

Information Processing of Developmental Dyslexia in Chinese Children

【作者】 邹艳春

【导师】 莫雷;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 发展性阅读障碍是阅读障碍的主要类型之一,是指个体在一般智力、动机、生活环境和教育条件等方面与其他个体没有差异,也没有明显的视力、听力、神经系统障碍,但其阅读成绩明显低于相应年龄的应有水平,处于阅读困难的状态中。近年来,发展性阅读障碍越来越引起研究者的兴趣和重视,并且随着研究的深入目前已逐渐成为阅读领域的一个活跃的崭新研究方向。 国内外的研究都已表明发展性阅读障碍是一种很复杂的现象,迄今为止,西方发展性阅读障碍研究已取得相当的进展,而作为表意文字的汉语由于自身所特有的与表音文字所不同的特点,加上对汉语阅读障碍的研究起步较晚,使得目前在该领域的研究结果和结论相对零散,也很不一致。本研究在系统总结与分析前人研究的基础上发现,前人的研究多数只从某一个角度作某一加工方面的研究,少有关于汉语阅读障碍几个加工缺陷方面的系统考察和研究,而且,前人的研究基本上是对同一个生理年龄的不同水平的比较,而关于两个不同年龄组群的动态比较的极少。然而,我们认为,阅读障碍儿童组内的差异性应该存在,不同年龄组群的发展性阅读障碍的加工缺陷可能不同,阅读障碍的发生水平和表现形式也不同,有的可能发生在字的编码水平(如字音、字形),有的可能发生在阅读理解水平(如句、段、篇章等);有的可能是语音障碍和正字法障碍,有的则可能是深层的语义阅读障碍。有鉴于此,本研究旨在对不同年龄组的阅读障碍儿童即不同组群的信息加工特点进行系统和动态的比较研究。 本研究选取小学三年级和初中二年级的汉语阅读障碍儿童为实验组和和生理年龄、智力水平、教育环境等与之相匹配的正常儿童为控制组,从语音加工、正字法加工、语义加工和工作记忆加工四个方面探讨了汉语儿童发展性阅读障碍的信息加工特点。 在语音加工方面,本研究通过语音意识、音调辨认和音韵辨认三个分实验探讨了学生对整体的汉语音节信息的识别以及对细小语音单元的分析与加工的能力。结果表明,阅读障碍组与正常组学生在语音编码方面存在显著的差异。具体来说,小学三年级障碍学生在汉字整体音节信息的识别以及细小语音单元的加工上都存在明显的困难,表明语音加工的严重缺陷是导致小学三年级学生发展性阅读障碍的主要——原因之一。而初中二年级障碍学生语音加工虽然存在不足和缺陷,但与小学障碍组相比,在语音技巧方面还是获得了一定的进步,他们在汉字整体音节信息的加工上相对好一些,在某些细小语音单元的识别上则存在显著缺陷。 在正字法加工方面,本研究通过正字法意识、真假字判断和错字识别三个分实验探讨了学生汉字组字规则的意识和汉字的整体知觉水平以及对汉字字形的细节加工的能力。结果表明,阅读障碍组与正常组学生在字形编码方面存在显著的差异。具体来说,小学三年级障碍学生在汉字的组字规则意识、汉字结构的认知能力和汉字的整体知觉水平以及对汉字字形的细节加工上都存在明显的困难,表明正字法加工的严重缺陷是导致小学三年级学生发展性阅读障碍的另一主要原因。与小学三年级相比,初中二年级障碍学生在汉字组字规则、结构意识和整字字形知觉水平方面获得了一定程度的发展,他们基本掌握了汉字的某些组字规则,对形旁和声旁可能出现的位置有一定的认知能力。他们的正字法障碍主要表现在假字判断上的缺陷以及字形细节加工上的某些不足。 在语义加工方面,本研究通过单词意义、完形填空、组句成文和篇章理解四个分实验探讨了学生对词义的加工能力、对词语在整个句子和句子在整篇文章中的合理顺序和位置的把握程度以及对篇章内容的阅读理解与加工的能力。结果表明,阅读障碍组与正常组学生在阅读理解方面存在显著的差异。障碍组学生在词、句子、篇章的意义加工上都有明显的困难,表明语义加工的缺陷是发展性阅读障碍的主要原因之一。特别是对于初中障碍学生来说,在词义的理解与加工、句子的理解与加工、篇章内容的字面性及推论性理解与加工等方面表现出明显的落后与迟滞。与语音加工、正字法加工相比,他们的语义加工缺陷显得更为突出,可以说,语义加工的缺陷可能是导致初中二年级阅读障碍的最主要原因。 在工作记忆加工方面,本研究通过字形记忆和语音记忆两个分实验探讨了学生在工作记忆中加工书面汉字以及汉语语音的能力。结果表明,阅读障碍组与正常组学生存在显著差异。障碍组学生字形记忆和语音记忆都存在明显的缺陷,表明他们在工作记忆中加工书面汉字及口头语音的能力都偏低,但初中二年级与小学三年级相比有一定的进步。 综上所述,本研究系统探讨了不同年龄儿童汉语发展性阅读障碍信息加工的特点。从横向来看,与正常学生相比,障碍学生表现出明 5 汉语学生发展性阅读障碍的信息加工特点研究村的缺陷和迟滞。从纵向来看,障碍组内部存在年级的差异性,揭示厂个问年龄阅读障碍者表现出不同的特征和类型,小学三年级?

