

Research on Innovation Theory of Competitive Gymnastics

【作者】 吕万刚

【导师】 姚侠文;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2001, 博士

【摘要】 创新,既是实现事物发展的要求,又是时代要求。创新,既是竞技体操生命,又是我国竞技体操制胜规律和法宝。本课题以竞技体操创新为研究对象,采用文献资料法、访问调查法、问卷调查法和案例分析法,在对竞技体操运动员竞技能力决定性因素和影响技术训练效果因素进行全面分析的基础上,以技术因素为中心,初步建立了竞技体操创新系统的理论主体框架,并对竞技体操创新系统的各构成要素进行了全面分析和研究。 本课题研究主要创新点在于:(1)以竞技体操创新的功能和作用为理沦依据,对竞技体操创新内容进行了分类,并在对竞技体操运动员竞技能力决定性因素和影响技术训练效果因素进行全面分析的基础上,以技术因素为中心,初步建立了竞技体操创新系统的理沦主体框架。(2)对竞技技术创新进行系统研究,揭示了技术创新特征、规律、原则和方法,并对高难动作和连接创新方法进行重点研究。(3)在对促进竞技体操技术创新过程动力因素进行全面分析的基础上,建立竞技体操技术创新过程创新需求与科技进步相互作用和一体化模型。(4)在对影响高难动作创新因素进行全面分析的基础上,应用数学模型对高难动作创新进行评价,使对创新选择决策科学化。(5)引入管理学理论和观点,对竞技体操技术创新支持系统进行了分类,并对创新人力资源的知识与能力结构、创新型教练员培养以及创新激励和信息在创新过程中的作用和运动特征进行了较深入研究。 技术创新系统由基本技术创新、高难动作技术创新和连接编排技术创新构成。竞技体操技术创新具有多方面特征,新颖性是其最显著特征。它具有规则导向、集群发展、无限发展、交互作用和周期性规律性。竞技体操技术创新应遵循超前性、针对性和可行性原则,并对技术创新方法体系中的基础技术、高难动作技术和连接技术创新法进行优化选择,才能有利于技术创新成功。竞技体操技术创新过程主要由技术创新构思产生、设计与研究开发、训练实验与应用于比赛几个阶段构成。而推动竞技体操技术创新动力因素是多方面的,但竞技体操技术创新过程模型主要有创新需求与技术进步相互作用模型和一体化模型。 技术创新支持系统由技术创新的人力资源、训练理论与方法手段创新、场地器械设备创新、技术创新的激励与信息等构成。人力资源与技术创新的关系就是主体与客体的关系,他们的知识和能力是创新进行技术创新的基础。知识由扎实的基础知识、高而深的专业知识和广阔的相关知识构成;能力主要由创新能力、转化能力和组织协调能力构成,而创新能力是核心能力。创新型教练员主要从培养对体操事业的热爱和执着追求、提高受教育程度、培养敏锐观察力和丰富想象力、培养获取信息和利用信息能力、激发求知欲和好奇心五个方面来培养。训练方法手段、场地器械设备是实现技术创新的条件和保证。人力资源进行技术创新动机是多方面的,对技术创新行为的激励主要是根据创新人力资源不同的需要,设定恰当的创新目标,增加创新刺激强度,加强创新动机过程,我国应逐步加大物质激励力度,建立以物质激励与精神激励并重的激励机制,对技术创新进行奖励,加快技术创新实现。竞技体操技术创新是一个多阶段的活动过程,信息既是创新的各个阶段之间联系的纽带,又是维持创新过程得以持续而不致中断的动力的重要组成部分。 本课题研究不仅完善了竞技体操创新理论,也拓宽了竞技体操创新研究范围,丰富了竞技体操训练学理论,并对竞技体操创新实践提供了理论基础。同时,也对同项群其它项目创新研究提供了可借鉴理论和方法。

【Abstract】 Innovation is not only the need of development, but also the need of modern times. It is life of competitive Gymnastics and law of winning. The paper mainly studies innovation of competitive Gymnastics. Basing on comprehensive analysis of decisive factors of gymnasts’ competitive ability and factor influencing technical training competence, and by means of document, investigation, questionnaire and case analysation, we have established theoretical frame of innovation system of competitive Gymnastics and carefully analyzed factors of the innovation system.Our major points of research are: (1) in the light of the functions of innovation of competitive Gymnastics.contents of innovation are classified into two types,technical innovation system and support system of technical innovation . (2) systematic research on the technical innovation has been carried out, the result shows that technical innovation consists of basic technical innovation, advanced elements technical innovation and connections technical innovation. Features, laws, principles and methods of technical innovation are demonstrated.Tecahnicl innovation is Characteristic of novelty, danger, diversity, gradualness and time . it is guidance of code , it has property of cluster development and infinite developmental has interactive function and periodicity.lt should follow Principles of leading, orientation and feasiblility.There are various methods of innovation which can be cncluded as method of basic technical innovation, method of advanced elements technical innovation, method of connections technical innovation.(3)On the basis of overall sanalysis of dynamic factors prompting technical innovation ,we have established intergral model and interactive model of needs of innovation and scientific advancement.(4)On the basis of comprensive analysis of factors affecting difficult element of innovation, mathmatics model is applied in assessing these we elements in order to make scientific decisions.(5)With application of theory and viewpoints of managemenLsupport system of technical innovoation is divided into human resources of technical innovoation,theory and method of training,equipments of training,informations and encouragement of technical innovoation. Studies have been made on the knowledge and ability of human resources, training of creative coaches,innovation encouragement of technical innovoation,function and characteristics of information in the process of technical innovoation.This research can not only perfect the theory of innovation of competitive Gymnastics,but also enlarge the scope of the researches and enrich the theory of training. It can further provide theoretical basis for the practice and afford methods for studying innovation of other sport events.

  • 【分类号】G832
  • 【被引频次】31
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