

【作者】 蔡华俭

【导师】 杨治良;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 自尊是人格的一个重要方面,是自我的核心,与个体的心理健康、生活幸福感等密切相关,一直是人格心理学、自我心理学、临床心理学研究的重要内容之一。内隐自尊是于上个世纪九十年代中期兴起的内隐社会认知领域的主要领域之一。近几年来,由于测量方法的不断提出和完善,内隐自尊正成为自尊研究中的前沿和热点之一。本研究在国内首次运用内隐社会认知中的前沿研究方法——阈下语义启动和内隐联想测验,设计系列实验,对内隐自尊的作用机制、特性、临床意义等系列问题进行了开创性的研究。本研究包括三大部份。 第一部分为研究的背景,先对自尊的定义、测量、研究方法、研究历史沿革等进行了系统的回顾、归纳和整理,接着着重对近年来内隐自尊的含义及研究现状进行了详细介绍,然后在对其中面临的问题进行分析的基础上提出了研究设想, 第二部分为实验研究部分,涉及理论和应用两个方面。前面三个研究主要是探讨内隐自尊的作用机制、内隐自尊和外显自尊的关系、内隐自尊的稳定性、作用条件等基础理论问题。后面两个研究主要是研究内隐自尊和焦虑、抑郁的关系,旨在探索内隐自尊的临床意义。具体如下: 研究——采用阈下语义启动程序,对内隐自尊的作用机制及其特性进行研究,从认知上揭示了在个体的认知图式中,自我和积极的属性和事物联系更为紧密,个体对自我持有一种内隐的积极的评价或态度;内隐自尊的作用是以这种积极的内隐评价或态度的自动化的激活和扩散为基础的,并且这种激活可以在无意识的情况下发生。 研究二包括两个实验。实验1运用内隐联想测验对内隐自尊进行了研究和测量,同时还运用实证性因素分析对外显自尊和内隐自尊的关系结构进行了研究,证实了:在内隐联想测验中,内隐自尊效应显著,运用内隐联想测验测量内隐自尊是成功、可行的;内隐自尊现象是存在的,个体更倾向于把自我同积极的评价相联;中国大学生的内隐自尊低于西方大学生;内隐自尊与外显自尊是相对独立的两个不同的结构,二者间仅存在低的正相关。实验2在对外显自尊水平不同的两组被试的内隐自尊进行了研究,再一次证实了内隐自尊的高低和外显自尊水平没有关系。 研究三以瑞文智力测验为成败操纵的基本任务,对成败操纵前后、接受成功反馈和失败反馈的个体在内隐联想测验中的反应及其内隐自尊情况进行了分析研究,结果表明:不论是接受成功反馈还是失败反馈,成败操纵后,被试的反应速度都显著地快于操纵前;不论是接受成功反馈还是失败反馈,成败操纵后,被使的内隐自尊水平都显著地低于操纵前;成功反馈和失败反馈对内隐自尊的影响差异不显著;内隐自尊易受即时的关于自我的情绪体验以及认知资源、动机等的影响,具有不稳定性,当个体情绪唤醒水平较高、动机较为强烈时、认知资源充分时, 华未师范J一学2m2年度博士学位论文:内民自谷的们卜甲书u间及特怪一出纪-11- 内隐自尊将受到抑制,水平将下降。 研究四对抑郁和外显自尊及内隐自尊的关系进行了研究,结果发现:抑郁个体外显自尊水 平显著地低于正常个体,但内隐自尊水平和正常个体无显著差异;对于抑郁个体而言,其内隐 自尊有高于外显自尊的倾向;对于正常个体而言,其外显自尊有高于内隐自尊的倾向;内隐自 尊和外显自尊的差异在正常个体和抑郁个体的身上存在显著的差异,这不仅意味着抑郁的一个 新的特征,也为抑郁的发生机制提供了一种新的解释,为临床中抑郁的诊断和治疗以及心理咨 询实践、教育等都提供了新的理论基础和干预思路。 研究五对焦虑和外显自尊及内隐自尊的关系进行了研究,结果发现;焦虑个体外显自尊水二 平显著地低于正常个体,但内隐自尊水平和正常个体无显著差异;对于焦虑个体而言,其内隐 自尊有高子外显自尊的倾向;对于正常个体而言,其外显自尊有高于内隐自尊的倾向;内隐自 尊和外显自尊的差异状况在正常个体和焦虑个体的身上存在显著的差异,这不仅意味着焦虑的 一个新的特征,也为焦虑的发生机制的提供了一种新的解释,为临床中焦虑的诊断和治疗、心 理咨询实践、教育等提供了新的理论基础和干预思路。 研究的第三部分结合本研究背景,对第二部分的研究结果进行了理论解释和整合,重点对 内隐自尊的作用机制、条件。稳定性、与外显自尊的关系等进行了综合和归纳,认为:内隐自 尊的发生是以内隐自我态度的自动化激活为基础的,是一种个体通过内省不能确认的无意识的_自动化的过程,个体所持有的内隐自我态度是积极的、肯定的;在内隐联想测验中,内隐自尊 效应显著,运用内隐联想测验测量内隐自尊是有效的:内隐自尊和外显自尊是相对独立的两个 过程,但二者存在着相互作用。内隐自尊与个体的即时的认知资源状况、动机强度、情绪唤醒 水平等