【Abstract】 Developmental dyslexia, as a major type dyslexia in reading, refers to an individual who demonstrates observant low grades in reading levels and state of reading difficulties compared to his same age group under the conditions of: (i) no obvious differences in mental intelligence, motivation, living and educational environment (ii). no obvious deficiencies in eyesight, hearing and neural systems. In recent years, developmental dyslexia has been arousing researchers’ great interest and attachment and has become a dynamically new research orientation.Both domestic and international research in development dyslexia has proved its complexity. So far, the Western research has achieved remarkable progress, whereas, the domestic research findings and results have been inconsistent and fragmented due to the inborn distinct characteristics of Chinese ideograph being different from phoneticism and late steps in this area. Based on systematically summarizing and analyzing the previous recognized research, the dissertation has put forward the development dyslexia differences exist in children inner groups in the way that different age groups demonstrate variant processing deficiencies in development dyslexia at different levels. Some problems may happen in coding levels either in the phonetic or visual character; some may occur in reading comprehension levels in sentence, paragraph or chapter. Some dyslexia appear phonologically and orthographically; some appear semantically. Proceeding from these facts and targeting at different age groups of children who suffer fromdevelopment dyslexia, the dissertation has carried out a systematic and dynamic comparative research.The test groups are sampled from children with development dyslexia at Grade Three of Elementary School and at Grade Two of Junior School; whereas the comparison groups are chosen from the normal children with the matching physiological age, intelligence level and educational environment. The dissertation has discussed the information processing characteristics of children development dyslexia in Chinese in the four following aspects: phonological processing, orthographic processing, semantic processing and working memory processing.In terms of phonological processing, three sub-experiments in phonological awareness, tone and rhyme discrimination have been conducted to find out the students’ identifying abilities in integral information of Chinese syllables and analyzing and processing abilities in fine phonological units. The results have illustrated great variances exist between normal students and those with development dyslexia in phonological coding. To be more concrete, students from Grade Three of Elementary School with dyslexia demonstrate obvious difficulties in identifying integral information of Chinese syllables and tine phonological units, which proves that the severe phonological processing deficiency is the major cause of development dyslexia for students from Grade Three of Elementary School. Meanwhile, it is the same with students from Grade Two of Junior School. However, in comparison to students from Grade Three of Elementary School, they have made certain progress in phonological techniques, especially in integral information processing of Chinese syllables. Their deficiency in identifying fine phonological units haven’t improved.In terms of orthographic processing, other three sub-experiments in orthographic awareness, true-pseudo character judgment in characters and wrong character identification have been carried out to find out the students’ awareness in rules of character formation, integral recognition levels of Chinese characters and fine information processing ability in print Chinese characters. The results showthat great differences exist between normal students and those with developmental dyslexia in visual coding . To be exact, students from Grade Three of Elementary School with dyslexia demonstrate obvious difficulties in rules of character formation, recognition levels of Chinese character formation, integral

  • 【分类号】B842
  • 【被引频次】21
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