

Study on the Price Mechanism of Software Products

【作者】 王万山

【导师】 伍世安;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 产业经济学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 在价格(价值)机制理论研究中,无形产品的价格机制,特别是科技产品价格机制是一个尚没有很好揭开谜底的前沿领域。计算机和电讯产业的迅速发展、经济的日益信息化和网络化,使这一领域的研究更为复杂和更为迫切。软件作为“新经济”中的核心产品,其价格机制如何运行?其生产和消费中的一些“新经济”现象,如正反馈、消费锁定、标准垄断等,应如何运用价格机制理论解释?而一些有悖于传统经济理论的现象,如软件盗版在一定的情况下能够增加软件的网络价值和社会福利,又该如何作出解释?论文正是基于这些前沿焦点问题去展开研究。 价格机制理论在古典经济中是最炽热的研究领域,但自新古典经济的奠基人马歇尔“统一”了门派众多的古典价格机制理论后,价格机制理论研究便“冷却”了下来。马歇尔的供求均衡价格机制理论在建立初期的“完美”,使其建立后的40年间几乎无人质疑其正确性,即使是整个20世纪,价格机制理论研究也只是在供求均衡论上修修补补,形成目前正统的新古典价格机制理论。正因如此,目前对软件产品价格机制理论研究,基本还停留在新古典价格机制理论水平,国内则更多停留在劳动价值论水平,这形成一些软件价格现象无法运用经济学去解释。面对理论上的困境,论文一改传统的价格理论研究范式,把价格研究从物品交换的比例决定转换到产权契约性交易决定,并在新兴经济理论的基础上创新建立广义价格机制理论,力求从新的理论视角对软件产品的价格机制作出符合现实经济生活的全新解释。 论文主要依据新兴经济学分析方法和成本—效益分析方法环绕核心命题展开研究。全文共6章,第一章为引论,主要向读者介绍论文研究的背景、选题依据、核心命题、研究方法、创新之处与不足;第二至第六章为正文,分为三大部分:第一部分为相关的理论研究述评,包括第二章;第二部分为基础理论创新,包括第三章;第三部分把基础创新理论运用到软件产品价格机制研究中,包括第四、第五和第六章。各章主要的研究内容及重要观点如下: 第二章首先对传统价格机制理论的发展进行评述,把价格机制理论发展分为三个阶段阐述:第一阶段为亚当·斯密前人们对价格的认识。亚当·斯密之前,人们对价格的认识基本停留在感性和经验上,是一种朴素的,包含伦理和经验的感性价格理论。第二阶段为供求均衡价格理论形成。这一阶段的价格理论在经历了劳动价值论、生产 摘 要成本论、主观效用论后,最后由马歇尔统一了古典经济学中的各个价值理论流派,综合形成由市场供求边际均衡决定的均衡价格论。论文对一阶段的价格理论做了点评,指出均衡价格论是古典价格(价值)理论发展的必然结果。第三阶段为供求均衡论后的价格理论发展,主要包括张伯仑的垄断价格理论、凯恩斯的“价格刚性”理论和阿罗一德布鲁模型。这些理论发展了马歇尔的均衡价格理论,形成新古典价格机制理论。接着,论文在阐述软件产品与一般产品不同的经济特征的基础上,对国内外软件产品价格机制研究进行综述,从软件产权保护、软件价值评估、软件产品价格运行机制和软件产品价格管理四个方面阐述介绍目前的研究现状和主要结论。。 第三章为论文基础理论创新部分。首先探讨和总结三大新兴经济理论,即现代公共经济学、新制度经济学、博奕论和信息经济学对传统价格机制理论的质疑、挑战及所提出的新命题。然后重新诠释市场与价格的经济学内涵,指出市场是包含产权、契约及其交易制度的“权”的市场和“物”的市场统一;应从权利价值和产权标价的内在性上重新理解和确立价格的经济学内涵。在此基础上,创新建立广义价格机制理论,提出其基本的经济学内涵:第一,广义价格机制是包含价格形成机制、价格运行机制和价格管理机制整体价格作用过程的机制;第二,广义价格机制是在一定制度约束下产权契约性交易的机制;第三,广义价格机制是基于信息的选择决策、博奕均衡的“信息机制”;第四,广义价格机制是包含生产、交换、分配等产权交易整个过程的“全程”交易机制,是以契约为纽带的市场型和组织型交易共存的价格机制。最后,在分析广义价格机制运行的制度基础、交易形态扩展的基础上,以产权交易契约均衡分析为中心,从价格形成机制、价格运行机制和价格管理机制三方面阐述广义价格机制内存的经济运行机理。 第四章研究软件产品价格形成机制。软件产权界定和保护是软件产品价格形成的前提,本章第一部分阐述软件产权保护的著作权法、专利法、商标法和商业秘密法、反不正当竞争法等法律手段,分析其优缺点及发展方向,并介绍了自由软件产权保护的“通用公共许可证”著作权方式。第二部分阐述目前国内外软件产品价值评估的主要方法,主要介绍和总结了成本法及其中的COCOMO模型、现行市价法和收益现值法,指出这些价值评估方法的主要理论依据仍然是传统的价格理论。第三部分在前二部分的基础上重新审视软件产品价格形成的经济学机理,分析传统价格机制理论对软件产品价格形成解释的局限,?

