

【作者】 张敬彩

【导师】 雷天觉; 陈月祥;

【作者基本信息】 机械科学研究院 , 机械设计与理论, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 大型高精度镜板的平面度测量,一直没有真正实用的测量方法。为实现三峡工程重点设备的国产化,急需能够实用的高精度大型镜板平面度测量仪器。本文以三峡大型镜板平面度测量为目标,对大型高精度镜板平面度测量方法进行了研究。 根据三峡大型高精度镜板平面度的测量要求,在分析和总结了前人所做工作的基础上,创造性提出了大型镜板平面度水平仪随机走位自动测量法。 为实现这一测量方法,对以下关键技术进行了研究: 对测量系统进行位置运动学分析,运用齐次矩阵变换理论建立了水平仪随机走位坐标转换数学模型,将测量点位置和测量值转换到同一坐标系中,以满足平面度评定的要求。 对测量系统进行了运动控制学研究,采用了位置控制与力控制相结合的组合控制方案,并设计出充分体现这一控制思想的机械结构和控制系统,实现了测量系统的自动行走与测量。 充分利用单片机与台式机各自的特长,设计了主从控制方式,现场测量控制、测量数据采集与控制程序编制、数据转换处理分别在单片机和台式机上进行。 对平面度误差评定方法进行了探讨,采用了适合于多测量点的最小二乘法平面度误差评定方法。 在上述研究工作的基础上,设计制造出一套实用的测量系统。仪器包括机械结构、高精度水平仪、测量控制系统、数据采集与传输系统、数据转换与平面度评定软件五个主要部分。 测量系统精度达到2.4μm,重复性标准差0.8μm。实验表明,该系统可以满足三峡大型镜板平面度的测量。系统已通过三峡办公室组织的专家验收,并已与三峡镜板生产厂家签订了订购合同。

【Abstract】 For manufacturing the important equipment for Sanxia project,measurement instrument was urgently needed to measure the planeness error of the Big Mirror(a part of thrust bearing). But now,there is no good method for the measuring of planeness of high precision large plane. A research for one good method for Sanxia Big Thrust Bearing Plate planeness error measurement was done and described in this dissertation.According to the requirement of Sanxia Big Thrust Bearing Plate planeness measurement,based on overall analyzing and studying of the previous researches,a new method was proposed. It was named as Gradienter random automatic moving planeness error measurement method for Big Thrust Bearing Plate.The following research work has been done:Position kinematics analysis was done. Using a mathematics tool:Homogeneous Matrix,the transformation of measurement coordinate was built. Through it all measurement positions are described in one coordinate. This is needed for planeness error calculation.Motion control was studied. By mechanical and control system design a combined motion control mode was mad. It includes both position control and force control. This made sure an automatic movement and measurement system was designed.Using the advantages of both the single-piece computer and desk computer,divided control system and data process system was made. Single-piece computer is for fieldwork and desk computer for complex calculation work.Based on studying of the methods for planeness error calculation,one suitable method was selected. It is the Least Square method.A real measurement system was designed and manufactured. It includes five main parts:mechanical structure,high precision Gradienter,measurement control system,data recording and processing system and soft ware for coordinate transformation and planeness error calculation.The accuracy of the measurement system is 2.4um,the repeatability is 0.8 um. It is suitable for measuring Sanxia Big Thrust Bearing Plate. The project has passed the acceptance of Sanxia project office and the instrument has ordered by the company that will manufacture Sanxia Big Thrust Bearing Plate.Zhang Jingcai (Mechanical Design and theory) Directed by:Academician Lei Tianjue Professor Cheng Yuexiang
