

Boundary Layer Theory in Centrifugal Pumps of Liquid-Solid Two-Phase Fluid and Its Application on Vane’s Design

【作者】 朱玉才

【导师】 梁冰;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁工程技术大学 , 工程力学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 固体物料的管道水力输运技术,已有120多年的历史。近年来,已得到了迅速发展。离心式固液两相流泵是固体物料管道水力输运的关键设备,它随着管道水力输运技术的发展而发展。研究固液两相流体在离心泵内的运动规律,完善其设计理论和设计方法,一直是各国工业部门和大学,科研机构的教授、研究人员十分重视的课题。 本文在综合国内外关于固液两相流离心泵及与之相关文献的基础上,首次提出并建立了固液两相流泵的边界层理论,给出了叶片型线方程。全文共分七章。 第一章为绪论,综述了国内外离心式固液两相流泵的研究概况,阐述了本文研究的目的、意义及主要内容。 第二章依据N-S方程,考虑到液、固之间的相间耦合,在基本假设条件下,采用双流体模型,分别建立液、固两相的动量方程,它是固液两相流体的一般方程式;对其在边界层流区内进行量级比较,得到边界层动量微分方程并给出其边界条件,同时也得到固体颗粒在边界层内所满足的简化方程及其解的表达式。 第三章给出了固液两相流泵的边界层动量积分方程及其解的一般表达式,并得到叶片表面的无扰动解;引入了无量纲扰动因子Ψ及边界层厚度系数k_δ,给出了用于边界层计算的有限次逼近的计算方法。 第四章依据固液两相流泵的边界层理论及对主流区速度场的分析,给出了离心泵叶片型线的参数方程;它是以叶片安装角β为参变数,以引入的速度系数K_v作为中间因子,将两相流泵的边界层理论和欧拉理论联系起来——它说明了这样一个事实,在离心泵叶片型线的设计过程中,它的整个形态或参数的确定都关系到两相流体的流动特性和泵的输出能力,或者说,离心泵型线的设计是其水力设计的核心。那么,仅凭一条预先给定的满足叶轮出入口条件的曲线去来作为叶轮的型线,它必将忽略了这种除了叶轮出入口之外的中间变化过程,而这种中间变化在某种程度来说又反映出微观特性——边界层流动特性;速度系数的引入,它使边界层理论和欧拉理论在泵的叶轮设计过程中得到统一;它使选择叶片曲线的域围拓宽;它也为叶轮的优化设计提供了一个很有参考价值的目标函数。 第五章作为固液两相流泵的边界层理论的应用之一,本章给出了它在叶轮设计中应用的计算过程及实例分析。通过实例分析及数值计算,本章得出关于算法和程序的稳定、收敛性结论以及速度系数在计算中所表现出的规律性。 第六章叶片型线对比试验。 第七章对全文进行总结。

【Abstract】 The hydraulic transport technique of solid matters in pipelines has the history of 120 years. In resent years,it is developing rapidly. With its advance,the centrifugal pumps of liquid-solid two-phase fluids,which are the vital devices in hydraulic transport,are evolving. The perfection of designing theory and method has been an important project of professors,researchers in industrial departments,universities and institutes in every country.In the basis of the references on a centrifugal pump of two-phase fluids from domestic and oversea,its theory of boundary layer is presented and set up and the modular curve equation of vane is received in this paper. It divides into 7 chapters.The introduction is in chapter one,which summarizes the research results of centrifugal pump of two-phase fluids in domestic and oversea and illuminates the research aim,significant and main contents.In chapter two,according to N-S equation,considering the couple between liquid and solid,the double-fluid model is used to respectively set up momentum equations of two-phase fluids in condition of basic hypothesis,which are general equations of two-phase fluids. Simplifying the equations in boundary layer,the momentum differential equations are required and the boundary conditions are given. In the same time,the simplifying equations and their solutions,in which solid grain satisfies in boundary layer.In chapter three,the momentum integral equations and their solutions of two-phase fluids in boundary layer are given and the no-disturbance solutions on the surface ofvane are required. Leading into the disturbance factor of no-dimension and thicknesscoefficient ks in boundary layer,the numerical method of finite approximation is usedto calculate the boundary layer.In chapter four,according to the analysis on the boundary theory and velocity field of main fluid zone of two-phase fluid pumps,the parameter equations of vane’s modular curve of centrifugal pump are given,which contact the boundary’ layer and Eular theoryof two-phase fluid pump by the fixing angel of vane as variable and leading into thevelocity coefficient A. The results show that,in designing process of vane’s modularcurve of centrifugal pump,the determination of the total shape and parameters relates the flow properties of two-phase fluid and output ability of pump,or the design of themodular curve of centrifugal pump is the kernel of hydraulic design. Then,only a given curve satisfied by the conditions of import and outlet of vane wheel as its modular curve will neglect the middle varying processes of in vane wheel,which reflect microscope properties in some degree-flow properties in boundary layer. Leading into the velocity-coefficient unifies the boundary layer and Eular theory in the design process of vane,which extends the area of selection of vane’s curves and provides a valuable object function for the optimization design of vane.In chapter five,as one of the applications of boundary layer theory on two-phase fluid pump,the calculation process and example analysis in vane design are given and the stability and convergence of algorithms and programs and rules showed in calculation are required.The performance contrast test of the centrifugal pump is in chapter six.The conclusion of the paper is in chapter seven.
