

A Study on Dynamics Performance of the Vehicle with Coupled Wheelset

【作者】 池茂儒

【导师】 王开文;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 车辆工程, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 自铁路运营以来,铁道机车车辆的轮对基本上都采用两个车轮紧固在一根车轴两端的形式,这种传统固定轮对的优点在于它具有纵向蠕滑力产生的偏转力矩从而使轮对具有自导向功能,但是在纵向蠕滑力矩的作用下,当车辆运行速度较高时就可能产生蛇行失稳。因此,近年来独立回转车轮日益受到重视,与传统轮对相比,独立回转车轮不存在纵向蠕滑力产生的偏转力矩,因而不产生蛇行运动,对提高稳定性有好处。但这一优点也同时是它的缺点,因为独立回转车轮失去了纵向蠕滑力矩的导向作用,因而降低了轮对的直线复位性能和曲线通过性能。鉴于此,国外一些专家学者又提出了耦合轮对的设想,即轮对的左右车轮通过某种形式进行适当的耦合,这样便可产生适量的纵向蠕滑力,从而使轮对既具有导向功能,又能保证车辆具有较高的临界速度。国外在这方面已做了一些开拓性的研究工作,而国内关于耦合轮对的研究还基本上是一片空白,为了填补国内在这方面的研究空白,也为了促进列车的高速化进程,很有必要对这一新技术作深入的研究。本文在国外对耦合轮对的研究基础之上,提出了一种新型的耦合轮对——磁流变耦合轮对,进而对磁流变耦合轮对车辆的动力学性能进行了系统深入的研究。 本文根据磁流变流体的流变特点,首次设计出了磁流变耦合轮对的结构方案,分析了磁流变耦合轮对的工作原理,然后建立了包含38个自由度的磁流变耦合轮对车辆系统的非线性动力学模型,编制了磁流变耦合轮对车辆系统动力学的计算仿真软件。 根据磁流变耦合轮对车辆系统动力学计算程序的仿真结果,对磁流变耦合轮对车辆的直线平稳性、稳定性和动态曲线通过性能进行了系统全面的分析,找出了轮对耦合度对车辆动力学性能的影响规律。 为了考察线路条件(特别是曲线半径R)的变化对轮对耦合度取值大小的影响,本文采用遗传算法对磁流变耦合轮对车辆通过不同半径曲线时转向架前后轮对耦合度的匹配关系进行了优化研究。经过遗传算法的优化分析,找出了转向架前后轮对的耦合度的取值随曲线半径的变化规律。 本文还从列车动力学的角度对磁流变耦合轮对的动力学性能进行了研究,提出了一种计算列车动力学的新方法——循环变量法,建立了基于循环变量法的列车动力学模型,编制了列车动力学计算软件。通过对传统固定轮对、独立回转车轮和磁流变耦合轮对列车动力学性能的分析比较进一步论证 西南在回大学槽士研究生学位论文 黝I页了用流变耦合轮对的优越性。 回流变耦合轮对的优越性在于它可以在控制系统的作用下根据实际需要来调整其耦合程度从而使车辆的动力学性能在各种工况下都可保持最优,但是这种优越性的发挥还需要相关的检测、控制等配套技术的支持,而本文对用流变耦合轮对动力学性能的研究恰好为下一步磁流变耦合轮对控制系统的研制提供了重要的理论依据。

【Abstract】 Since railway is plunged into business, the wheelsets with two wheels fixed to two ends of one axle are commonly adopted in rail vehicle. The advantage of conventional fixed wheelsets is that they have self-steering capability produced by lognitudinal creep moments, however hunting unstability possibly occur when the speed of vehicle becomes higher, so independently rotating wheels are attached importance to increasingly. Independently rotating wheels don’t engender lognitudinal creep forces, so hunting won’t occur and the stability of vehicle system is very good. But independently rotating wheels lose self-steering capability of lognitudinal creep moments, so its restoration capability and curving performance becomes worse. Thereupon, the idea of coupled wheelsets is brought forward that the left and right wheels of wheelsets are coupled properly to produce a few lognitudinal creep forces. In this way, coupled wheelsets have both self-steering capability and higher critical speed. Some researches about coupled wheelsets have been carried through abroad, however research about coupled wheelsets is basically a blank in homeland. In order to fill up the research blank and speedup the progress of heightening train’s speed, in-depth research about coupled wheelsets is very necessary. In this paper, based on the study about coupled wheelsets abroad, author have brought forward a kind of new coupled wheelsets-magneto-rheological coupled wheelsets(MRCW).In this paper, the structure scheme of magneto-rheological coupled wheelsets is designed and its work principle is analyzed. Afterwards, a 38 d.o.f. nonlinear dynamics model of vehicle system with magneto-rheological coupled wheelsets is established and the relevant computer simulation program is written.According to the computation result of dynamics simulation software, the response and stability on the tangent track and curve performance of the vehicle with magneto-rheological coupled wheelsets are analyzed comprehensively and the laws of coupled coefficient to dynamic performance of vehicle are found.In this paper, optimization of coupled coefficient for the leading wheelsets and trailing wheelsets of bogie is researched with genetic algorithms and the optimal matching law of coupled coefficient for leading and trailing wheelsets has been found when a vehicle negotiates all kinds of radii curve.In this paper, the dynamics problem of train with magneto-rheological coupled wheelsets are also researched and put forward a new method of computing train dynamics-cycle variable method. In succession, a train dynamics model based on cycle variable method is established and the relevant computer simulation software on train dynamics is drawn up. By comparing dynamics performance of the train with traditional fixed wheelsets, independently rotating wheels and magneto-rheological coupled wheelsets, it is approved that magneto-rheological coupled wheelsets are superior to the others.The merit of magneto-rheological coupled wheelsets is that the coupled coefficient of MRCW neatly could be changed under the control systems so that vehicle dynamics performance could keep best ever and again. However, the exertion of its superiority needs the support of relevant test, control techniques. It just right provided impelling theoretical basis for the development of control system that the research on dynamics performance of magneto-rheological coupled wheelsets in this paper.
