

Study on the Population Ecology of the Dey Euphausiid Species in the Waters off China Coast and in the Southern Ocean

【作者】 刘会莲

【导师】 孙松;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(海洋研究所) , 海洋生物学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 本文分别对南大洋磷虾关键种——大磷虾Euphausia superba Dana和黄、东海磷虾关键种——太平洋磷虾Euphausia pacifica Hansen的某些生态学问题进行了研究,主要研究内容和结果如下: 1.大磷虾的环南极分布研究: 对中国南极考察1992/1993,1997/1998,1999/2000三个环南极航次的大磷虾样品的分析结果表明,大磷虾环南极分布主要集中在两个海区:威德尔海区(0°—80°W)和普里兹湾及其邻近海域(45°—90°E),另外在罗斯海外海区(145°—180°W)也有少量的大磷虾分布。威德尔海区大磷虾的丰度通常高于其它两个海区,丰度最高的站位一般都出现在威德尔海区。罗斯海外海区是大磷虾出现频率最低的海区。大磷虾的丰度分布有年际性的变化,1992/1993,1997/1998,1999/2000三个年度间威德尔海海区大磷虾的丰度有逐渐下降的趋势。大磷虾的生长状况在同一时间不同海区及同一海区不同时间内有所不同。三个年度中威德尔海海区大磷虾的生长状况较其它两个海区复杂。 2.南极普里兹湾地区大磷虾的分布、丰度和生长状况研究: 对1999/2000年度中国南极考察普里兹湾海区大磷虾样品的分析结果表明,普里兹湾海区大磷虾的丰度比南大西洋海区低。大磷虾在普里兹湾海区的分布呈斑块状。分布趋势是陆坡区(在1000和3000米等深线之间的海区)各站的丰度普遍大于深海区(大于3000米深度的海区)各站的丰度。样品的发育期组成主要是幼(体)后期个体。雄性磷虾较雌性磷虾成熟得早。调查期间普里兹湾海区大磷虾在陆坡区的生长状况好于深海区;而就调查海区这个整体来讲,磷虾的生长状况基本正常。调查期间大磷虾的分布与表层水温、盐度及叶绿素的关系不明显,但似乎与30-100m处的冷水团和25m深度处的叶绿素高值中心和低值中心的交汇区有关。 刘合迸 十人扳义 娥十们土伦\ 水义对1%9年全囚海洋练合普查资料羽]200O-*--20m年973观场凋企资川进订了分析。1959年资料分析结果汾儿 丸 习二海人平洋磷虾上要分介在1刀“E以尔水轨l—3)]卜},太平洋磷虾主要分介在南黄海 122“E以东外海和东海30“N以南海域,4一 6)-J份,上要分h区向南迁移。7—’)月份,主要分布区北撤到 I#黄海。10川份,人个洋磷虾的分介区向近岸扩展。11一12月份,太平洋磷虾在南黄海分介区的北界14)迁,到12几份,丛本上分介于34”N以南。黄、东诲太平洋磷虾的生活温度范围较广,的低。。]”达6℃,最lgl可达22一23℃,但其最适温度在9一12℃之问。扣00一20m f!’973的砚场凋度结批>1959年的普查结果相比,过上的儿-十年里,黄、东海太平汗磷虾fi’]分介和十度没有发上人大变化。4.东、黄海太平洋磷虾的昼夜垂直分布和迁移: 200年5月对黄海中部E2站且太平洋磷虾各发育则 的昼孜巫直分h及迁移的 爷穴纶出分刃,小问发育朋在人平洋磷虾种群的数量组成。-I。。所占的比例不同,卵的比例最人。蚤状幼体IV期(nV)以后的发育期在调直删间出现的机率川对较小,数过山少。后则无节幼体(*N)以前谷发盲湖(无节幼体1则(*1)除外)在整个水杜小儿乎郴何分hJ,卵上要分介在 30—50 h水层。原蚤状幼体 fill剃(CIClll)及虽状幼w卜Ill(卜卜Fill)期幼体的昼夜巫直分介很相似,它们的个体人部分分布在 30 11。以上水)上5。蚤状幼体 V川](FV)以后各发育期在调查期间出现的机率较低,他什]的巫EI分介丛抖需要进一步的调查研究。太平洋磷虾种群作为一个整体,昼夜在水层中都有分hi。早期幼体r[ NI和 CI具有轻微的“反向迁移”现象。Clll是第一个具有明显ig夜垂直移动行为的发育Jm,但蚤状幼体IV期(FIV)以后各发育期在调查中出现的儿率太低,除雄性成体外,它们都有昼夜垂直移动的趋势。雄性成体具有“反向迁移”的迹象。i)lih中随个体发育的进行出现了个体发育迁移,CI—Clll JgJ幼体的平均密)更中心的诛度随着发河的进行逐渐变浅,而n一NV ei度中心的深度则是随着发削山的进n A渐变f$。5.东、黄海太平洋磷虾的产卵、孵化及幼体发育 扣0 年4月底一5月初、5月。-1。旬、6月中旬、8月。卜旬及11月中旬对黄、木海人个汗磷虾进行了现场培养实验,研究其产卵、孵化及幼体发分怕况。结果农19u芝、为; v 刘会辽 十趴色簿A;切大焊州虾王忖什种料哇在台村人 订士甘健讼丈河人个汗磷山卜的/“卯季妙较K,从4月底一直延续到门月,卜旬,8q份除外。人个洋磷虾能够多次产1d。第一次产卵的产卵垦随季节和雌仆耿样站位的刁二of山而有一定的差并。人个汗磷虾产‘卵行为在一大24小则-内邵能发生,但主要给上在o大。人个汁磷出;‘卯的孵化今U卵的米洲(现场采卵或实验培养中雌体产卵)不同lN有差异,培乔,。‘。丫山卯孵化率,引‘现场采的卵的孵化率。在1二℃下,人平洋磷虾卵ill在7大内成功的发内到CI则。培拜产的卵的幼仆发白时问比现场采

