

A Study on the Mass Education Thought in Modern China

【作者】 张蓉

【导师】 金林祥;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育史, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 民众教育思潮是中国近代众多教育思潮中最重要的教育思潮之一。它勃兴于民国中后期,统一在救亡图存的时代主题之下,提倡和鼓吹民众教育,在全国蔚成了声势浩大的民众教育运动,影响极大。在众多教育流派及个人的共同努力下,民众教育思潮准确地把握住了教育的发展脉搏,预示出了未来教育的发展方向,从教育理论、教育制度及教育实践层面,推动了我国教育现代化的进程。在当前,民众教育思想仍然具有重要的现实意义。 由于种种原因,民众教育思潮长期以来没有得到应有的关注,这与它在近代蓬勃发展的史实足很不相称的。本文根据辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的一般原则,对中国近代民众教育思潮进行整体考察,探索其产生的背景及历史动因,把握其发展脉络,并从群体分析入手,对有代表性的各教育流派的民众教育思想进行剖析,探寻民众教育思潮的基本思想特点,揭示民众教育思潮的实质,对其历史地位和影响作出客观、公正的评价,藉此拓展对中国教育史的研究,并为我国当前的教育改革与发展提供历史的借鉴。 全文共包括七个部分: 绪言部分,简介民众教育思潮,界定民众教育的概念,介绍学术界对民众教育思潮的研究现状,说明本文的研究意义、研究目的及方法。 上篇 “民众教育思潮寻踪”,包括两章:第一章阐述了民众教育思潮产生的历史条件。民众教育思潮的产生既是政治经济发展的要求,也是改革传统教育的趋势使然;中国传统的“教化”思想和清末出现的民众教育思想,以及西方的民主思想和近代新教育思想,为民众教育思潮的产生提供了丰富的思想源泉。第二章考察了民众教育思潮的演进过程。从1912到1949年间,民众教育思潮经历了一个由酝酿萌芽,形成发展,到转型衰落的发展历程,这一过程与当时社会的变迁相始终,贯穿着人们改造社会、复兴民族的理想。 中篇 “民众教育思潮各流派”,包括两章:第三章分析了主流——民众教育派的民众教育思想体系。以俞庆棠、高阳、李蒸、陈礼江等为代表的民众教育派是民众教育思潮的主要倡导者,他们从民众教育的内涵、特征、目的、意义、内容、实施、制度,及民众教育人员的培养、民众教育实验的开展等方面,对民众教育进行了全面研究和实践,形成了比较系统的民众教育理论体系。第四章对支流——其他教育流派的民众教育主张进行了论述。民众教育思潮的支流既有以蒋介石、钮永建、吴稚晖等政府要人为代表的政府派,以晏阳初为代表的平民教育派;也有以梁漱溪为代表的乡村建设派,以陶行知、张宗盼为代表的生活教育派,以黄炎培、江问渔为代表的职业教育派等,他们从各自的视角出发,对民众教育的有关问题提出了自己的主张,构成了另一股推动民众教育思朝的重要力量。在众多教育流派中,以民众教育派对民众教育的理论探讨最为深入,也最有建树,他们的理论体系是构成民众教育思想的主要部分,也是促进民众教育思潮发展的最有力的动力。 下篇“民众教育思潮评价”,包括两章:第五章剖析了民众教育思潮的特点及实质.民众教育思潮的特点表现在它是全民教育思想,是终身教育思想,是以人生全部活动为内客的教育思想,是一种具有开放形式的教育思想,是以科学精神为指导的教育思想。就其实质来说,民众教育思潮是一种以爱国知识分子为主体,要求通过提高民众素质来实现民族复兴、国家富强的进步教育思潮。民众教育思潮具有一定的历史局限性,突出地表现为它属于教育救国的范畴,存在着理论与实践、人文性与实用性的矛盾。第六章揭示了民众教育思潮的影响及启示。民众教育思潮对中国的教育和社会发展产生了深远.的影响;它不仅带来了教育观念的更新,丰富了教育理论;推动了教育制度的改革,促进了非正规教育的发展;创立专I刁学校,培养了民众教育专业人才;而且促进了民众素质的提高和民众生活的改善。民众教育思潮为我们今天的教育发展提供了重要启示:人的改造与社会结构的变革应同步进行;立足国情,逐步建立和完善终身教育体系;坚待以人文教育为主导,提高民族文化素质;教育必须紧密联系社会实际,适应人民需要。

【Abstract】 The mass education thought was one of the great important education thoughts in modern China. It rose on the middle-later stage in Republic of China,trying to save the nation from extinction. By advocating the mass education,it created a great mass education movement,and produced profound influence. The mass education thought made great efforts and held the direction of educational development. The mass education thought pushed forward the modern course of Chinese education in educational theory,system and practice. It still has practical significance.For a long period of time,the mass education thought has been ignored although it was of great importance in the modem history of Chinese education. So it is very necessary to change the condition. The thesis,according to the basic principles of materialism,makes a comprehensive study on the mass education thought to seek its historical background and motive force,grasp its development thread,and explore its character through analyzing the mass education thought of representative schools. The thesis also observes its essence,evaluates its status and effect objectively and fairly in the modem history of Chinese education. Thereby the thesis can promote further study on the history of Chinese education,and provide a reference for the reform and development of Chinese education at present.The thesis is devided into three parts and six chapters.The preface introduces the mass education thought briefly,defines the concepts of the mass education,presents academic researches on the subject,and explains the research aim and method.Part one investigates the phylogeny of the mass education thought. It consists of tow chapters. Chapter one discusses the historical condition to produce the mass education thought in the respects of historical background and source of thought. Chapter two reviews evolution of the mass education thought in three periods of flush,development and decline.Part tow explains the schools of the mass education thought in two chapters. Chapter three analyzes the thought system of the mass education school represented by Yu Qingtang,Gaoyang,Lizheng and Chen Lijiang. The school is the essential aspect,which build systematic theory of the mass education by studying its connotation,character,goal,content,practice,specialized personnel,experiment and system. Chapter four elucidates the opinion of other schools including the government school represented by Jiang Jieshi,Niu Yongjian and Wu Zhihui,people education school represented by Yan Yangchu,rural reconstruction school represented by Liang Shinning,life education school represented by Tao Xingzhi and Zhang Zonglin,vocation education school represented by Huang Yanpei and Jiang Wenyu. Theseschools are the minor aspects to drive the mass education thought.Part three evaluates the mass education thought in tow chapters. Chapter five analyses the character and essence of the mass education thought. The main features of the mass education thought are that it is the thought of education for all and lifelong education,concludes activities of total life,has an open system,and directed by scientific spirit. In substance,the mass education thought is a progressive educational thought,and it wishes make the country rich and independent by educating the mass. Chapter six explains the influence and enlightenment of the mass education thought. The mass education thought enriched the educational theory,drove the reform of educational system forward,trained the specialized personnel of the mass education,promoted the development of out of-school education,improved the quality and life standarding of the mass. Lessons are drawn from the mass education thought:(1) the improving of the mass quality should be go along with the reforming of the society structure;(2)the building of lifelong education system should be based upon national conditions;(3)the improving of national civilization should be leaded by humanistic education;(4)education must contact with social reality and adapt to the need of peop

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