

Fundamental Studies on the Formation of High Glossiness Granite Surface

【作者】 黄辉

【导师】 徐鸿钧; 徐西鹏;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 在饰面花岗石材的加工中,能使石材获得最大增值效果的当首推其饰面最终的磨抛加工,但增值高也意味着技术难度大。花岗石材的高光泽度饰面(>100)磨抛工艺在国外亦仅为日本、意大利等少数几个国家掌握,且其技术关键均属它们各自的专利,对外控制极严。由于不掌握诀窍,目前国内石材的磨抛光泽度只在80上下徘徊,仅相当于国外半成品饰面石材的水平。只要能够设法破解此项技术的关键,将饰面的磨抛光泽度也提高到100以上,则仅此一项即可使国内石材加工业的效益猛翻几倍以上。 为了打破国外石材加工商的技术封锁和在更高的价值层面上开发我国的石材资源,国内不少高校和科研所已开始着手研究花岗石材饰面的磨抛技术,不过从文献看研究多按常规思路进行,方法亦多雷同。本文不循常径,提出从大量剖析光泽度已达和未达要求的各类花岗石材饰面层的理化结构及其形成机理入手;亦即从剖析经磨抛获得的石材饰面层本身所蕴含的加工信息入手来破解国外的磨抛技术关键。论文希望借助此种逆向反求解密式的研究思路能为国内目前有关花岗石材高光泽度饰面磨抛的工艺研究找到突破口,闯出一条新思路。论文所完成的具有创新意义的工作可以归纳为: 1.利用扫描电镜、电子探针、X射线衍射和辉光质谱等现代理化测试分析手段,率先完成了对花岗石材高光泽饰面层理化结构的综合测试分析研究工作。论文在测试分析获得的第一手数据资料的基础上,首次明确提出在高光泽度饰面层上其实并无臆想中的由晶态或非晶态新生物相覆盖形成的透明光泽膜存在的新观点,这一新观点对正确认识花岗石材饰面的本质及其形成机理具有重要的启示作用。 2.完成了有关花岗石材磨抛时表面温度场的理论解析与实验研究工作,理论解析的结果与实验测定的结果吻合良好,两者都证明正常磨抛时石材表面温度不会超过100-150℃。此项研究的意义在于它从根本上否定了以往文献中有关花岗石材的磨抛温度可以高达1000℃以上的主观臆断,从而也从温度的角度佐证说明了磨抛过程本身确实不可能提供生成新生物相所必须的高温氛围条件。 3.为科学阐明花岗石材高光泽度饰面层的本质结构及其形成机理,设计并完成了对石材饰面形成过程全方位跟踪观测的大型综合性测试实验,实验观测的项目覆盖到饰面磨抛不同阶段上的表面温度、表面形貌、表面结构,表面粗糙度及表面光泽度。此项专门设计的大型实验所取得的最具新意的突破性成果是它清楚揭示了在硬脆性花岗石材的磨抛加工中明显存在有石材的延性去除机制,而且,在磨料粒度次第减小的磨抛作业中,材料的去除机制会自脆性域向延性域转移,此种由点及线及面的延性磨抛作用可使石材表面产生的塑性流变铺展开来,直至最终形成高光泽度的饰面。而 关于花岗石材高光泽度饰面形成机理的基础研究在该光泽面以下则是一层厚度在微米量级的因塑性流变致使晶格发生某种程度扭曲畸变的加工变质层,亦即花岗石材高光泽度饰面究其本质只是硬脆性石材经过充分的延性磨抛作用而获得的一种低粗糙度表面。论文藉实验结果所阐明的石材饰面结构及其形成机理对解决国内石材高光泽度饰面磨抛工艺具有重要的指导意义。 4.论文所完成的关于饰面石材表面光泽度与表面粗糙度关系的专项试验进一步确定,随着石材表面粗糙度的降低,光泽度呈单调增加趋势,且在Ram,Zop付当于Vg)以后,粗糙度的些微降低,都有可能获得光泽度的显著增加。这无疑提示我们,对于某些有条件经磨抛获得低粗糙表面的质地致密的隐晶质花岗石材是容易获得高光泽度表面的。论文正是基于这一认识在磨抛国产山西黑石材时控制Ra刀.09pm时获得了光泽度超过 100的高光泽度表面。 5.论文最后提出的以硬脆性材料镜面磨抛的工艺对策来规范和改造现有石材磨抛作业的创新构想,为实现花岗石材的高光泽度饰面的工业化生产提供了确实可行的新思路。 论文虽只是关于花岗石材磨抛工艺的一项基础研究,但所完成的创新工作和提出的创新构想对提高国内石材加工水平具有重要的指导意义,它的实现可望为国内石材加工业带来显著的经济效益。

【Abstract】 In the process of stone machining, grinding and polishing which are the main ways to increase the decorative value of stone, are applied in the final stages to obtain high glossiness surface. Recently, there are still many technical problems in the stone grinding and polishing has not been solved. The technology of getting high glossiness surface which the glossiness exceeds 100 is mastered by few countries such as Japan and Italy. Compared to these countries, the granite machined by the domestic factories whose glossiness can only reach about 80,which is just as good as the half-product of foreign decorate stone. The benefits of the domestic stone industry will be increased several times if the key technologies of the high glossiness stone grinding can be developed.Many researches on granite grinding and polishing have been done in several university and research institutes. But most of former research works follow the conventional way and the research methods are almost the same. In this paper, a new idea is pointed out. The physical and chemical characteristics, microstructure and the formation mechanisms of the many kinds of stone glossiness surfaces are studied. Some useful information can be obtained after the studies. This paper wants to find sally ports, by this converse method, to improve the level of the technology research in the domestic stone industry. The fundamental investigations of this paper are carried out:1. Comprehensive analysis including the physical and chemical characteristics and microstructure of high glossiness granite surfaces are analyzed by employed the SEM, electron probes, XRD and glow mass spectrogram. On the basis of the firsthand data, it is show clearly that there aren’t the gloss film, with amorphous or microcrystal forms after grinding and polishing processes on the granite glossiness surface.2. The temperatures on the machining contact zone were studied theoretically and experimentally when diamond disks grind granite with the vertical spindle surface grinding. The theoretical results well correspond with the experimental results. Both the theoretical results and experimental results are shown that the average surface temperature on the contact zone are below 100-150C in the normal grinding. The studies negated the view which the temperature at the machining contact zone is above 1000C assumed by past research. So it also proved that the temperature in the grinding zone is not enough to form a new phase on the granite surface.3. In order to discover the formation mechanisms of the high glossiness granite surface; a comprehensive experiment is designed to observe the formation process of theglossiness surface. Temperature, surface morphologies, surface structure, surface roughness and surface glossiness at each separated stage ranging from sawing to polishing are monitored. The achievements of experiments show clearly that there are obvious traces of ductile flowing on the granite machined surfaces, although the granite is hardness and brittleness material. The formation mechanisms change from the brittleness removal to the ductile removal, with the decreasing of diamond grit size in the grinding and polishing processes. The material removal method is ductile removal and the ductile flowing spreads to a larger scale from the point to line to the whole surface, and the high glossiness surface is formed at last. There are damaged layer of few microns under the glossiness surface, which the crystal lattices are distorted for the ductile flow. It means that the high glossiness surface of the granite is a low roughness surface, which is formed under the condition of the ductile removal. The formation mechanisms revealed in this paper, are very important to improve the stone grinding and polishing technologies in the domestic stone industry.4. The experiment for examining the stone surface glossiness and surface roughness further shows that the stone surface glossiness is monotone increasing as the decrease of the surface roughness. When the surface roughness
