6. Aphelinoidea Girault, 3 spp. (1 new species, 2 new records)7. Tumidiclava Girault, 1 sp. (new record)8. Zagella Girault, 1 sp. (new species)9. Hayatia Viggiani, 1 sp. (new species)10. Oligosita Walker, 14 spp. (5 new species, 1 new record)11. Chaetostricha Walker, 1 sp.12. Paracentrobia Howard, 3 spp. (2 new species, 1 new record)13. Densufens Lin, 1 sp. (new species)14. Mirufens Girault, 1 sp.15. Ufens Girault, 1 sp. (new species)16. *Ufensia Girault, 1 sp. (new species)*II Mymaridae1. Alaptus Westwood, 2 spp. (new records)2. Dicopus Enock, 1 sp. (unnamed)3. Arescon Walker, 2 spp. (1 new species, 1 unnamed)4. Camptoptera Foerster, 4 spp. (3 new species, 1 new record)5. *Stephanocanipta Mathot, 1 sp. (new species)6. Ooctonus Maliday, 3 spp. (1 new species, 1 new record, 1 unnamed)7. Gonatocerus Nees, 16 spp. (8 new species, 2 new records)8. Anagrus Haliday, 9 spp. (3 new species, 4 new records)9. Stethynium Enock, 1 sp. (new record)10. Anaphes Haliday, 6 spp. (2 new species, 4 new records)11. Erythmelus Enock, 4 spp. (2 new species, 2

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