

Evaluation of Driving Fatigue Mechanism and Feedback Selecting Modle

【作者】 金键

【导师】 杜文;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 本论文重点研究驾驶作业中:驾驶疲劳产生的致因因素;所致疲劳因素交互作用;疲劳过程、规律及机制;驾驶疲劳影响分类;建立驾驶疲劳评价体系及测试系统;构筑危险状态下疲劳效应辨识模式等问题;提出驾驶疲劳形成、蓄积和变化过程的机制。建立驾驶疲劳的静态和动态测试与评价模式。为预防和减少交通事故提供理论依据。 本文在理论上将作业定义为五种模式:肌肉作业、感知作业、信息处理作业、思维作业和创造性作业模式;在此基础上将疲劳划分为五种模型即:肌肉作业疲劳、感知作业疲劳、信息处理作业疲劳、思维作业疲劳和创造性作业疲劳模型;将驾驶作业疲劳构建为以驾驶员感知疲劳和驾驶员信息处理疲劳为主的核心模式;进一步深化了驾驶疲劳机理分析,提出驾驶疲劳失衡性机理、驾驶疲劳信息处理机理、驾驶疲劳对驾驶能力与驾驶任务要求匹配性机理新观点。 采用传递函数将驾驶疲劳定量化、简约化、模式化,借用自控理论将驾驶疲劳类比为两个过程:类惯性环节的响应过程及类比例微分环节的响应过程。阐明驾驶疲劳所具有的二阶系统的一般特性。 系统通过检测人体平衡能力的方法,检测驾驶疲劳状态。正常人的平衡稳定性靠视觉、前庭、人体感觉系统的正常输入信息和中枢各级神经系统的整合达到统一。人体重心的变化可真实地反映各感觉系统运动系统功能的相互作用和中枢整体功能状态,驾驶员疲劳时平衡稳定性发生改变,正是基于这一神经生理机制对驾驶疲劳进行判别分析,达到对疲劳等因素的诊断与评价。测试系统自行研制,评价模型本文在大量实验室研究和现场研究基础上得以建立。 本文建立驾驶疲劳馈选模式,提出驾驶危险人群和高危人群滤波模式新理念,建立静态和动态驾驶员疲劳状态模拟系统;在实验室和现场调查中,采用不同年龄、不同负荷强度、不同负荷因素等进行“自身对照”研究、“配对匹配”研究,结果如下:(1)驾驶感知疲劳调查,对驾驶员的一些生理和心理感知指标进行调查,驾驶自身对照疲劳问卷调查表;对驾驶员进行连续驾驶负荷与非连续驾驶负荷疲劳调查;对驾驶员高速驾驶和非高速驾驶疲劳问卷调查,增速与减速速度判断疲劳度研究;在对不同年龄人群驾驶疲劳调查;动视力是测试驾驶疲劳一项敏感指标,随年龄增加动视力下降,疲劳增加动视力同样下降,采用动视力与静视力复合指标建立分区性评价体系。(2)驾驶信息处理疲劳调查,驾驶员反应处理能力随信息复杂度的增加明显下降,而疲劳度明显上升,年龄的差异也显著的暴露,随着年龄增加反应能力降低;速度判断采取三向形式,X轴速度判断、Y轴速度判断、Z轴速度判断,随着驾驶负荷增加,X轴速度判断准确性下降,疲劳加大;注意能力方面更是随着驾驶信息处理负荷的加大,而疲劳增加。—— 门)驾驶疲劳平衡稳定性是通过在力检测台上描绘人体重心轨迹的方法,提出检测驾驶员疲劳平衡稳定指数,在不同状态下(倾斜度 15\ 30‘以及闭目等状态下)对不同负荷、不同年龄分别进行测试,建立驾驶疲劳客观测试评价体系;N)经实验室研究与现场调查,通过对驾驶疲劳与驾驶时间、驾驶速度等关系的研究,提出了不同年龄、不同条件下的最大连续安全驾驶时间标准,日驾驶时间标准,最大安全行车速度标准等。 建立驾驶员视觉疲劳检测系统,首次以动视力和静视力进行驾驶视觉状态分区:安全区、疲劳区、危险区、注意区,研究结果证明对疲劳检测及评价具有重要意义。 本文首次提出驾驶能力与驾驶任务要求匹配性的八种模式研究,特别是驾驶疲劳对匹配模式的影响,如:条件约束型安全状态、能力约束型安全状态、条件约柬型危险状态、双重约束临界型危险状态、随机型安全状态、能力约束型危险状态、能力条件约束型危险状态、超常发挥型危险状态。 本文重点研究驾驶疲劳效应模式,通过实验研究和理论分析探讨驾驶疲劳特点及致疲劳因素的相互藕联性。对驾驶时间负荷、信息负荷进行联合效应实验,提出信息复杂度及驾驶疲劳的脉冲效应和U型效应;并进一步提出连续性与离散性负荷的驾驶疲劳问题,为人一车一路系统中以人为核心的优化匹配设。计及预防和减少交通事故提供理论根据。 对多种疲劳因素的影响建立不同的驾驶疲劳函数模型,并采用可靠性理论对驾驶疲劳进行不可靠性分析,对各致疲劳因素的模糊性、随机性、交错性、。互动性分析,驾驶疲劳度是一个全程的、完整的、具有一定时间段的约束条件,它的松弛变量特征表现明显。对不同动态交通人-机-环境系统中驾驶疲劳进行评估,求出致驾驶疲劳影响因子的量化值。 首次提出驾驶疲劳度综合评价模型,通过主因子分析最后筛选出驾驶员反应能力、平衡稳定性、视觉功能、注意能力、速度判断能力五大指标,建立驾驶员疲劳度评价的多因素函数式。 本文实现了驾驶疲劳评价体系的建立,系统的阐述了驾驶疲劳与驾驶安全可靠性原理及算法,驾驶行为形成疲劳因子的量化、驾驶疲劳的多因素分析与筛选、驾驶疲劳指标及综合评价分析、驾驶疲劳的多因素分析及应用。 如果说?

