

The Prediction of Large and Superlarge Cu Mineral Resouces in the China with Comprehensive Information

【作者】 李景朝

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 构造地质学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 大型、超大型矿床的丰厚利润和对地方乃至国家经济可持续发展的巨大影响,使其成为二十世纪七十年代以来国内外地学界最热门的重要研究课题之一。超大型矿床的形成是一定地质背景与环境的产物,其元素组合、矿物组合、时空分布、控制因素、形成机制、成矿模式等具有多样性、复杂性、特殊性。目前,在地表找到超大型矿床的可能已越来越小,通过综合的地质、地球物理、地球化学、遥感等技术、方法与合理解释,从不同学科、不同侧面、不同角度、不同途径、不同方法及不同思路进行综合研究,已成为寻找隐伏超大型矿床的必要途径。 面对我国铜矿资源严重的紧缺形势,本文在大型、超大型矿床分布规律及形成作用等相关问题研究的基础上,利用综合信息矿产预测理论与方法,总结提出了一套具有可操作性的大型、超大型矿床预测方法体系,并利用该方法体系对我国大型、超大型铜矿资源潜力进行了预测。 本文的主要结论是: 1、大型、超大型矿床在空间上和地质时间上分布既有趋群性,又有不均匀性和不连续性。将大型、超大型矿床与中、小型矿床作为有机整体,即将矿床密集区(矿集区)作为研究对象,从分析矿床总体分布规律入手,研究地质条件组合的控矿规律性及各种地质条件之间的互相制约机制。通过地质、地球物理、地球化学等信息的综合解释,利用综合信息圈定矿床密集区和异常密集区。以大型、超大型矿床所在的矿床密集区为模型单元,以中、小型矿床所在的矿床密集区为扩展模型单元,以各类异常所在的异常密集区为预测单元,开展大型、超大型矿床密集区预测,优选战略靶区。 2、地质观测数据具有不统一性和不确定性,原始数据是人类在现有认识水平上对地质观察结果的一种客观标度。矿产资源预测是应用一定的理论和方法对客观地质体进行综合解释,原始数据往往不能满足矿一产资源评价的需要,必须利用原始数据所蕴涵的丰富信息,通过一定的分析、判断,建立以矿产资源预测为目的的知识数据库。本文应用综合信息解译方法,对地质、地球物理、地球化学等信息,在尊重其原理论和方法的前提__匕通过综合解释,建立了用于铜矿资源预测的综合信息知识数据库,利用其所蕴涵的间接信息,与直接信息一起开展铜矿资源预测工作。 3、综合解译深化了对地质成矿规律的认识。中国大陆拼合后的老基底方向为近东西向,现今所看到的片理化方向是后期构造改造的结果;基底具有成矿专属性,老基底的物质成分对后期岩体、盖层的成矿与演化具有一定的影响;老基底的分布控制岩体和盖层的分布形态;大型、超大型矿床一般分布在基底边缘,即边缘控矿。构造对大型、超大型矿床具有控制作用,一般位于几组方向构造的交汇点上或不同大地构造单元的接触带上。 4、总体上,莫霍面的陡度带一般与岩体相对应,莫霍面的平缓区与基底具有较好的对应关系,大型、超大型矿床一般分布在莫霍面的陡度带_上。 5、中国的岩体以交代型岩体为主。特提斯构造域以喜马拉雅和燕山期岩浆活动为主,受印度板块向北挤压作用影响,在我国西部形成许多近南北向的构造岩浆岩带,南北带附近南北向构造尤为明显。 基性、超基性岩一般与超壳断裂有关。与基性、超基性岩有关的铜镍硫化物矿床,从地球物理场上,一般与航磁的感磁场有关。 6、通过对基底、各个时代(扬子旋回、加里东旋回、海西旋回、燕山印支旋回、喜马拉雅旋回)盖层、岩体,利用综合信息进行空间实体的划分,并进行综合标度,采用特征分析方法进行成矿有利度分析;利用综合信息对密集区进行综合标度,采用特征分析方法对我国大型、超大型铜矿床密集区进行定位预测。通过对与基性、超基性侵入岩有关的岩浆熔离型C二一CU成矿系列的岩浆岩评价模型、与基性火山沉积有关的Fe、Cu、Co、Mo矿床系列的岩浆岩评价模型、与中酸性浅成侵入岩有关的Cu、Mo等矿床成矿系列岩浆岩评价模型、与沉积一变质岩有关的Cu成矿系列的岩浆岩评价模型研究,利用综合信息变量,开展了与上述四种矿床成矿系列有关的铜矿床预测工作。为开展更大尺度铜矿床密集区勘查战略选区提供了依据。

【Abstract】 The great profits of large and super-large deposits have effected the continueous development to a country or regions, and become a hotly important subject since 1970s. The formation of super-large deposits have specical geological backgroud and enviroment. Its element association, mineral association, space-time distribution, metallogenic factors, formation functions and metallogenic medols show diversity, complexity and particularity. Up to now, the possibility to find out super-large deposits seems smaller and smaller in the surface. The comprehensive and reasonal deciphering of geological, geo-physical, geo-chemical and remote imagery data has turned to a effective way to prospect concealed super-large deposits by association of different subjects, points of view, method and thinking.With the national position extremely lacking cupper mineral resources, a set of methods to predict large and superlarge deposits is put forward in the paper on the basis of their distribution, metallogenic functions and associated problems, using the system of metallogenic prognosis on comprehensive information. It can be easily operated by the practise of large, super-large copper mineral resources prediction, showing good result.There are some primary conclusions in the paper, as follows:1. The space-time distributions of large, super-large deposits show clusterity, asymmetry and discontinuity. Super-large and large deposits, with medium and small deposits, make up a organic whole. The deposit clusters are our research objects. From the total distribution, controlling regularity of metallogenic factor association, and each other restricting functions between them can be studied. Deposits concentrated regions and anamoly concentrated regions can be sort out by comprehensive deciphering of goelogical, geo-chemical and geo-physical informations. Deposits concentrated regions existing large and super-large deposits are model units, in contrast, deposits concentrated regions with medium and small deposits are extendedmodel units, anomaly concentrated regions are assessment units. Our aim is the prediction of large and super-large deposits, and optimization of strategic targets.2. Geological observation data have the disunity and uncertainty characterastics. Original data are the objective signs based on present understanding of geological phenomena. The pridiction of mineral resources is a comprehensive explaining with exclusive theory and method. Usually the original data can’ t satisfy their demand. We should build up intellectual database for the purpose of mineral resource prediction by analysing and judging the rich information from original data. On the basis of their retionales of geological, geo-physical and geo-chemical information, intellectual database based on comprehensive information for copper mineral resources have been built up in thepaper. We implement the pridiction of copper mineral resources with direct information and indirect information within it.3. The understanding of metallogenic regularity is deepened by comprehensive deciphering. The old basement’ s strike is E-W, and the present direction of schistosity is the result of later reformation. The basement have metallogenic exclusiveness. The material components affect the metallogensis and evolution of later rock bodies and covers. The distribution of basement controls the distribution patterns of rock bodies and covers. Large and super-large deposits usually lie in the margins of basement, ie, margin controlling deposits. The structure also control the formation of large and super-large deposits, which commonly lie in the cross of different directions fractures or contacting belts of different tectonic units.4. As a whole, gradient belts of moho discontinuity correspond to rock bodies, the flat area correspond to basement. The large and super-large deposits offen lie in the gradient belts.5. The igneous bodies are mainly metasomatic type in China. Through Zhongtiao circle to Yantsi circle, himalaya circle, the
