

Study and Application on Case-Based Rapid Integrated Design System of Mechanical Product

【作者】 陈满意

【导师】 陈定方; 吴定川;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 产品开发是企业的一项最重要的活动。产品生命周期的缩短以及市场竞争的加剧对企业的产品开发提出了更高的要求。在较短周期内开发出低成本高质量的产品是企业提高竞争力、摆脱困境的关键,也是大多数企业实现自身发展面临的一个“瓶颈”。本文以武汉钢铁(集团)公司连续带钢生产线的重要装备——开卷机为应用背景,深入系统地研究了能科学重用企业的产品信息资源,有效支持快速响应设计的产品设计理论、方法及其实现手段。 提出一种需求驱动的面向快速响应的机械产品集成设计系统体系结构。研究了该体系结构的使能技术,指出该体系结构的关键在于能科学、有效地重用企业的产品信息资源,支持现有产品设计资源的复用。 综合事物特性表技术和面向对象技术的特点,提出一种基于事物特性表和面向对象的复合产品模型,既便于产品结构的复用,又能表达产品设计的过程性和动态性。 分析了传统产品开发方式存在的不足,重组并建立适合于并行设计的产品开发流程。采用由IDEF3到OPN网建立产品开发流程模型,在SmarTeam平台上实现了产品设计过程管理。 根据问题属性既有数量点值又有区间值的特点,提出一种新的实例检索模型,并给出相应算法。开发了CBD与PDM之间的数据接口,建立了PDM下的基于实例的设计系统。通过分析数据库中历史设计与当前设计需求之间的相似度,从产品数据库中提取最相似实例,达到设计资源复用的目的。 研究了产品设计阶段的成本影响因素,引入产品成本相关特征的概念,提出了产品成本估算系统框架。以开卷机为例对自学习式成本估算法进行验算。该方法克服了通常孤立地研究设计各阶段的成本预测和分析的不足,能够在产品概念设计阶段对产品成本作出预报,且精度高于传统方法。 研究了应用系统集成技术。实现了CAx与PDM封装集成、接口集成、无缝集成三个层次的集成。开发了开卷机数字化设计、分析以及仿真计算机支持平台,进行了实例验证。应用结果表明:该系统能够有效地缩短开卷机的产品开发周期,提高开卷机的设计质量,减少废品损失。研究成果可以推广应用至其它典型产品。

【Abstract】 The product development is one of the vital activities of an enterprise. Due to increasing competition and customers’ requirements in manufacturing industry, the search for shorter product development cycles and lower cost becomes essential, which puts forward higher requirements to enterprises during product development. Therefore, how to develop products with lower cost and higher quality within a short lead-time turn into a key to enhance enterprises’ competition and shake off their predicaments, and is also a "bottleneck" that baffles most enterprises. In accordance with advanced manufacturing technologies, this paper addresses the rapid design technologies and strategies in collaboration with Wuhan Iron & Steel (Group) Corporation, aiming to facilitate development of strip coiler, which is an important equipment hi strip steel production.The architecture of integration design system and its key technologies are presented. The critical issue of performing the rapid response is attributed to effective utility and reuse of the existing information resources of products. This establishs a foundation for building integrated design system that is oriented on rapid response.Product models which are formerly presented are usually emphasized on only one aspect, either reuse of product structure, or product dynamic model. Neither of them can express product design process sufficiently. Taking these factors into accounts, a hybrid model is presented which can meet the requirements of rapid product development.Conventional product development process is analyzed, and product process re-engineering for concurrent engineering is studied. Then, IDEF3 and object-oriented Petri net(OPN) model for product development process is constructed respectively. The whole process is realized on SmarTeam platform.Coiler intelligent design system is developed based on PDM platform. Thesystem introduces the technology of case-based reasoning, namely, by calculating the similarity between the historical cases in database and the current design requirements, the best analogical case can be retrieved. Then, by adapting it according to rules or knowledge, a new design case is available. The system integrates the successful cases, design knowledge and experiences accumulated by enterprises and improves the practicability and intelligence of the coiler design system.Cost driving product characteristics are studied and a generic framework for cost estimation in product design phase is presented. Coiler cost estimate is performed through self-learning method. The method can estimate the product’s cost without full knowledge of the manufacturing process plans in product conceptual design phase.CAx integration technology with PDM platform is studied. A prototype of CAx integration with PDM platform is constructed through COM/DCOM technology using VC++ 6.0. Three levels of integrations, envelopment, interface and seamless integrations are realized. The digital platform for design, engineering analysis and simulation of coiler is constructed successfully. The engineering applications have proved that the system can shorten lead-time, lower costs and decrease loss effectively. The research results can be applied to developments of other products.