【Abstract】 This paper emphasizes all factors affecting driving fatigue; the interaction of all factors which may lead to driving fatigue; driving fatigue course, law and mechanism; effect on sorting of driving fatigue, assessment system on driving fatigue and test system; fatigue effect identification mode in dangerous. The mechanism of formation, accumulation and variation of driving fatigue is put forward in this paper. The static and dynamic testing and assessment mode of driving fatigue is also established. All these offer theory foundations to traffic accident precaution and elimination.The paper divides labor into five working mode: muscle, sensation, information, thinking and creation working mode. According to this the fatigue is separated into five parts: muscle, sensation, information, thinking and creation fatigue. Driving fatigue is mainly composed of the sensation fatigue and the operation fatigue. It is actually at first to get ideas about the driving fatigue equilibrium mechanism, the driving fatigue information operation mechanism, the matching mechanism for the driving fatigue and driving operation. Surely, all these form an initial theory.By using transfer function, quantitative analysis, pattern analysis and reduced analysis of driving fatigue can be finished. Based on automatic control theory, driving fatigue can be analogized as two parts: inertia link and proportion differential link. This shows driving fatigue has the general characteristics of two-order system.The state of driving fatigue can be examined by a testing system, which is developed by transportation safety laboratory of Southwest Jiaotong University. As the equilibrium is formed by vision, vestibule and sensation system, the change of gravity reflects the interaction of different system and central nervous system. Based upon the neuro-physiologic mechanism, the change of balance stability when drivers are in fatigue can be identified. Moreover, fatigue factor can be identified and analyzed. Testing system is developed by ourselves. By lab and field research, the assessment module is built in this paper.The driving feedback and selection mode built in this paper, which starts refresh ideas on filtering out dangerous and high dangerous person mode. In the research, a set of simulation equipment is developed to examine the drivers’ static and dynamic fatigue. Recur to the apparatus, contrast and control experiment are made among different ages, workload intension and workload factors group. The endings summarize as following: (1) driving sensation fatigue investigation (investigation of psychological and physiologic index and contrast investigation of fatigue); Continuous driving load and discrete driving load investigation of fatigue. Driving fatigue investigation on normal speed and high speed; Dynamic eyesight can index the degree of fatigue sensitively. The dynamic eyesight decrease while the age increases, so driving fatigue is. Using combined index of dynamic eyesight and static eyesight, zoning assessment system can be obtained. (2) The investigation about driving fatigue of information operation showed if the information become more complex, the reaction seriously reduced, however, fatigue degree increased. Otherwise, with the age advancing, the reaction slowed. (3) An instrument called testing force machine is utilized to correctly illustrate the center of gravity movingtrack. It can collect and calculate those benefit data automatically, furthermore, user could obtain some important outputs including the equilibrium index of driving fatigue easily. So as to access an objective testing system, experiments were made with various workloads, ages, and environments in different situation. (Lean at 15, 30 degree, eye-closed, eye-opened, etc.) (4) The research illustrated the relationship between driving fatigue and driving time, speed, environment, and therefore came up with a chain of standards: the longest time for continuous safety driving (at different ages, conditions), day driving time, the highest speed for safe
