

【作者】 金壮龙

【导师】 苏东水;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 产业经济学, 2003, 博士

【摘要】 本文围绕中国航天产业竞争力的有关理论问题,从经济学角度阐述了航天产业的基本内涵,发展历程,技术特性和经济特性。探讨了目前国际上有关竞争力理论问题来源和基本内涵,着重研究了竞争战略、竞争优势和国家竞争优势理论,系统阐述了产业竞争力理论及其分析框架。重点研究了迈克尔·波特教授的国家钻石体系理论。提出了中国航天产业竞争力理论及其分析框架,围绕中国航天产业竞争力要素条件,系统地进行了国内外分析比较,探讨了中国航天产业竞争力优势和劣势。最后分别从产业层面和国家层面,提出了提高中国航天产业竞争力发展战略和政策建议。全文共四章,按照一定的逻辑关系,分四部分内容进行研究。第一章,航天产业的特性。阐述了航天技术是探索、开发、利用太空以及地球以外天体的综合性工程技术,它包括空间技术、空间应用、空间科学三大领域。航天产业就是由空间技术、空间应用、空间科学三大领域共同发展的高科技产业。航天产业经历了五十年的发展历程。航天产业技术特性主要有:技术规模大、复杂程度高;高质量,高可靠性;系统性强、协作面广;研制周期长。航天技术经济特性主要有:用途的多重性,即具有军用、民用和商用特性;高投资、高风险性;高效益。第二章,产业竞争力相关理论问题研究。分别阐述了国外有关竞争力问题的研究概况和中国有关竞争力问题研究概况。探讨了产业的概念、国际竞争力含义及产业国际竞争力的基本内涵。研究了国际竞争力评价理论、竞争战略和竞争优势理论。任何产业都存在着五种竞争力,这五种竞争力综合起来决定了一个产业内部的竞争状态,决定着一个产业中的企业获取超出资本成本的平均投资收益率的能力。竞争优势可分为成本优势和标歧立异优势,判定竞争优势的基本工具是价值链分析方法。获得持久竞争优势的基本竞争战略是:总成本领先战略,标歧立异战略和目标集聚战略。国家竞争优势是指一个国家使其企业和产业在一定的领域创造和保持优势的能力。国家竞争优势理论从产业的角度出发,研究一个国家决定和影响特定产业的国际竞争力各种因素。波特教授的国家钻石体系理论表明:一个国家的特定产业是否具有国际竞争力,取决于该国经济环境中六个因素:即生产要素,需求条件,相关和支持性产业,企业战略、企业结构和同业竞争,机会以及政府。其中影响最大、最直接的因素就是前面四项。根据产业竞争力理论,结合中国航天产业特点,确定了中国航天产业竞争力要素。决定和影响中国航天产业竞争力的关键因素是:生产要素,需求条件,相关和支持性产业,企业组织、管理模式和竞争状态。中国航天产<WP=5>业竞争力要素以及基本构架建立,为进一步开展中国航天产业竞争力分析比较奠定了基础。第三章,中国航天产业竞争力分析。首先进行了生产要素(包括资本实力、人才资源、技术水平和地域环境)的国际间分析研究。其次,分别对国内需求条件(包括行业需求、政府规划以及国防需求)和国外需求条件(包括卫星应用、商业发射和军事需求)进行分析比较。再次,对相关和支持性产业(包括制造业、信息产业和新材料)进行分析研究。最后,对中国企业组织、管理模式和竞争状态(包括航天产业组织、航天产业行业管理、航天产品的研制生产、卫星应用与营运服务、空间科学、对外发射服务公司、发射基地和测控网、载人航天工程)进行分析,又对国外企业管理组织、管理模式和竞争状态(包括国外航天管理机构、世界主要国家航天工业能力、卫星制造业、发射场、国际发射服务、国际空间合作竞争态势)进行分析研究。第四章,提高中国航天产业竞争力发展战略。制定了中国航天产业总体发展战略(包括发展宗旨、发展原则、发展思路和发展目标)。首先,从产业层面分别阐述了①航天技术创新与发展战略(包括运载火箭、卫星、卫星应用产业、神舟飞船载人航天工程、空间科学及应用的产业化等发展战略);②航天产业集团化发展战略(包括组建航天产业集团,实施航天产业集团战略管理,加大航天型号研制管理创新工作);③航天军转民发展战略;④航天人才稳定与开发战略;⑤航天企业文化发展战略。其次,从国家层面提出了国家层面航天产业发展策略。共分七个方面:一是完善中国航天管理体制;二是加强航天行业管理;三是加快航天产业政策的制定;四是促进航天立法工作;五是加大航天投融资力度;六是发展航天相关产业;七是扩大航天领域国际合作交流;八是建设海南发射场。本文主要有五个方面的研究创新,第一,论文通过对竞争力来源的理论探索,揭示了企业竞争力、产业竞争力以及国家竞争力之间分别对应的理论基础,以及它们之间既相互区别又相互关联的内在规律。第二,论文揭示了产业竞争力理论来源于国家竞争优势理论。在此基础上,建立了产业竞争力理论及分析框架。第三,论文独创性地将国家钻石体系理论应用到航天产业,初步建立了航天产业竞争力理论及分析框架。既丰富和完善了产业竞争力理论,又为航天产业竞争力研究提供了较为全面系统的分析框架和方法,具有重要的理论价值,在国内尚属首次。第四,论文运用航天产业竞争力理论及分析框架,对中国航天产业?

