

The Theory and Practice of CBD System in Metrpolis

【作者】 陈瑛

【导师】 汤建中;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2002, 博士


【摘要】 城市是地区经济的中心。在城市发展的各个阶段,CBD(Central Business District中心商务区)均集中了以第三产业为主的,最高级别的经济活动,是城市中人流、物流、信息流、科技流高度集中的核心功能区,是物质和能量高强度汇聚和高速度交换的场所,是城市土地利用高度集约的地区,是城市繁荣标志,城市的灵魂。20世纪80年代以来,随着经济全球化和社会生产力的大发展,城市的数量和质量,规模和实力都空前增长和提高,CBD和Sub—CBD的规模和能级随之提升,并促进了城市CBD系统的形成和壮大。鉴于CBD系统在城市地位中的突出重要地位,规划和建设好城市CBD系统越来越受到广泛的关注。尽管世界上对CBD的研究已有近80年的历史,但由于CBD具有充沛的活力,处于不断的发展变化之中,对其的研究亦长盛不衰。相比飞跃发展的建设实际,理论已然显出滞后。因而本文首先力求在理论层面作出积极探索,以CBD系统和Sub-CBD为研究对象,力图探求其规律所在,发展CBD理论。 在计划经济体制下,我国城市在总体上形成了以工业为主体的产业结构及相应的空间结构。改革开放后,随着体制改革、对外开放和经济(尤其是第三产业)的飞速发展,中国城市产业结构发生巨大变化,并由此影响了城市空间结构的改变。CBD的作用和建设问题日趋引起重视。国内许多特大城市纷纷把CBD规划列入城市总体规划内容,高起点、大手笔地建设城市核心功能区,以此带动整个城市的经济发展,提高城市的综合竞争力。至今,全国已有26个城市将CBD的规划和建设提到了议事日程,有的已取得了明显绩效。与地区经济发展水平同步,CBD的规划和建设在东部地区的特大城市中率先进行。这种建设主要包括对原有CBD的更新改造以及建设副中心(Sub—CBD)以疏解CBD的功能并形成新的城市经济增长极两个方面。与东部地区相比,西部城市更多地处于体制转型前期,计划经济的痕迹仍十分浓厚,CBD更多地保留着原有的状态,没有形成有效带动城市第三产业发展的强动力机制。在经济全球化和西部大开发的双重机遇下,西部中心城市必将或已经面对着CBD的改造及副中心建设问题。因此本论文力图在理论和实践的结合上,率先研究尚未引起足够关注的西部特大城市的CBD和Sub—CBD建设问题,通过对西部城市,特别是样本城市的实地调研和深入分析,探求欠发达地区特大城市CBD发育的一般规律和建设模式。 论文分为篇幅大致相当的两大部分:第一部分为理论篇,由5章组成;第二部分为实证篇,分为2章。 第一章是理论基础研究,内容分为两部分:第一部分是对前人理论研究的回顾和评述,文中将前人的理论归纳为生态学派、土地经济学派、区位学派和土地利用学派,并对代表学说逐一评介;第二部分引入了流量经济新理念,用经济学与城市地理学的学科交叉观点,提出CBD成因的新见解。并从自然地理学中寻找到解释成因的新机制,也体现了自然地理学和人文地理学的学科交叉。 第二章是动感CBD。通过对CBD空间动态变化和功能内涵演变来说明CBD是一个动态过程。文中对CBD空间动态的形式和形成机制均提出了自己的看法,对功能内涵的演变做了全方位的系统总结。 _第三章是 CBD和 CBD系统的研究。文中首先对 CBD的基本理论做了有条理的_归纳,并用流量经济的理念对CBD做了新的界定,对CBD的职能结构提出了自己_的认识。其次,该章的主要贡献是将CBD的研究推向CBD系统的高度,分析了’CBD系统的形成和类型。从CBD系统的平台上研究CBD,在过去的论著中甚为少-见,可以说,这是对CBD系统最为完整的理论研究。 第四章是SUb—CBD的理论探索。该章把SUb—CBD提升为CBD系统的重要组_成部分,并对之进行了完整的理论总结。文中关于SUb一mD的定义,形成机制__和分类等论述,都是作者近一、二年内研究心得的淀积。从理论层面上完整、系_统地诠释SLlb—CBD,这也是以往文献中未曾所见的。._第五章是CBD的空间组织。CBD的高地价和高效益是一对矛盾,解决矛盾的_方法是高强度的土地利用。文中对世界各地为解决成本和效益的矛盾所采取的高_层化和向地下发展以及立体步行系统建设等方法做了详尽介绍,使这一章成为从_·理论层面向实践层面转化和过渡的桥梁。-_第六章是CBD系统的实证研究。该章首先提出了西部大开发的“城市中心 论”,并从历史资料和最新的流量经济资料论证了东西部CBD建设的背景条件。_-其次,用非经济因素的定性分析和流量经济的定量分析方法,选取了对比研究的 样本城市——重庆与西安。在重庆和西安的对比研究中,提出了“两种城市类型、_。“两种CBD模式”的新见解,并对古都王城(行政中心)类城市和经济型城市的_CBD模式进行了详尽的分析。这一具有中国特色的见解对不同城市类型的CBD建__设具有指导意义。实证研究基于大量的实地调研,用详实的资料对两个城市的功-_能内涵做了深入剖析。同时论文还对城市形态与CBD系统的发育进行了相关研。_究。最后的小结,是对比较研究成果的归纳,可供西部和其他地区的城市借鉴。__第

