

Experimental Study on Specific Anti-colorectal Carcinoma Immunity with CEA/B7-1 and CEA/IL-2 Dna Vaccine

【作者】 何天霖

【导师】 曹贵松; 傅传刚;

【作者基本信息】 第二军医大学 , 外科学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 大肠癌是消化道最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,手术切除是其治疗的主要方法,但手术后常发生复发与转移,是其死亡的主要原因。如果在术中或术后早期进行有效的临床干预,则能显著的提高大肠癌的术后生存时间。但目前临床上预防术后复发与转移的途径主要以化疗为主,但化疗为肿瘤非特异性,敏感性低,全身副作用大,效果欠佳。 肿瘤核酸疫苗是近年崛起的新型生物治疗方法,它可同时诱导机体产生体液免疫和细胞免疫,尤其是细胞免疫,在抗肿瘤免疫中起关键作用,并且应用简便,可直接注射质粒至肌肉,通过肌细胞的MHCⅠ、MHCⅡ传递抗原信息,不必考虑个体间的MHC限制性。与传统性的化疗有本质的区别,是一种生理性的,着眼于调动宿主自身的抗癌能力,通过增强机体固有的抗肿瘤机制达到抑制、杀灭肿瘤细胞及根治肿瘤的目的;而传统的化疗则是借助“外力”杀灭肿瘤细胞,肿瘤细胞消灭不彻底,难以控制肿瘤复发与转移,并给正常组织细胞带来巨大毒副作用。 癌胚抗原(Carcinoembryonic Antigen,CEA)是许多消化道腺癌表达的一种肿瘤相关抗原,大肠癌几乎100%都表达CEA。正常消化道粘膜仅有少量分泌。它的免疫原性较低,临床检测为CEA阳性的病人可以对CEA处于免疫耐受状态。但研究发现,若将CEA与一强抗原共同应用,则可产生较强的抗CEA反应,随着肿瘤抗原筛选技术的发展、完善,对CEA诱发免疫应答的抗原表位也有了清楚的了解,从而引发了将CEA作为肿瘤免疫靶抗原的研究和应用。此外,CEA还是一种粘附因子,可促进肿瘤细胞与正常细胞的结合,在肿瘤细胞的转移中起重要作用,故把CEA作为靶抗原可有效的抑制大肠癌术后的复发与转移。 共刺激分子(Costimulatory factors)是T细胞激活的第二信号。T细 一 胞受体(TCR)与抗原结合产生T细胞活化的第一信号,而T细胞表面的CD28 与抗原提呈细胞(APC)表达的B7分子结合产生第H信号,T细胞只有同时 受到这两种信号的刺激,才能被完全活化。如果只有TCR介导的第一信号, 缺乏B7等共刺激分子提供的第h信号,则可能导致T细胞的凋亡或产生兔 疫无反应性(兔疫耐受)。除B细胞淋巴瘤和部分黑色素瘤外,肿瘤细胞不 表达B7-l(CD80)或B7-2(CD86)分子,因此肿瘤细胞容易导致兔疫耐受。 IL-2是所有细胞因子佐剂中被最广泛研究的细胞因子。IL-2通过分布于T、 B细胞、NK细胞及(淋巴因子激活的)杀伤细胞表面的受体系统发挥作用。 这一分子直接激活单核细胞并对诱导其他巨噬细胞有作用。而且,一些次 级分子如 GM-CSF的释放也由几-2引发,进而激发巨噬细胞的活性。当以 DNA表达质粒形式与抗原在抗原提呈部位共同接种后,IL-2有效地扩增针 对抗原的B细胞及T细胞应答。此外,IL-2是一种重要的T细胞生长因子, 幼稚T细胞转化为TH;或TH。细胞需要它的存在,其佐剂效应以促进细胞兔 疫应答为主。 鉴于此,本实验用RT-PCR的方法自病人手术切除结肠癌组织(CEA阳 性)中取得编码CEA的CDNA,构建其真核表达质粒p1RES-CEA。并以CEA 为肿瘤抗原的代表,构建了 B7-1和 IL-2基因与CEA CDNA的共表达质粒 pIRES-CEA/B7-1和 pIRES-CEA/IL-2。转染 COS7细胞,了解构建质粒的表 达情况。以共表达质粒 pIRES-CEA/B7*和 pIRES-CEA/IL-2免疫小鼠模型, 研究其抗CEA的免疫应答作用,为临床上预防大肠癌术后复发与转移奠定 实验基础。 结果表明:()本实验首次成功构建了能在真核细胞中高效表达的内部 核糖体进入位点控制的双重表达重组质粒 PIRES-CEA/B7-1 和 PIRES-CEA/IL-2;(2)共表达重组质粒 PIRES-CEA/B7-l禾 PIRES-CEA/IL-2 在表达CEA、B7八 及CEA、IL-2 量上无明显差异;(3)PIRES-CEA、 国家自然科学基金资助项目4 一 PIRES-CEA/B7l和PIRES-CEA/IL-2能诱导小鼠体内细胞免喇懈蚊, 其中 PIRES-CEA/B7-1和 PIRES-CEA/IL-2较PIRES-CEA免疫 答作用明显 增强。PIRES-CEA/B7-1 和 PIRES-CEA/IL-2 混合接f中应答最强,但与 plm卜优V队-1和p工旺}nVI卜2靴接种统计学无明显差异:(4)中剂 量、大剂能禾中 PIRES-CEA/B7-1和 PIRES-CEA/IL-2弓I起的细胞 啪兔 觎答强于小剂貉种PIRES-CEA/B7-1和PIRES-CEA/IL-2。跟,中剂量 与大剂量

