

Long-term Changes of Main Ecological Factors of the Jiaozhou Bay Ecosystem

【作者】 赵淑江

【导师】 焦念志;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(海洋研究所) , 海洋生物学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 随着周边人口的增长和人为干预的加剧,胶州湾的生态功能正在趋于下降,表现在水域面积不断缩小,自净能力不断削弱,生物群落遭到破坏,渔业资源严重衰退,直接威胁着胶州湾生态系统的持续发展。因而有必要对胶州湾主要生态因子的长期变化进行研究,以了解它们的动态变化规律,为查明有关的生态学过程和生态系统的动力学机制打下基础。 本文首先针对胶州湾生态系统观测站(JERS)积累的大量历史资料中存在的问题,根据生态学规律,对这些数据文件和其中的生态项目予以编码编排,对不同时间、航次调查的站位进行逻辑处理,根据胶州湾生态数据所具有的空间属性,运用MapBasic语言对地理信息系统软件Mapinfo进行二次开发,研制出了“胶州湾生态系统数据库”。该数据库借用了Mapinfo方便的查询功能和强大的数据组织能力,可以从有关胶州湾生态调查数据表中有效而方便地提取、查询和组织数据,大大方便了胶州湾生态系统研究的需要。 运用统计学方法对胶州湾生态系统主要生态因子进行时间序列分析和系统研究,发现胶州湾海域海水化学耗氧量自20世纪90年代以来呈现持续上升状态,尤其进入98年以后迅速上升,表层化学耗氧量1998年比1991年增加44.7%。研究还发现胶州湾海域亚硝酸氮、硝酸氮和氨氮自20世纪60年代以来都有了大幅度的上升,磷的含量则在80年代达到最高,90年代以来略有下降;而胶州湾海域硅酸盐的含量自80年代以来呈现持续下降状态,90年代比80年代降低了63.6%。胶州湾的浮游植物多样性指数虽然自90年代以来处于上升趋势,但作为食物链中重要环节的浮游动物的多样性指数却处于持续下降状态。结合其它研究得出结论认为:1)、胶州湾生态系统的营养盐结构已经发生了巨大变化;2)、胶州湾生态系统对于浮游植物的生长可能产生限制作用的营养盐已经从N元素转向Si元素;3)、胶州湾营养盐结构等生态环境的改变影响了胶州湾生物群落结构的变化。

【Abstract】 Jiaozhou Bay receives great impact from human activities,and sustainable development of the bay ecosystem has become a major concern of both scientists and the local government. Thus,a systematic investigation of the ecological factors and analysis of the data is obviously necessary for a better understanding of the ecosystem and subsequent measures.Based on the diverse ecological data series collected by the Jiaozhou Bay Ecosystem Research Station (JERS) of the Chinese Ecosystem Research Network (CERN) for the last decades,a multi-functioned data base,the "JIAOZHOU BAY ECO-DATABASE",was constructed with MapBasic under GIS software Mapinfo4.0. which provides accesses to the data files by "select","query","draw",and "organize" as well powerful analytical tools including statistics and time series analysis.Using the above data base,the author looked into the long-term changes in nutrients,phytoplankton,and examined the impact of socio-economical factors in the surrounding area on the bay. The following are the major outputs of this study.1. COD increased dramatically in last decade,surface water COD increased 44.7% from 1991 to 1998.2. NO-2-N,NOVN and NH+4-N concentrations had been continuously rising since 1960’s,and increased 4.64,2.79 and 3.32 fold from 1960’s to 1990’s respectively.3. PO P concentration reached the top of 13. 22 L in 1980’s and then decreased slightly.4. SiO Si concentration,so far,had dropped off 63.6% since 1980’s.5. the factor most probably limiting phytoplankton growth had been changed from N to Si.6. the biodiversity of phytoplankton had risen slightly since 1990’s,but the biodiversity of zooplankton,as a key link in the food chain,had been falling in the same time.In conclusion,great changes in ecological conditions of the Jiaozhou Bay have taken place in the past decades,which may cause significant changes in the ecosystem level and consequently affect the sustainable development of the bay. Cautions should be used for the future management of the greater Jiaozhou Bay ecosystem including humen activities in its adjacent surroundings in the future.
