

Research on the Transformation of Circulation Channels

【作者】 杨慧

【导师】 廖进球;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 产业经济学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 流通渠道作为流通经济行为的载体,承担着完成商品从生产领域向消费领域转移的职责,对流通经济的发展起着重要的影响作用。本文首先从理论上对流通渠道的基本概念、流通渠道结构、流通渠道行为及其演变过程分别进行探讨。本文认为流通渠道是指商品通过纵向流通机构(即厂商、中间商、消费者),以价值与实物的方式,实现从生产领域向消费领域转移的通道。它与“营销渠道”的概念非常近似,但从严格意义上来说,流通渠道的研究不同于营销渠道,它的研究视角、研究范围、所属学科都比营销渠道更宏观。对于流通渠道理论的研究,本文从流通渠道结构与流通渠道行为两方面展开。在流通渠道结构理论研究上,本文综合描述了传统流通渠道结构理论体系,进一步探讨了流通渠道结构系统化理论、扁平化理论、立体化理论等新型流通渠道结构理论。在流通渠道行为理论研究上,对流通渠道权力理论、流通渠道合作理论、流通渠道冲突理论等进行系列探讨,在此基础上对战略伙伴关系理论及渠道对角线理论等渠道行为变革理论进行进一步的论证。 为了回答“为什么变革”的问题,论文随后从需求、效率、竞争及环境四个方面探讨了流通渠道变革的动因。认为消费需求既是流通渠道的起点又是流通渠道的终点。消费需求在数量上与结构上的每一次改变,都会拉动流通渠道结构与行为的相应变革;效率作为特定历史条件下特定系统的功能与效能反映,其经济性、客观性及发展性特征成为流通渠道变革的驱动力;竞争是市场经济的基本现象,它在流通渠道中表现为部门竞争及部门间竞争,两个方面竞争的共同作用必然导致流通渠道整体结构、数量、关系等一系列相应的变革;环境是流通渠道生存的空间,其从政治、经济、人口、技术等方面对流通渠道形成制约,环境的变化刺激流通渠道产生相应的变革。 在揭示了流通渠道变革动因之后,本文分别从电子化、战略联盟、差异化三个方面对流通渠道“如何变革”进行专门的探讨。本文认为,电子化将成为新时期流通渠道结构的变革方向;战略联盟将以“合作竞争”的全新理念取代传统渠道交易行为关系,成为未来流通渠道群体行为的变革趋势;差异化的提出主要针对流通渠道机构个体行为而言。厂商、批发商、零售商及消费者作为流通渠道机构个体,其行为存在一定的差异性,只有从差异化角度,对流通渠道机构个体进行针对性地探索,才能正确地把握渠道个体的行为趋势。 最后,本文对中国流通渠道特殊进行了研究。认为中国流通渠道经过一个较长时期的历史演变,已基本完成了从计划型向市场型的转型,奠定了良好的发展基础。但是中国流通渠道与世界先进国家相比还存在较大差距。观念滞后、发展无序、现代化水平不高、效率低等问题严重制约着中国流通渠道的发展。ZI世纪的来临,带给中国流通渠道既有挑战,但更多的是发展的契机。尤其是当前网络技术的问世,电子化在流通渠道中的渗透除美国处于绝对领先地位外,其他国家水平居于同一起跑线,因此,这是我们缩短与世界先进水平距离的绝好机会。为此,本文提出中国流通渠道应坚持分阶段分步骤的电子化发展之路,大力发展流通渠道的战略联盟,积极开展渠道中间商的功能转换,将发展零售终端视为应对全球竞争的重要战略。 本文的主要学术观点可概括为以下几个方面: 1.新时期中间商面临新一轮主存的桃战,功能转换应是中间商的明智选择 中间商的效率问题一直是流通渠道结构研究的重点。中间商的存在与否直接影响渠道结构长短、扁平化或塔式化的形成。早在上个世纪初,流通渠道结构理论中有关中间商的问题研究引人注目。中间商效率论(韦尔德,1916人 中间商“四效用论”(巳特勒,1923)等从不同角度论证中间商在流通渠道中的效率作用,从理论上肯定了中间商的渠道地位。然而,进人ZI世纪以来,消费者个性化需求的凸现,使得中间商大批量、规模化销售的渠道模式已难以满足消费者的个性化需要;网络技术的问世,使得厂商摆脱中间商,与消费者直接进行销售与沟通成为可能。新时期中间商面临新的生存挑战。理论界甚至有人提出了“网络信息技术的成熟将使中间商走向灭亡”的论断。本文的观点是,新世纪打造的是一批新型的中间商,他们通过有效地功能转换,将重新担负起新时期的渠道重任;真正灭亡的将是以不变应万变,不思进取的陈腐中间商。事实上,厂商通过开展网上交易活动,为消费者提供的仅仅是商品的价值转移过程,即只发生了商流活动。渠道中流动的不仅仅是商流,还有物流、信息流、支付流等。这就意味着电子商务状态下,中间商仅仅让渡的是商流活动,而在物流、信息流、支付流中的作用空间依然很大。同时,网络引发的渠道直销模式的风起云涌,也预示着渠道结构专业化分工将出现新的裂变。传统的渠道主体往往在交易活动中包揽了渠道客体(即商流、物流、信息流、支付流等)的所有活动,渠道效率受到影响。为了提高渠道的交易效率,降低交易成本,以渠道功能为标准的专业化分工开始出现,以实物转移、信息转移、资金转移为专业分工的特定中介机构开始?

