

Study on the Effect of Nitrogen Dose on Quality Changing Pattern and Quality Stability of Wheat Grown in Heilongjiang Province

【作者】 孙连发

【导师】 李文雄;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 本文在盆栽条件下对黑龙江省不同品质水平的六个小麦主栽品种及一对Glu-D1位点近等基因系在五个施氮水平下的品质变化规律进行了研究。采用多点试验的方法,在黑龙江省小麦生产中常用的三个施氮水平下,利用十个不同品质类型的黑龙江省小麦主栽品种,研究施氮对小麦品质性状的调节作用、品质性状之间的相关性以及品质稳定性的影响,研究结果如下: 不同氮肥施用水平下黑龙江省小麦品质参数的变化规律 黑龙江省小麦品质在不同施氮量下变化规律因品质参数而异,表示面团强度的形成时间、粉质图评价值、吹泡示功图W值、P值以及表示面团延展性的吹泡示功图L值,这些品质参数随施氮量增加呈抛物线型变化,峰值出现在N3水平。而稳定时间的峰值低于其它品质参数,出现在N2—N3之间。这种规律性变化在品种间存在差异。面筋数量随施氮量也呈抛物线型变化,但其峰值施氮量出现在N4水平,高于表示面团强度参数的峰值施氮量。表示面筋强度的参数面筋指数随施氮量增加而降低,间接表示面筋强度的参数沉降值/干面筋比值随施氮量增加而下降或呈抛物线型变化因品种而异。P/L值随施氮量增加而下降,吸水率的变化与其它品质参数不同,多数材料的吸水率随着施氮量的增加而增加,但另一些材料呈抛物线或倒抛物线型变化。 在遗传背景相对一致时,与2+12亚基相比,5+10亚基对品质的作用主要表现在对沉降值、沉降值/干面筋比值以及软化度等性状的改善上,在抛物线峰值施氮水平下改善作用最大,对其它品质性状的改善作用不明显。 氮肥施用水平对黑龙江省小麦品质性状的调节作用 与基因型和环境因素相比,施氮量对多数品质性状的影响相对较小,但不同品质性状之间,氮素作用大小不同。对于面筋数量及吸水率来说,氮肥的作用仅次于基因型但高于环境,对其它品质参数,氮肥对品质的影响则不及基因型和环境。对于面筋指数和沉降值/干面筋比值,氮素的影响很小或没有影响。 将供试材料按不同品质参数进行分组后,减小了组内基因型之间的品质差异,也改变了试验因素对品质参数的作用顺序。按面筋含量分组以后,试验因素对面筋数量的作用顺序为:施氮量>环境>基因型。按沉降值高低分组后,对沉降值作用的顺次为环境>基因型>施氮量。对于高面筋含量材料、2+12、7+9、1(2*)材料以及低沉降值材料,试验因素对吸水率的作用顺次为基因型>施氮量>环境>环境×品种互作;而低面筋含量材料、5+10、7+8(9)、1(2*)材料,2+12、7+8、1(2*)材料和高沉降值材料,作用顺次为基因型>施氮量>地点×品种互作>环境。对于稳定时间来说,按面筋含量和沉降孙连发 摘 要2002年*月值分类时,试验因素的作用次序为:基因型>环境>基因型X环境互作>施氮量;按H*W*S组成分类时,对具有5+10亚基的材料的作用次序为:环埃>基因型>施氮量,只具有优质亚基7+8的材料,三因素及其互作的F测验不显著,2+12、7eq、1(2*)材料基因型的作用略大于环境。以上结论说明,在黑龙江省生态条件下,在小麦生产中常用施氮量范围内,与环境及品种基因型相比,氮对面筋数量和吸水率调节作用较大,对沉降值及面团耐揉特性影响相对较小。而对与面筋强度有关的参数调节作用很小或没有调节作用。 氮肥施用量对品质参数的调节能力也因分组方法而异。高面筋含量材料的面筋数量及面筋指数受施氮量影响的幅度大于低面筋含量材料;低面筋含量材料的形成时间、稳定时间、软化度和评价值等参数受施氮量的影响幅度明显大于高面筋材料。按沉降值分组时,高沉降值材料在大多数品质参数上受施氮量的影响范围大于低沉降值材料。按HMWGS分组时,施氮能同时改善具有5+10亚基材料的面筋数量和粉质图参数,对于具有7+8亚基的材料,施氮以改善面筋数量为主,对于没有优质亚基的材料,施氮能改善粉质图参数,但幅度较小。施氮量与品质参数之间的相关关系 施氮量的变化改变了品质参数之间的相关关系。总体上说,增加施氮量减弱了面筋数量与其它品质参数之间的相关关系。在低氮水平下,面筋数量与除沉降值/干面筋比值以外的所有性状相关显著,但在高氮水平下,面筋数量只与面筋指数和吸水率相关显著。然而,施氮量增加却加强了面筋指数与其它品质参数之间的相关关系,因此,在高氮水平下面筋指数是重要的,是具有代表性的品质参数,而在低氮水平下,面筋数量则是具有代表性的品质参数。沉降值与面筋指数、沉降值/干面筋比值、形成时间、软化度及评价值的显著相关关系受施氮量影响较小,因此,可以做为通常情况下的品质判断指标。 按面筋数量分组后,对于高面筋含量材料来说,面筋指数与其它品质参数相关性好,可以做为代表性参数,而对于低面筋含量材料来说,干面筋与其它品质参数相关性较好,可以做为代表性参数,将供试材料按沉降值分组,高沉降值材料品质参数之间相关性很差,低沉降值材料品质参数之间相关性较好。黑龙江省春小麦品质稳定性及氮肥对稳定性的影晌 品质参数之间,稳定性差异很大。面筋数量稳定性好?

