

Comparing Study on Intraspecific Type(Red Wood) and form (White Wood) of Larix Gmelinii (Rupr.) Rupr.

【作者】 卓丽环

【导师】 聂绍荃; 王文章;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 植物学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 兴安落叶松Larix gmelinii(Rupr.)Rupr.是我国大兴安岭林区的主要树种,也是我国东北地区速生造林和更新树种。由于其生态幅度较大,在各种不同生境下产生了许多变异类型,其中最有意义的是红材型和白材型,前者木材颜色呈褐色至黄褐色,是我们常见的一种类型,后者木材淡黄色,是少见的类型。通过对两种类型兴安落叶松在天然林中分布情况的调查,表明了白材型兴安落叶松主要生于草类落叶松林内,在天然生长的落叶松林中占10%的比例。 兴安落叶松过去曾有不少中外学者研究过,但多偏重于分类学研究,未见有红材类型与白材类型研究的报道。本文对大兴安岭林区天然生长的两种材色的兴安落叶松进行深入系统的研究。采用了实地调查与现代实验手段相结合、生物学研究与木材学研究相结合、科学技术与生产实际相结合的方法,科学系统的揭示了两种类型的兴安落叶松在形态学、木材物理力学、木材解剖学、生态学、生物学特性等方面的区别,从而确认白材型兴安落叶松是一个速生、优质类型。 本文采取分子生物学的方法,研究了兴安落叶松种内变异与进化机理,得出了该种群遗传多样性较高,基因丰富度由北向南减少,可以证实兴安落叶松在我国分布是由北向南散布的,并且存在地理隔离现象。兴安落叶松种群遗传分化主要取决于红材兴安落叶松,红材兴安落叶松具有较高的杂合性和杂种优势,适应恶劣生境或开拓和利用新生态位的预适基因型较多。种下变型—白材兴安落叶松就是其适应性的具体体现,进而阐明白材兴安落叶松的进化机制。 利用种子生物学的方法研究了两种材色兴安落叶松的种子特性,结果表明千粒重较轻、种翅较长的白材兴安落叶松具有较强的随风散播能力,开拓新生态位的机会较多,只有生态适应上的意义。种子发芽生理、解剖质量分析又论证了白材兴安落叶松的种子品质要优于红材兴安落叶松。采取伐树与外部形态观察相结合的方法,找出两者之间的主要区别特征,不仅解决采样的问题,也为今后识别两种类型提供形态学依据。本研究的结果将为生产、销售和使用兴安落叶松木材,增加企业效益提供技术支持。同时提出了合理发展两种类型的策略。对大兴安岭林区天然林保护工程培育有价值的经济树种有重要的指导意义。

【Abstract】 Larix gmelinii(Rupr.)Rupr.is a main species in Daxing’anling forest region. It is also a kind of growth-fast species of regeneration planting in Northeast of China. There are many types of variants because of its wide adaptability, among which Dahurian Larch of White wood and Red wood are meaningful types. The color of the former timber is a common one which is between the brown to yellow-brown, while the later one is light yellow which is hard seen in nature. The distribution of the two types in the natural forest has been investigated and it shows that Dahurian Larch of White wood mainly distributes in herb-Larix forest, and which is about 10 percent in the natural Dahurian Larch forest.Larix gmelinii(Rupr.)Rupr. has been studied by both Chinese and foreign experts. They paid more attentions to the classification in the world, but no report on these two types. So deep and systematical study about the two types that grow naturally in Daxing’anling forestry region is necessary. This scientific and systematical study was done by the way of combining on-the-spot investigation with model experiment, combining biology with timber, and combining scientific approach with productive practice, which shows the differences and genetic diversify of two types of properties in morphology, timber physical mechanics, anatomy, ecology and biology. Dahurian Larch of White wood is confirmed a growth-fast and good quality type.The method of molecular biology has been used to analyze the intraspecific variation and evolution mechanism of Larix gmelinii(Rupr.)Rupr. at population level. The results show that this species has high genetic diversity, and the diversity reduces frdm North to East. It can be used to estimate that this species spread from north to east in our country, and genetic distance of this species correlated with geographic distance. Dahurian Larch of red wood mainly decides the genetic diversity of Dahurian Larch. It has higher heterozygote and hybrid, and it can adapt to bad environment with higher genetic diversity to develop and utilize new ecosystem condition. As a modulus of this species, Dahurian Larch of white wood is a specific type for its abilities of accommodation. Based on these, evolution mechanism of Dahurian Larch of white wood is given.Seed properties of the two types of Dahurian Larch with different wood color have been studied by the way of seed biology. The results show that Dahurian Larch of white wood has lighter weight, longer wing and stronger ability of diffuse compared with Dahurian Larch of red wood, which well fits ecosystem. The study of physiology of seed budding and seed mass analysis of dissection proves that seed properties of Dahurian Larch of white wood are significantly better than Dahurian Larch of red wood.To study the main morphological differences between two types using an approach that combines logging with the morphological comparing, we can provide scientific basis for distinguishing the two types and for sample collecting and forest management, and put forwardproper proposal to develop Dahurian Larch of white wood. It can be .concluded that these results will also provide scientific principle and more effective technology support for Natural Forest Protection Project in Northeast of China.

  • 【分类号】S791
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