

Research on Relationship of Scientific-technical Innovation and Sustainable Development

【作者】 程萍

【导师】 郑垂勇;

【作者基本信息】 河海大学 , 技术经济及管理学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 任何理论的建立,都不是没有因由的。现代可持续发展理论的产生与建立,开始于人类经受了惨痛的教训之后的反思。可持续发展观念的酝酿和提出,被称之为世界发展史上一次划时代的事件,受到全世界的极大关注。 在最近200余年的工业化进程中,由于科学技术的飞速发展,在极大地促进人类文明的同时,使得资源被过度消耗,环境被急剧污染,人类赖以生存的地球遭到前所未有的破坏。在社会发展的进程中,科学技术从来就不是孤立地存在的,科学技术的急剧进步,扩大了人类活动的范围,也提高了人类影响环境的能力,今天,面对科学技术为人类带来的福祉与忧患,人们开始了新的思考:利用科学技术的创新最大限度地造福人类,最低限度的损耗自然,通过科技创新,达到天人合一的境界,促进世界可持续发展。科技创新与可持续发展在以人类发展为根本宗旨的轨道上相遇。 以可持续发展的眼光重新审视科技创新的意义与作用,以科技创新推动可持续发展的理论与实践得以进一步完善,是本论文的独特视角。论文主要从科技创新与可持续发展的辨证关系出发,对影响可持续发展的重大科技问题、科技创新是可持续发展的推动力量、科技创新是突破可持续发展制约因素的重要手段、“可持续科技创新”系统的构建与评价、“可持续科技创新成果”转化对可持续发展的作用、建立和完善国家科技创新系统是可持续发展的重要基础建设等方面进行了充分论述,并由此得出结论:科技生产力是可持续发展的推动力量,可持续发展必须依靠科技创新,才能突破种种制约;未来的科技创新必将统一于可持续发展的最终目标,必须从可持续发展的高度对科技创新的价值进行重新判定与衡量,建立新的、适合可持续发展需要的“可持续科技创新”评价体系,把经过“可持续科技创新”评价体系确认的“可持续科技创新成果”转化为现实生产力,对全人类的可持续发展产生正面影响和推动作用。 生存于21世纪的人们,比以往任何时候都更加关注人类的未来,可持续发展已经成为全世界共同的旗帜与行动。

【Abstract】 It is needed to establish any theory. After human had a profound lesson, modern sustainable development theory was established. The gestation and putting forward of the concept of sustainable development was regarded a landmark and was concerned by all the world.During the last two hundred years of industrialization procedure, because of the rapid development of science and technology, resource was consumed in excess and environment was polluted., the earth which human depend on was destroyed. In the procedure of development of the society, science and technology have never isolated. The progress of science and technology enlarged the range of human and enhanced the people’s ability affecting the environment. Today, facing the blessing and misery which science and technology have brought to human, people begin to think how to take advantage of science and technology in order to reduce the consummation of nature and how to promote sustainable development of the world through the innovation of science and technology. Not only the innovation of science and technology but also sustainable the development has the same aim, which is to promote human developing.The special visual angle of this thesis is that the innovation of science and technology was surveyed from the view of angle of sustainable development and the theory and practice of innovation of science and technology putting forward sustainable development was consummated. The dissertation discussed fully on the following issues: the important science and technology problem which affected sustainable development; the innovation of science and technology was impetus of sustainable development; the innovation of science and technology was the important method to break through the restriction of sustainable development; the system of sustainable innovation of science and technology was constructed and assessed; the effect of production of sustainable innovation of science and technology; the establishment and consummation of the innovation of science and technology was the important base of sustainable development. The following conclusions were drawn: the productivity of science and technology was the impetus of sustainable development; sustainable development must depend on the innovation of science and technology to break through all kinds of restrictions; the innovation of science and technology in future must unite with the last aim of sustainable development; the assessment of value of innovation of science and technology must be renewed; the assessment system of sustainable innovation must be established, which was suitable of the need of sustainable development; in order to promote the sustainable development of human, it was necessary to turn the sustainable innovation of science and technology which was affirmed by the assessment system of sustainable innovation of science and technology into the realistic productivity.The people in 21 century pay more attention to the future than past. The sustainable development is the common flag and action of the world.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
  • 【分类号】F124.3
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】2530