【Abstract】 The circulation channel functions as the carrier of the practice of circulation economics to transfer the commodity from the production area to the consumption area and impacts greatly the development of the economics of circulation. This paper first reviews in theory the fundamental notions, structures, behavior and the evolution process of circulation channels. In this paper, circulation channel refers to the channel through which commodity is transferred by means of value or goods from the production area to the consumption area. Here the circulation channel is very close to the "marketing channel", but in a strict sense, they are different in terms of the research perspective and scope in that the marketing channel is only the sub-branch of the former disciplinary. This paper focuses on the circulation channel structure and circulation channel behavior as far as the theory of circulation channel is concerned. Based on the comprehensive review of the theory of circulation channel structure, this paper explores the theories of circulation channel, flat structure, cubic structure, and the latest circulation channel structure. Attempts are made to research on the behavior of circulation channel. Theories of power, cooperation, and conflicts in the distribution channel are discussed. Then the paper elaborates on the distribution channel transformation. Special efforts are made to discuss strategic relation and diagonal channels.To answer the question "why to reform", the paper explores the cause in terms of demand, efficiency, competition, and environment, and proposes that demand for consumption is the outset of the distribution channel as well as the end of the channel. Any change in quantity and structure of consumer demand will result in corresponding changes in the structure and behavior of the distribution channel. As it can reflect the function and utility of the specified system in a specific period, efficiency has become the driving force to initiate the reform in the distribution channel. Competition is the basic phenomenon in the market economy. Competition that occurs in the different departments in the distribution channel will inevitably lead to reform of the holistic structure, quantity and relations of the distribution channel. Environment is the settings for survival of the distribution channel as well as the constraints for the development of the distribution channel in terms of politics, economy, population and technology. Changes in environment will stimulate the reform in the distribution channel.To answer "how to reform the distribution channel", the paper then proposes electronizaton, strategic alliance and differentiation. Electronization is due to becomethe trend of the circulation channel structure. Strategic alliance, a new notion of cooperation and competition, will replace the traditional relationship between the transaction partners in the circulation channel. Differentiation is oriented to the individual behavior of the circulation channel agents, ?the firm, the wholesaler, the retailer and consumers. A correct understanding of the differentiation of the channel agents will help better predict the trend of the individual behaviors of the circulation channels.In the last part of the paper, studies are made to research the particularity of the Chinese circulation channels, which, after a relatively long period of evolution, are now market-oriented instead of plan-oriented. However, compared with the developed countries, China still lags behind in terms of the circulation channel. Rigid notions, out-of-order market, low efficiency and backward technology have greatly hindered the development of the Chinese circulation channels. The 21st century provides both challenges and opportunities to the Chinese circulation channels. With the advent of the Internet technology, electronization has penetrated in the circulation channel. In addition to the US, the rest of the world are all at the starting line and this provides us with a good opportunity to catch up with the

【关键词】 流通渠道结构行为变革
【Key words】 circulation channelstructurebehaviortransformation
  • 【分类号】F713.3
  • 【被引频次】36
  • 【下载频次】2335