【Abstract】 This dissertation, on the basis of related theories of China’s aerospace industrial competitive capacity, elaborates the basic connotation of aerospace industry, its development course, technical characteristics and economic characteristics from the economic point of view. It probes into source and basic connotation of the current related theories of competitive capacity in the world, focuses on the study of theories regarding competitive strategy, competitive edge and national competitive edge and systematically sets forth the industry competitive capacity theory and its analysis frame. This dissertation emphasizes the study of Diamond system theory of a nation of Michael E. Porter and puts forward the theory of competitive capacity of China’s aerospace industry and its analysis frame. Based on the conditions of the factors of China’s aerospace industrial competitive capacity, this dissertation makes systematic analysis and comparisons between China and other countries so as to know the advantages and disadvantages of competitive capacity of China’s aerospace industry. Finally, it puts forward the proposal of improving the development strategy of competitive capacity of China’s aerospace industry and the related policy from the industrial level and the state level respectively.This dissertation is composed of four chapters. And according to certain logic relations, the studies are carried out in the following four parts.Chapter One:The characteristics of aerospace industry.This chapter sets forth that the aerospace technology is a comprehensive engineering technology used to explore, develop and utilize the space and celestial body beyond the earth. It includes aerospace technology, aerospace application and aerospace science. The aerospace industry is a hi-tech industry that has jointly developed from these three areas. Aerospace industry has experienced the development course of 50 years. The technical characteristics of aerospace industry mainly lie in the following facts as huge technical scale, high complexity; high quality, high reliability; strong in system and wide in application area; longer R&D cycle. The economic characteristics of aerospace technology mainly include multiple uses, i.e. usable in military, civilian and commercial areas; costly investment, high risks; great benefits.Chapter Two:Studies on the related theories of industrial competitive capacity. This chapter depicts the general situation of the studies done home and<WP=8>abroad on competitive capacity. It probes into the concept of industry, implications of international competitive capacity and the basic connotation of industrial international competitive capacity. It also studies the evaluation theory of international competitive capacity, competitive strategy and competitive edge theory. There are five competitive capacities in any industry, which jointly determine the internal competitive status within an industry and determine an enterprise’s capability within an industry of obtaining the average investment benefit ratio over the capital cost. The competitive advantages include cost advantage and differentiation advantage and the basic method to judge the competitive advantages is the value chain analysis. The basic competitive strategies of acquiring sustainable competitive advantages are overall cost leadership, differentiation and focus. The national competitive edge refers to a nation’s capability that makes its enterprises and industries create and maintain the advantages in certain areas. The national competitive edge theory, on the basis of industry, is to study the various factors that decide and influence the international competitive capacity of a specific industry of a nation. The Diamond system theory of Professor Porter indicates that whether the specific industry of a nation has international competitive capacity or not depends on the following six factors in the economic environment of this nation: production factor, demand condition, related and supportive industry, business strategy, enterprise stru

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 01期
  • 【分类号】F426.5
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】2698