【Abstract】 Self-esteem,as a central ingredient of self and an important aspect of personality,has been proved to be critical to mental health and subjective well-being. A large amount of studies on self-esteem have been carried out in the perspectives of personality,social and clinical psychology. However,implicit self-esteem is a new concept proposed by Anthony.G.Greenwald et al. in 1995,which is the result of the rapid development of researches on implicit social cognition. Since then,the researches about implicit self-esteem have developed rapidly. Using the latest developed measure - Implicit Association Test (IAT) and another popular method - Subliminal Semantic Priming procedure,a series of experiments were designed to study the mechanism,characteristics,stability and clinical significance of implicit self-esteem.In the first part of the dissertation,a review on the definition,measures,research methods,and the development of the research on self-esteem was presented.The second part consists of a series of studies. The first three studies involved about theoretical problems including the mechanism of self-esteem,the relationship between implicit and explicit self-esteem and the stability of implicit self-esteem,the next two explored how the implicit,explicit self-esteem correlate with depression and anxiety. The details are showed as following:In study 1,the Subliminal Semantic Priming procedure was used to study the mechanism and characteristics of implicit self-esteem. The result indicated:(1) the association between self and positive affective words or attributes or words was stronger than that between self and negative affective words or attributes or words;(2) implicit self-attitude were positive and could be automatically activated. (3) the function of implicit self-esteem was based on the automatic activation and spreading of implicit self-attitude or self-evaluation.Study 2 includes two experiments. In the first one,IAT was employed to measure implicit self-esteem and the confirmatory factor analysis was carried out to explore the structure of implicit self-esteem and explicit self-esteem. The result showed:(1). the effect of implicit self-esteem was significant and the IAT was valid;(2).Implicit self-esteem and explicit self-esteem were different traits and did not correlate with each other. In the second experiment,a high explicit self-esteem group and a low explicit self-esteem group accepted IAT. The result showed that there was no significant difference between two groups,which also suggested that implicit self-esteem isindependent of explicit self-esteem.In study 3,80 subjects who had accepted IAT beforehand took a computerized version of Raven Intelligence Test,immediately,half of them were given "success" feedback and the other half were given "failure" feedback. Subsequently,all subjects accepted IAT once again. The result showed:(1) The reaction time on the judgment task of the post-IAT was much shorter than that of pre-IAT and the implicit self-esteem decreased significantly after getting feedback regardless of the nature of it;(2).the type of feedbacks showed no significant effect on IAT. (3)Implicit self-esteem was instable. When the individuals were highly aroused by emotion,highly motivated and had plenty of cognition resource,the function of implicit self-esteem would be inhibited.In study 4,70 depressive subjects and 45 normal ones accepted both IAT and explicit self-esteem measure. The result showed:(l).the explicit self-esteem of depressive individuals was significantly lower than that of the normal ones;(2).there was no significant difference between the depressives and the normals on implicit self-esteem;(3).the implicit self-esteem of the depressives was inclined to be higher than the explicit self-esteem,while the situation for the nomals is just on the contrary;(4).the discrepancy between implicit self-esteem and explicit self-esteem differed significantly between the depressives and the normals.In study 5,69 anxiety subjects and 45 normal ones accepted both IAT

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