

【作者】 刘文亚

【导师】 何秉贤;

【作者基本信息】 新疆医科大学 , 2002, 博士

【摘要】 目的 分析新疆汉、维吾尔、哈萨克三个民族正常人群骨密度值测量结果及其差异性,确定本地区各民族骨密度正常值,为开展骨质疏松症防治工作提供判断骨密度的依据。研究对象与方法:对年龄20-65岁来自新疆汉维哈三个民族的正常人群的1338名符合健康标准的个体进行腰椎骨密度定量CT测量,按5岁一个年龄段分别统计出均数和标准差,并且进行三个民族同性别、同年龄之间骨密度差异性的分析。设备为Tomoscan SR-7000螺旋滑环式CT机,配合使用QCT-3000骨密度测量系统,对所有调查对象的腰椎2-4椎体松质骨进行测量和计算。结果:(1)新疆汉维哈三个民族男性的骨密度峰值分别为184.04±34.34、225.18±14.65、240.16±31.49mg/cm~3,女性的骨密度峰值分别为182.33±34.24、180.37±32.45、200.92±38.77mg/cm~3.(2)三个民族男性骨密度的峰值年龄段分别是20-25岁、25-30岁、30-35岁,而女性骨密度的峰值年龄段分别是20-25岁、20-25岁、30-35岁。(3)三个民族的骨密度到达峰值后均随着年龄的增加而下降,在骨密度峰值后和女性绝经期后有骨丢失的加速;(4)三个民族男性各个年龄段的骨密度值经过方差分析全部p<0.05(0.017-0.03),;而三个民族女性除了50-年龄段p=0.1180外,其余各个年龄段均p<0.05(0.004-0.04)。结论:(1)新疆汉维哈三个民族的骨密度正常值各年龄段均不相同,男性以哈族的骨密度值最高,维族次之,汉族最低;女性以哈族最高,汉族次之,维族女性最低。(2)三个民族的骨密度均有相同的变化规律。(3)骨峰值出现晚,数值高将延迟骨密度的降低速度。上述结果为新疆地区诊断和治疗骨质疏松症提供了科学的诊断依据,为进一步研究骨质疏松症的发病机理提供了可靠的线索。

【Abstract】 purpose To analyze the value and compare the difference ofbone mineral density(BMD) for Han, Uygur and Kazak nationa1ity inXinjiang. So that determine the BMD standard of thIee nationalnormal people groups in this region and provide the criteria for thediagnosis of osteoporosis. Material and methods: 1338 healthyindividuals, age 20-65, from Han, Uygur and Kazak nationality inXinjiang were underwent lumber vertebrae quantitative computedtomography (QCT) densitometry with TOmoscan SR-7000 spiral CT andcalculated BMD with QCT-3000 System. All BMD data were dividedinto different grouPs according to age and nationality, than analyzedand compared with statistics method. Results: (1) the male BMD peak ofHan, Uygur and Kazak natiotriity was l84.04 ± 34.34. 225. 18 ± 14.65 \240. 16 ± 31.49mg/cm’, respectively, while female BMD peak was182.33± 34.24. 180.37±32.45. 200.92±38.77mg/cm3 respectively. (2) themale’ BMD peak -age- group of Han, Uygur and Kazak nationality was20-25, 25-30, 30-35 years old group respectively, while the female’ was20-25, 20-25, 30-35 years old group respectively. (3) the BMD decreasegradually after BMD peak-year both male and female while speed uPafter menopausal in female, (4) statistics showed that every agegroup’s BMD of male in three nationality was significant different, P<0.05(0.0l7-0.03), except 50-group in female, other age-groups’ BMDalso showed significant different, P< 0.05 (0.004-0.04). Conclusion:(l) the BMD of every age groups in three nationalities were different,Kazak’s was the highest. (2) the change pattern of three nationalitieswere similar;(3) BMD aPpeared late and high will benefit for Wholelifetime. These findings would provide the criteria for diagnosis andtreatment of osteoporosis in Xinjiang, and could give the trace for furtherstudy the reasons of osteoporosis.