【Abstract】 Colorecta1 cancer is one of the most common ma1ignant carcinomaof the digestive tract. The main treatment for co1orecta1 cancer isexci sion, but recurrence or metastasi s often occurs postoperat ive1y,which common1y resu1ts in death. If we can do something duringoperation or in early postoperative period to prevent recurrence ormetastasis, the surviva1 time for patients wi11 be pro1ongedremarkab1e1y. At present, chemica1 treatment is the conunon method usedto achieve this, but it is neither specific nor sensitive.Tumor DNA vaccine, a nove1 type of vaccine, e1 icits both humora1and ce11u1ar irmune responses. Ce11u1ar inununity especial1y has beenproved to p1ay the important ro1es in anti--tumor inununity. Since DNAvaccines directly inocu1ate and express in myocyte, via MHC I andMHC 1I of APC or myocyte de1ivering antigen to inunune system, itis not necessary to consider MHC restriction in differentindividuals.Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) is a re1ated antigen which isexpressed in many adenocarcinomas of the digestive systemadenocarcinomas. A1most a11 co1orecta1 cancers express CEA. Inaddition, CEA is a1so an adherence factor that faci1itates theconjugation of tumor and norma1 ce11s, which plays an important ro1ein tumor recurrence and metastasis. However, tumor antigen is so weakin ant igenicity that effective inunune response can not be e1 icited.An important strategy to overcome this insufficiency is combinationof adjuvant and antigen.T ce11 activation is dependent upon signa1s de1ivered throughthe antigen--specific T ce11 receptors and accessory receptors on theT ce11. Costimu1atory factors is the second singa1 for T ce11activation. T--ce11 receptor (TCR) binding with antigen deve1op thefirst singa1 for T ce11 to become active. CD28 on the T ce11 surfacebinding with B7 which is expressed from APC deve1op second singa1. Tce11 can on1y be activated when it receives these two singa1s. If thereis only first singa1, without the second singa1, maybe the T ce1l wi11die or be ionuno1ogica11y unresponsive. Besides B ce11 1yinphoma andsome me1anoma, tumor ce11 do not express B7--1 (CD80) or B7--2 (CD86), sotumor ce11s can easi1y deve1op immuno1ogica1 to1erance. IL--2 is oneof the cytokines that have been studied wide1y. IL--2 produces a markedeffect through the receptor system with distribution in the T, B, NKand K ce11s. The mo1ecu1e direct1y activate the monocytes and induceother histiocytes. When DNA and antigen both inocu1ate, IL--2 uti1 ityamp1ify the B ce11s and T ce11s respond to the antigen. Inaddition, IL--2 is a kind of important T ce11 growth factor. It is neededfor the conversion of irnature T ce11s to TH, or TH, ce11s. Its primaryadjuvant effect is to acce1erate the ce11u1ar inununity response.In this study, we c1oned the CEA cDNA with RT--PCR and constructedthe pIRES expression vector. Taking Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)as an examp1e of tumor antigens, CEA cDNA was c1oned from patientssuffering from co1orecta1 carcinoma that where CEA positive.We c1oned the B7--1 and IL--2 cDNA with RT--PCR. The coexpressionplasmid of CEA,B7、land IL-2 were constructed.Further,theireffects as antn-tumor,their aballty to Induce llune response eereS上tidied. Theresultsshowedthat:(l)Threeeukaryotlcexpress。onplasmlds,PIRES-CEA,PIRES-CEA/B7-1,PIRES-CEA/工乙-2,had bPPn Sllccess上"flyconstructed,transformed Into COS7 cells and expression of twoproteins were demonstrated by ELISA。flow cytometer and elecsy.(2)Inununlzed mince with coexpressson plasmld and controls,showed thatco—dellveryofB7-for IL-2 andCEAcDNAproduces anti一CEA immuneresponse(SI and IL-4)that are sUperior to those generated by thenlasmid DNA encoding CEA alone.(3)pIRES-CEA,pIRES-CEA/B7-landpIRES-CEA/IL-2 can induce mice cellular lllllllunlty and humoral1mLlfllty In vlvo.The lllllllune resPonse of PIRES-CEA/B7-landpIRES-CEA/IL