【Abstract】 Studies were carried out on the distribution,abundance and growing condition of Euphausia superba in the Southern Ocean,and on the spatial distribution,diel vertical migration and egg production,hatchability and early larval development of Euphansia pacijica in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea. The main results are as follows:1. The circumpolar distribution,abundance and growing condition of Euphansia snperbaThe author studied the Euphansia superba samples obtained during 1992 1993,1997 1998 and 1999 2000 Chinese Antarctic Expedition. The results show that the circumpolar distribution pattern of Euphausia superba was obvious,it was mainly distributed in two regions,the Weddell Sea Region (0 -80 W) and the Prydz Bay Region (45 -90 E),also we obtained some samples in the Ross Sea Region (145 -180 W). The abundance of Euphausia superba was usually higher in the Weddell Sea Region than that in the other two regions,and the stations with the most abundant Euphansia superba were usually found in this region. In the Ross Sea Region the occurrence of Euphansia superba was very low. There was interannual variation in the distribution of Euphausia superba,and it seems that the abundance decreased from 1992 1993 to 1999 2000 in the Weddell Sea Region. The growing condition of Euphausia superba was not the same according to the different seasons in the same region and to the different areas in the same seasons. The growing condition of Euphausia superba were complex in the Weddell Sea Region than that in the other two regions.2. The distribution,abundance and growing condition of Euphausia superba in thePrydz Bay RegionSamples of Euphausia superba were collected from the Prydz Bay region during the austral summer of 1999 2000. Results show that the density was comparatively low in the Prydz Bay Region than that in the Southern Atlantic Ocean. The distribution of Euphausia snperba in the Prydz Bay Region was very patchy,its abundance was higher in the slope area (the pelagic area between the isobaths 1000 m and 3000 m) than the open sea area (the pelagic area beyond the 3000 m isobath). The developmental stages of the Euphausiasuperba were mostly of the post-larval stages. The male adults mature earlier than the female adults. The krill were growing better in the slope area than in the open sea area,and as far as the whole study area was concerned,they were under normal growing condition. The relationships between the distribution and abundance of Euphausia superba and the distribution of the surface temperature,salinity and Chi a were not obvious. However it seems that the distribution and abundance of Euphausia superba was related to the cold water mass exist at 30 -100 m,and with the confluence area between the high and the low Chi a centers at 25 m depth.3. The spatial distribution of Euphausia pacifica in the East China Sea and the YellowSeaWe analyzed the materials of the general investigation in 1959 and the field investigation of the "973 program" in 2000-2001. The results of the general investigation in 1959 show that the Euphausia pacifica was mainly distributed in the east of 122 E in the investigation area. During January to March,they mainly distributed in the area east of 122 E in the Yellow Sea and south of 30 N in the East China Sea. During April to June,the main distribution area moved southward. During July to September,the main distribution area was retreated to the Southern Yellow Sea. In October,the distribution area extended to the near shore waters. During November to December,the north limit of the distribution area moved southward,and in December,the distribution area seems to be confined to the area south of 34 N. Euphausia pacifica can live in a wide temperature range in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea,from 6C to 22-23 C,but its optimal temperature was restricted to 9-12C. The result of field survey of "973 Program" shows that the distribution pattern of Euphausia pacifica did not change greatly during the past few decades.4. The diel vertical distri