【Abstract】 The theory of price mechanism of intangible products, especially the products of science and technology, is the frontier field that many theory problems still have not been solved well. It become more complication and more urgent to resolve in pace with the industrials of computer and communication develop quickly and information and network become more and more important in economy. How does the price mechanism of software products that are regard the core of the new economy work? How to use the price mechanism theory to interpret the phenomenon of the new economy that take place in the software process of production and consume, for example, the positive feedback, the consume lock-in, the standard monopoly, and so forth? And how to interpret the phenomenon that contradicts to the traditional economics, for instance, software piracy will heighten the network’s value and the social welfare under some conditions? The paper just base these focus problems to research.Theory of price mechanism was the hottest research field in classic economics, but it become "cool" when A. Marshall who is the founder of neoclassic economics united the classic price mechanism theory. Marshall’s price mechanism theory of equilibrium between supply and demand looked so perfect at the beginning that almost nobody will suspect its correctness for 40 years after it was published. Even the whole 20th century, the price mechanism theory research just concentrate to mend it, which is to form the neoclassic price mechanism theory. That is the cause that research level of price mechanism theory still stay at the level of neoclassic price mechanism theory, and Chinese level of it even stay at the level of the labor value theory in a high degree. The consequence is many price phenomenon could not be interpreted by the price mechanism theory. The paper change the traditional research formula allow for morass of the theory, research the price problems from a new angle which property rights exchange resting on contract instead of the traditional angle of goods exchange. Then, the paper establishes a general price mechanism theory on the base of the new economics theory; try to interpret the price mechanism of software products in line with the reality life.The paper researches the price mechanism of software products surround the nucleus proposition with the main analysis methods of the new economics and cost-value. There are six charters in the paper, the first charter is introduction which introduce the background of research, the basis of the research topic selection, the nucleus proposition, research methods,innovations and shortcomings; the second to sixth charter are the proper text of the paper, and it includes three segment, which the first one expounds and reviews the relative research, it includes the second charter; the second one is the basic theory innovation, it includes the third charter; the third one researches the price mechanism with the innovation theory, it includes the fourth, fifth and sixth charter. The main content of each charter and its important viewpoint is introduced as following.The second charter: first, it expounds and remarks the development of the traditional price mechanism theory from three stages. The first stage is people’s knowledge about the price and value before Adam Smith, and it introduces that people recognized price and value only from the feeling and experience at that time, and actually it is price theory filled full with ethic and experienced feeling. The second stage is the theory of equilibrium between supply and demand come into being, it came through the labor value theory, the production cost theory and the subjective utility theory, and was united by A. Marshall who created the equilibrium theory which says the price is decided by the marginal equilibrium between the market supply and demand. The paper points out that the classic price theories development is bound to born the equilibrium theory. The third stage is the development of price theories after Marshall’s equilibrium

【关键词】 软件产品价格机制产权契约交易
【Key words】 software productsprice mechanismproperty rightscontracttransaction
  • 【分类号】F407.67
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1028