

【作者】 刘淑阶

【导师】 赵云献;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 党的学说与党的建设, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 马克思主义政党的领导理论,是毛泽东毕生所坚持的马克思主义根本观点之一。在半个多世纪的领导生涯中,毛泽东不仅把这一观点运用于中国革命和建设,成功地解决了在经济文化落后的国度里,如何领导中国革命和建设的根本问题,而且系统完整地总结了中国共产党领导革命和建设的成功经验,形成了体系完整、内容丰富的党的领导思想。本文运用毛泽东本人现有的资料和著述,坚持唯物史观、尊重原著原意、理论与实践相结合的研究方法,选择毛泽东党的领导思想的主要部分和有关内容进行了思考和研究,形成了八章的框架结构。第一章主要论述毛泽东党的领导思想提出的依据。本章从理论、历史、现实的观点出发,阐述了毛泽东党的领导思想的理论渊源是马克思主义党的领导理论;其历史依据是半殖民地半封建社会中国近代革命史;其实践基础是党诞生以来领导中国革命和建设的光辉历程。第二章主要论述党的领导地位的历史必然性。本章从分析毛泽东关于党的领导的含义入手,剖析了中国民族资产阶级、小资产阶级和农民阶级由于阶级局限性和软弱性,不能担当中国革命的领导者,以民主党派、无党派人士和广大人民群众根据自己的切身体会选择共产党为革命的领导者,论证了无产阶级领导中国新民主主义革命的必然性,阐述了无产阶级及其政党的领导是在历史上形成的客观规律。第三章主要论述党的领导核心地位。本章根据毛泽东不同时期关于党的领导核心地位的论述,从五个方面对党的领导核心地位进行了概括和归纳,即从党中央与全体党员和基层组织的关系看,党中央是党的领导核心;从党与群众组织和各条战线的关系看,党是群众组织和各条战线的领导核心;从党与民主党派的关系看,党是民主党派的领导核心;从党与全国人民的关系看,党是全国人民的领导核心;从党与革命和建设事业的关系看,党是领导我们事业的核心力量。第四章主要论述党的领导的内涵。毛泽东在马克思主义经典作家论述党的领导内容的基础上,结合中国共产党的实践,进行了系统的加工和整理,使之更加条理化、系统化,形成了以政治领导、思想领导和组织领导为主要观点的党的领导内容,从而揭示了党的政治领导、思想领导和组织领导之间的辨证关系。第五章主要论述了党的集体领导思想。本章以坚持党委制为逻辑起点,正确界定了毛泽东“领导集体”的内涵,全章贯穿着集体领导是党的领导最高原则的思想,重点阐述了党委会是实行集体领导与个人分工负责相结合的制度;各级党委是执行集体领导的机关;党的各级委员会要讲究工作方法等观点。<WP=3>第六章主要论述党的领导权思想。党的领导权思想是毛泽东党的领导思想的重要组成部分。本章从党同国民党反动集团争夺领导权、保持党在统一战线中独立自主的领导地位和同党内机会主义斗争中坚持领导权三个方面,阐明了党在领导权问题上的正确观点和培养无产阶级革命事业接班人的极端重要性。第七章主要论述党的领导方法。如何有效地实现党的领导,毛泽东根据党的领导实践,提出了一整套科学的、被实践证明是行之有效的领导方法:从群众中来、到群众中去,一般号召和个别指导相结合,领导骨干和广大群众相结合,抓中心环节和主要矛盾,没有调查就没有发言权等。第八章主要论述了毛泽东党的领导思想的历史地位。本章从毛泽东通过目标领导、战略策略领导、路线政策领导、群众领导和党的自身领导五个方面,为中国革命和建设所做出的重要贡献,阐述了毛泽东党的领导思想的历史意义。从毛泽东阐述党的领导核心思想;科学而完整地概括党的领导内涵;集体领导与个人分工负责相结合的辩证法;一元化领导是特定条件下实现党的领导的有效形式;党的领导实质是领导权问题;创造性地提出共产党领导的多党合作思想六个方面,论证毛泽东党的领导思想是对马克思主义政党领导理论的丰富和发展,阐述了毛泽东党的领导思想的理论意义。从坚持毛泽东党的领导思想有利于坚持党的先进性、坚持和改善党的领导、巩固党的执政地位三个方面,揭示了坚持毛泽东党的领导思想的现实意义。

【Abstract】 The theory of leadership of Marxism Party is one of the basic viewpoint of Marxism which Mao Zedong insists in all his life. In his leadership life of more than half century, Mao Zedong not only used the viewpoint in the great revolution and building of China, successfully resolved the basic question of how to lead Chinese revolution and building in a country whose economy and culture were very backward, but also systematically and integratedly summer up the successful experience by which Chinese Communist Party lead revolution and building, formed his leading thought whose system is large and content is abundant. The thesis uses the material and works of Mao Zedong himself, insists the researching way of historical materialism, according to Mao Zedong’s works of himself, combining theory with practice, choosing the main parts and contents to think on and study, and finding forms a structure of eight chapters. Chapter one mainly discusses the foundation of Mao Zedong’s party leadership thought. Using the viewpoint of historical materialism, starting from the viewpoint of theory, history and reality, this chapter expounds the theory origin is Marxism, the history basis is the history of Chinese revolution in the semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, and the practice basis is the course of leading revolution and building after the Party was founded. Chapter two mainly discusses the historical necessity of the Party’s leading position. Analysing the meaning of party’s leadership, using the way of class analysis, this chapter dissects the limits of Chinese bourgeoisie, petty bourgeoisie and the peasantry, who couldn’t play the role of the leadership of Chinese revolution. This chapter proves the necessity of the proletariat leading in China new-democratic revolution, and expounds the objective law that the proletariat and its Party leading is formed in history and strengthened in struggles. Chapter three mainly discusses the Party’s position as the core of leadership. According to Mao Zedong’s discussion of the position of the core of leadership of different periods. At the chapter summaries the discussion from five aspects: seen from the relation between the Party’ central committee and all Party members and basic organization, the Party’s central committee is the core of leadership of the Party; seen from the relations between the Party and the mass organization and all fronts, the<WP=5>party is the core of leadership of mass organization and all fronts; seen from the relations between the party and other parties in China, the Party is the core of leadership of the other parties; seen from the relations between the Party and the people all over our country, the Party is the core of leadership of the people all over our country; seen from the relations between the Party and revolution and building , the Party is the core of leadership of our cause. Chapter four mainly discusses the meaning of the Party’s leadership. On the basis of discussion of the classic writers of Marxism, this chapter systematically puts Mao Zedong’s exposition of the Party’s leadership in order, making it order lined and systematic, form the main contents of the Party’s leadership of political leadership, ideological leadership and organizational leadership. And then, the dialectical relations among political leadership, ideological leadership, organizational leadership are revealed.Chapter five mainly discusses the Party’s thought of collective leading. The chapter regards the Party committee system as the logical starting point, correctly defines Mao Zedong’s thought of collective leading, collective leading as the highest principle of the Party’s leadership runs through in the whole chapter, emphatically expounds the Party’s committee is a system that collective leading and division of labour with individual responsibility are combined. The Party’s committee at all levels is executive organs of collective leading, and they ought to pay attention to work methods, etc. Chapter six mainly discusses the though

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