【Abstract】 Six wheat cultivars and a pair of NlL differing on Glu-Dl locus were emplOyed to cnyout pot experiment under five nitrogen doses to identify the quality changing pattem.Meanwhi1e, A multiple locations experiment to stUdy the effect of nitrogen on Wheat qualityand the correlation of quality parameters as well as quality stability using ten wheat cultivarsdiffering in quality under three nitrogen rates were conducted.Effect of nitrogen dose on quaIity ckanging pattern of wheat grown in HenongjiangprovinccThe quaIity changing pattem affected by nitrogen dose varies on quality pararneters.Some representative parameters of dough strength including dough development time,stability, valorimeter value, W and P of a1veogram as well as Zeleny sedimentation valueshow the parabola shape in changing pattem aIong with nitrogen dose raising. N3 is the peakof the parabola while N2N3 is the peak of parabola only for stability of fdrinogram. For thequantity of gluten, itS peak aPPears at N4 level, being higher than that of dough strengthparameters. As a parameter representing gluten strength, glUten index decreases when nitrOgendose rise. The ratio of sedimentation value and dry gluten content representing gluten strengthindirectly decrease or change in inverted parabola along with nitrogen rates raising .P/L goesdown when nitrogen level increasing. For most varieties te5ted in the study, water absorptionrise along with nitrogen dose increase while it goes in parabola or invert parabola for othermaterials.Compare HWGS 5+l0 to itS countefPart 2+l2, the POsitive effect of 5+10 is main1y onZeleny sedimentation value, weakness and the ratio of sedimentation and dry gluten, itshowed maximum effectS at nitrogen dose of paraboIa Peak.The nyulation of nitpogen dose on quality parameters of wheat growu in HeilongjiangprovinceCompare with geOOtyPe and environment, nitrogen plays less importan role on wheatquality However, the effed of nitrogen on qua1ity varies with quality parameters. For glutenquantity and water absorphon, effod of nitrogen is second onIy to genotyPe. To otherparameters, the effect of dsgen is less than that of genotype and environment. The effect ofnitrOgen on gluten index and ratio of sedimentation and dry glUten is very little.When the tested marerials were grouped on quality parameters, driction order ofexperimental faCtors were changed when the cultivars were grOUped on glUtCh content, theorder of factors fiJnction tO glUten content is: nitrogen > environment > genotyPe. When thevariehes were gI’OuPed on sedimentation value, the oIder of factors function tO sedimentationvalue is f environment > genotype > nitrOgen. For the materials of high gluten content,HMWGS composition of 2+l2 7+9 l (2*) and low sedimentation value, the function ofexperimental fectOrs to water absorPtion is t genotype > nitrogen > environment > ExGwhi1e it is genotoe > nitrogen > ExG > environment for the materials of low gIuten content,HMWGS comPOsition of 5+l0 7+8 (9) l (2*), 2+l2 7+8 l (2*) and high sedimentaion.When the materials were grouPed on glulen colltent and sedimehaion value, the functionorder of the experimental factors to stability of fdrinogram is f genotype > environment >Gxgrnitrogen. For the materiaIs with subunit 5+l0, the fiJnction order to stability is;environment > genotyPe > nitrOgen, while genotype > environment fOr the materials withHMWGS of 2+12 7op 1 (2*) and no significant effect for the materials with HWGS of2+l2 7+8 l (2*). All these demonstrated that nitrogen play impotalt role to gluten contentand water absorption, less dripotalt role to sedimentation value and boograIn parametersand very Iittle or no POsitive effect on the parameters relevant to gluten strength.The caPacity of nitrogen regulation to wheat quaIity varies with materials grouped ondifferent parameters. The gIuten quantity of the materiaIs with high gluten content is affectedby nitrogen in lar’ger extent than

【关键词】 春小麦品质品质稳定性氮肥相关
【Key words】 spring wheatqualityquality stabilitynitrogencorrelation
  • 【分类号】S512.12
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】171