

Experimental Study on Mechanisms of Tongluozhuyunfang Treated Rats Salpingitis Sterility

【作者】 赵广兴

【导师】 马宝璋; 袁家麟;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江中医药大学 , 中医妇科学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 目的:探索制作慢性炎症所致不孕大鼠模型,探讨中药通络助孕方对慢性炎性不孕大鼠输卵管病理形态学、细胞因子IL-2、IL-6和受孕率的影响及其疗效机理。 方法:用“混合菌接种法”制作大鼠慢性输卵管炎性不孕动物模型,以不同剂量的通络助孕方和对照药妇炎康对模型大鼠治疗后,观察光镜和电镜下输卵管病理形态学改变情况,用ELISA法检测血清和输卵管组织中IL-2、IL-6含量,并观察大鼠受孕情况。 结果:模型大鼠输卵管组织呈慢性炎症表现,并且导致不孕发生。通络助孕方和对照药能不同程度恢复模型大鼠输卵管病理形态学改变,降低血清和局部输卵管组织中IL-2、IL-6水平,提高受孕率。 结论:“混合菌接种法”可以成功制作大鼠炎性不孕症模型;炎性不孕不一定完全由输卵管阻塞引起,细胞因子IL-2、IL-6的失衡与慢性炎性不孕症的发生发展有关;通络助孕方能改善炎性不孕大鼠输卵管结构和功能,对血清及输卵管组织中IL-2、IL-6含量有调节作用,从而对大鼠炎性不孕具有很好的治疗作用。

【Abstract】 Purpose: To explore and make big rats modeI of sterilitycaused by chronic salpingitis, observe the effect ofTongluozhuyunfang (TLF in brief ) on the patho1ogy andmorphallaxis of oviduct, interleukin IL-2 \ IL-6 in serum andoviduct, and trace the rats pregnant rate for exploring its curativemechani sm.Methods: Mixed bacterium was used for making salpingitiscaused sterility rats model, treated by different doses of TLFcontrasted with Fuyankang (FYK ), the pathology and morpha1laxisof oviduct with Light and Transmission electron microscope wasobserved, the content of IL-2. IL-6 in serum and oviduct waschecked by ELISA method, pregnant results also was traced.Results: The fallopian tube of model rats was fOund with chronicsalpingitis, and result in sterility. TLF and FYK can resume thepathology and morphallaxis of oviduct in varying degrees, reduceIL-2. IL-6 both in serum and oviduct, and so raise the pregnantrate.Conclusion: Big rats model of sterility caused by chronicsalpingitis using mixed bacterium can be successfully made; thesterility is not caused by tubal obstruct completely, unbalance ofIL-2. IL-6 has relationship with this kind of sterility; TLF canimprove the tube structure and function, accommodate IL-2. IL-6both in serum and oviduct, and so has better therapy on thesterility.

  • 【分类号】R271.14
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