

An Archaeological Study on Xu State

【作者】 孔令远

【导师】 彭裕商;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要利用近年来江苏邳州九女墩徐国王族墓群的出土材料,以及梁王城、鹅鸭城遗址的考古发掘和调查材料,并结合有关文献记载和当地民间传说,论证了邳州九女墩大墓群为徐国王族墓群,梁王城、鹅鸭城遗址为春秋中、晚期徐国的都城遗址,证明史书和地方志中关于春秋时期徐人曾在汉彭城武原县一带活动的记载是真实的。 本文还参照有相对纪年的具铭徐器,对徐国金文和徐国青铜器作了较为系统的收集和整理,并作了初步的分期、断代工作,对部分典型徐器作了初步的考证,并通过与邳州九女墩大墓群所出器物的对照,对绍兴306墓、丹徒北山顶春秋墓等国别有争议的墓葬进行了讨论,认为它们应为徐人墓葬,还对《余冉鉦鋮》、《(虘又)巢钟》、《王子婴次炉》等国别有争议的青铜器进行了考证,通过与典型徐国铜器在器物形制、纹饰和铭文风格等方面进行全面比较,得出它们应为徐国铜器的结论。 本文还对徐国青铜器中所包含的多种文化因素进行了分析,同时又联系徐淮一带有关新石器时代及夏、商、周遗址,对徐文化的渊源作了初步的探讨,并初步分析了徐文化的特征,认为徐文化是指,商周时期淮海一带的徐人在当地夷人文化的基础上,吸取华夏、蛮越、戎狄等文化的精华而创造的具有鲜明地域风格和时代特点的文化。最后对徐舒关系及徐偃王的传说等问题进行了深入的探讨。

【Abstract】 This dissertation mainly based on the archaeology materials which were unearthed from several Jiunudun mounds, Liangwangcheng & Eyacheng sites in Pizhou City, Jiangsu Province. A large number of ritual bronzes and musical instruments, pottery vessels, jades and stone artifacts were unearthed from Jiunudun mound No. 2 , No. 3, and others. Among these treasures knobbed bells bear " ’the Xu king’ ’s grandson" , " ’the Gong king’ ’s grandson" and other inscriptions.In the light of relevent historical records and material remains the present paper argues that the Jiunudun tombs, Liangwangcheng & Eyacheng sites were all concerned with activities of the Xu people in the vicinity during the Spring and Autumn period, and that the tomb-owners must have belonged to the royal aristocracy of the Xu State.Then the author makes a systemic and thorough study of the inscriptions, types and decorations of Xu State bronzes. The author puts forward some new views. The author believes that the bronze culture of the Xu State in the late Spring and Autumn period pessessed rich cultural connotations. For example, the bronze from Mound No. 3 at Jiunudun contain elements of many cultures. In type, there are the ding tripod with an inverted dish-shaped cover,the swing-chained pot and the covered dou stemmed vessels commenly seen on contemporaneous vestiges in the Central Plains and Qi and Lu States.On the other hand among the finds are the Tang ding, zun vase,dragon-head-shaped he tripod and fou pot characteristic of contemporaneous tombs of the Wu and Yue graves. Another type of bronze object is the animal-head ding previously yielded mainly from the territory of ancient Shu ethnic group. Moreover, there is a batch of bronzes typical of the Xu State, such as the chime-bells decorate with winged-animal-shaped scrolls, ear- less leg-less washing basin, burner tray with the base on a post-shaped ring foot. In decorative style, one can see elements of the Rong and Di cultures.In the end,the author analyses the origin and the characteristics of Xuulture,he also discusses the relationship between Shu and Xu, and explains the legend of Xu Yanwang in a new way.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】K878.8
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1254