

Study on Reproductive Ecology of Lilium Pumilum DC.

【作者】 杨利平

【导师】 周晓峰;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 生态学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 细叶百合(Lilium pumilum DC.)花色鲜红,植株高矮适中,具有较强的抗病、抗热及耐盐碱能力,是百合抗性育种不可缺少的亲本。本研究以哈尔滨市东北林业大学花圃不同环境中栽培的2~4年生细叶百合及大庆草原的野生细叶百合为研究对象。 研究结果表明,栽培的2年生细叶百合只有13.55%的植株进入生殖阶段,3年生以上的植株全部能开花;细叶百合的繁育系统以异交为主,部分自交,需要传粉者;相对生殖成功率与植株年龄呈正相关,2年生细叶百合全光条件下的相对生殖成功率是林下的7.5倍;细叶百合无多父本效应,单一父本所得种子活力较高;雌蕊先熟,在开花前五天柱头即有可授性;自花授粉的座果率为自然授粉的1/2;毛百合(L.dauricum)及松叶百合(L.cernum)的花粉对细叶百合的生殖有极强的干扰作用。 传粉昆虫主要为蝶类和蜂类,不同生境、不同年份传粉昆虫的种类有一定差异,其中小齿淡脉隧蜂(Megachile willoughbiella)的传粉活动最为活跃;花蜜分泌高峰与昆虫访花高峰协调一致;气象条件影响访花昆虫的种类、频率和行为;昆虫访花频率与空气温度、光照强度呈正相关,与空气湿度呈负相关。 哈尔滨全光下开花植株各器官生物量生殖分配平均值由大到小的顺序为:鳞茎(59.56%)〉叶(13.03%)〉茎(12.63%)〉生殖器官(9.09%)〉根(5.69%);哈尔滨林下开花植株各器官生物量生殖分配平均值由大到小的/顷序为鳞茎(52.02%)>茎(17.73%)>叶(17.39%)〉根(7.70%)>生殖器官(5.13%);大庆野生环境下开花植株各器官生物量生殖分配平均值由大到小的顺序为鳞茎(73.92%)〉茎(12.52%)〉叶(8.80%)〉根(2.77%)〉生殖器官(1.83%);哈尔滨全光下植株各器官在整个生长季全氮含量平均值由大到小的顺序为叶(2.19%)〉生殖器官(1.50%)〉鳞茎(1.16%)〉根(1.03%)〉茎(0.99%);各器官在整个生长季全磷含量平均值由大到小的顺序为生殖器官(0.0322%)〉鳞茎(0.0316%)〉茎(0.0287%)〉根(0.0266%)〉叶(0.0264%);茎、叶中全氮与全磷含量季节变化呈显著正相关;生殖器官中全氮与全磷季节变化呈极显著正相关。 2年生细叶百合种子的萌发适温为20℃,对光照不敏感;3年生种子的萌发适宜条件为光照20℃,种子萌发完全的时间与光照强度成正比;野生细叶百合种子萌发的适宜温度为20℃,光照对种子萌发有抑制作用;隔年陈种子萌发率没有下降,25℃时萌发率高,弱光能提高种子萌发率。 栽培条件下,细叶百合自然产生小鳞茎的植株不超过植株总数的12.13%;25℃避光是鳞片扦插生小鳞茎的最适条件;中层、外层鳞片生小鳞茎的数量多于内层鳞片。

【Abstract】 Lilium pumilum,Which has scarlet flowers,moderate height,as well as ability of resistance of disease,heat and salt,is a main parent of resistance breeding of lily. 24 year-old L. pumilum cultivated in different environment in Northeast forestry university in Harbin and wild L. pumilum in Daqing are studied in this paper.The study shows that (1) there are only 13.55 percent of cultivated 2-year-old L. pumilum developing into reproductive stage and all above 3-year-old L. pumilum are flowered;(2) the breeding system of L. pumilum is mainly outcrossing,and party incrossing,in both of which pollinators are needed;(3) L. pumilum no multi-paternal effect shows in L. pumilum,where the seeds from single-paternity cross have relatively high activity;(4) pistil mature earlier,whose chapter shows pollination 5 days before blooming ;(5) the rate of mature is half as high as natural crossing;(6) pollen of L. dauricum and Lcernum has strong inference with on the reproduction of L. pumilum.Pollination insects are mainly butterfly and bee. The kinds of insects are different under different environment and year,between which Lasioglossun denticotte has the strongest pollination activity. The peak time that insects secrete honey is consistent with that of insects’ visit to flower. Climate also has influence on which kind of flower,how soon and how insects visit flowers the frequency of insects’ visit is positively related with air temperature,and negatively related with air humidity.The average distribution of each organ in the flowering plants in Harbin is listed in turn:scale stem (59.56%)>leaf(13.03%)>stem(12.63%)>reproductive organ (9.09%)>root(5.69%);The average distribution of each organ in the flowering plants under tree in Harbin is listed in turn;scale stem(52.02%)>stem( 17.73%)>leaf( 17.39%)>root(7.70%)>reproductive organ (5.13%);The average distribution of each organ in the flowering plants in nature in Daqing is listed in turn:scale stem (73.92%)>stem (12.52%)>leaf (8.80%)>root (2.77%)>reproductive organ (1.83%);The average distribution of each organ in the level of full nitrogen in Harbin is listed in turn :leaf (2.19%)>reproductive organ (1.5%)>scale stem (1.16%)>root (1.03%)>stem (0.99%);The average distribution of each organ in level of full phosphor in full sun in Harbin is listed in turn:reproductive organ (0.0322%)>scale stem (0.0316%)>stem (0.0287%)>root (0.0266%)>leaf (0.0264%) ;the level of full nitrogen and full phosphor in stems and leaves are markedly positively related with season.Seeds of 2-year-old L. pumilum are suitable to bourgeoned at 20,which are not sensitive to light;3-year-old are suitable to bourgeoned at 20,which are linked with light.;Seeds of L. pumilum in nature are suitable to bourgeoned at 20,which are restrained with light;Every-other-tear seeds of I. pumilum are suitable to bourgeoned at 25 ,which are raised by light;and its germination rate doesn’t influence.As cultivated,the total number of L.pumilum which can develop small scale stem spontaneously is less than 12.3% of the total plants. The optimal condition for growth of smallscale stem is 25 and sunshine-free. Moreover,the number of little bulb is linked with the position of scale stern.

  • 【分类号】S682.2
  • 【被引频次】23
  • 【下载频次】764