

A Theoretic Research and Empiric Analysis on Agricultural Technological Innovation

【作者】 胡虹文

【导师】 谢科范;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 我国是农业大国,农业是否快速发展对综合国力起着关键的作用。农业技术创新是农业经济发展的不竭源泉和动力。农业技术进步对实现农业从粗放经营到集约经营,从传统农业到现代农业的两个根本性转变将产生重要的促进作用,利用农业技术创新及相应要素投入来提高农业生产率已成为农业增长的重要源泉。我国要实现全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标必须加快农业技术创新的发展步伐,提高农业的高科技含量。脱胎于计划经济下的中国传统的农业技术创新机制,已不适应当今社会市场经济发展要求,其突出表现:农业技术创新乏力,农业技术有效供给与有效需求明显不足,科技成果转化率低,新技术扩散困难,农业信息网络落后,农业技术进步缓慢等。这些都严重阻碍了农业的快速发展。因此,深入系统地研究我国农业技术创新、农业技术扩散问题不仅具有重要理论意义,而且对我国农业技术创新实践具有指导作用。 本文的主要研究内容如下: (1)农业技术创新的概述。分析了农业技术创新的内涵、特征、影响因素,并对农业技术创新若干理论问题、农业技术创新与经济发展的关系等进行了综合分析,认为农业技术创新具有区域适应性,效果不稳定性和成果应用高度分散性,还具有创新难度大、周期长及创新主体和动力多元化等特征。 (2)农业技术创新的模式。阐述了农业技术创新的过程模式,通过对六种主要动力模式的比较分析,揭示了不同社会经济环境条件下农业技术创新动力模式的特点,并结合我国农业技术创新动力模式发展演变的实证考察,构建了一个以市场供求与政策环境相结合为主要特征的农业技术创新动力机制的分析模型。 (3)农业技术供给与需求的经济学分析。运用经济学分析方法从农业技术供给、需求两个方面对农业技术创新的影响因素及我国农业技术需求不足与供给短缺并存的成因进行了分析。认为供给不足原因有:对农业科技体制改革认识偏差和操作失误、农业科技的有效需求不足、创新动力机制的缺陷、科研投资机制的弱化以及科教与经济的脱节等。需求不足原武汉理工大学博士学位论文因有:农户经营规模小,经营风险大,技术信息成本高,农民自身素质以及农业比较利益低下等。 (4)农业技术创新与扩散。对农业技术创新扩散的内涵与类型,农业技术创新成果扩散过程、影响因素,农业技术扩散模式等进行了分析;从政府、科研队伍、农户等方面对农业技术扩散进行了博弈分析:并以水稻为例对农业技术创新成果扩散进行了实证分析,构建了技术创新扩散模式。 (5)政府行为与农业技术创新。从政府规划、制度安排和市场体系三个方面阐述了政府在农业技术创新动力体系中的重要作用,认为转变农业技术过程中的政府职能是目前我国农业科技体制改革的一个重要方面。

【Abstract】 China is a country with a large land area for agriculture production and primarily has an agriculture-based economy. The smooth and rapid .development of agriculture is of vital importance to the elevation of the comprehensive national capacity. The agricultural technological innovation is the unceasing source and motivation to the development of agriculture. The progress in agricultural technology has significantly promoted the two fundamental changes in agriculture from the extensive farming to the intensive farming and from the traditional agriculture to the modern agriculture. The utilization of agricultural technological innovation and the input of the connected factors to increase the agricultural productivity has become an important source to the agriculture development. In order to realize the great objectives of building a well-ff society in an all round way, we must accelerate the steps of the development of agricultural technological innovation and increase the content of science and technology in agriculture. The traditional motivational mechanism of the agricultural technology innovation (MMATI) born out off the planned economic system has no longer adapted to the development under the market economic system. It is characterized as the lack of vitality to the agricultural technology innovation, the insufficiency between the effective supply and the effective demand of agricultural technology, the low transfer rate of the scientific and technological achievements, the difficulties in the new technology diffusion, the backwardness of the information network development in agriculture, and the slow speed of the agricultural technology progress. These factors mentioned above have seriously prevented agriculture from rapid development. So there is both theoretical and applicable significance to have a thorough and systematic study on the MMATI and on the new technology diffusion.The following parts are the main contents in the dissertation.Firstly, the theoretical basis was put forward to the agricultural technology innovation in this part. A comprehensive analysis was made on some of the theoretical issues of agricultural technology innovation. There are some characteristics of agricultural technology innovation (ATI): the location adaptability, the instability in effect, the high degree diffusion in the application of achievements, the high degree of difficulty for innovation, the long circle for innovation, and the plurality of the main bodies and the motive forces of innovation.Secondly, the model of agricultural technology innovation was studied in this part. After making a comparative analysis of six motive force patterns of the technology innovation and a positive perspective on development and evolution of the motive force patterns of China’s ATI, the author reveals the characters of motive force patterns of ATI under different social and economiccircumstances. In addition, an analytical approach is established which is characterized by combination of market supply and demand and policy environment. In the approach, the driving forces of the MMATI are divided into three aspects, the micro main bodies’ forces, the processional forces, and the environmental forces.Thirdly, the economic analysis was made to the supply and the demand of agricultural technology. By applying the analytical approach in economics, the author makes an analysis on the factors affecting on ATI from two aspects - the supply and the demand of agricultural technology, and on the reasons of having the insufficient demand of technology and the shortage of supply of technology. The principal reasons of inadequate supply are the deviation of thoughts and the wrong administrative deeds on carrying out the reformation of the agricultural technology mechanism, the inadequate demand of agricultural technology, the shortcomings of the innovation motive force mechanism, the weakened condition of the investment mechanism in scientific research, and the disconnected relationship between the scientific education and econo