【Abstract】 As a center of regional economy, city has its soul in CBD. In each of stage of city’s development, CBD always plays an important role of a core functional zone in the city where the most economic activities at the high level, especially the third sector gather in. It is also a place where the substance and energy to be highly concentrated and rapidly exchanged. For its advatages location, CBD can attract a large number of economic flows such as people, goods, capital, and information. CBD, There for, become the city’s symbol of flourish and power for its highly intensive land-use. Following the economic globalization and rapid development of productivity, the quantity, quality, scale and strength of city has greatly improved since 1986. City, as a result, changes its appearance day after day. The scale of CBD and Sub-CBD develop so fast that the CBD system to be formed. For the important position of the CBD in city, the planning and construction of CBD system to be wide spreadly paid attention. Because of its vigor, CBD to be very well studied for a long time even though it has a research history of 80 years. An international conference of CBD in Beijing in 2002 shows that CBD research still has its important significance both to the world and China which can also testify the important theoritical and practical significance of my dissertation.Generally speaking, the cities in China have had a sector structure taking the industry as its key and a correspondent spatial structure under the planning system before 1978 when China took reform and open policy. After 1978, the economy in China has rapidly developed and the sector structure in city has greatly changed, which has deeply influenced the spatial structure in cities.The CBD planning in many cities to be successively enumerated in urban comprehensive planning because of its importance. So far, CBD planning and construction in more than 26 cities has been already placed on the agenda, and some of them have obtained a great achievement. Comparing with East China, planning economy system still take the leading place in West China. CBD has not played its core funtion in urban economy and has not driven the economic development of West China. Under the double opportunities of economic globalization and West China Development, the central cities have to face the problems of CBD renewing and Sub-CBD construction. With the combination of theory and practice, author attempts to lead the research work on CBD system of West China and probes the general laws and construction models of CBD in less development areas. If this dissertation can do something for the West China Development Strategy, it will be my happiness. That is the reason why 1 choose CBD as a subject of my dissertation.The dissertation be divided into two parts in almost same length. The first part is theoretical research which include 5 chapters. The second part is the case study with 2 chapters.As the academic background, the basic theories and relevant results are mainly listed and commented on in the first half of chapter one. In the second half, author introduces to a newconcept of flow economy which is used to explain the CBD’s cause. Furthermore, a new dynamic mechanism stemming from physical geography and hydromechanics is put forward in the dissertation.Chapter two gives out a tendency idea to explain CBD’s evolution which includes spatial movement and functional improvement. Author’s main contribution in chapter 3 is construct a theoritical frame of CBD system which includes the cause, the mechanizm and pattern of CBD system. A new definition of CBD based on flow economy is also put forward in the chapter. In addition, the shape and functional intension of CBD is deeply discussed.The theory of Sub-CBD which includes the Sub-CBD definition based on flow economy, dynamic mechanizm of Sub-CBD cause and classification of Sub-CBD is perfectly and systematicaly studied in chapter four. Possibly, it will be the first one for me who gives sub-CBD a complete and systematical theo

【关键词】 CBDSub—CBDCBD系统流量经济重庆西安
【Key words】 CBDSub-CBDCBD systemflow economyXianChongqin
  • 【分类号】F290
  • 【被引频次】36
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