

Rational Reflection and Positive Research on Corporate Mind Identity

【作者】 秦启文

【导师】 黄希庭;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 企业理念作为企业形象设计和企业文化的核心,自20世纪80年代以来,受到实践界和理论界的广泛关注。许多学者从经济学、文化学、品牌论、管理学等角度对其进行了研究。但是,大多是教科书式的一般论证,少深刻的理性反思、无科学的实证研究,目前的研究仍停留在定义、定位和分类阶段。在20世纪90年代,中国科学院心理学研究所马谋超开始将企业形象设计纳入心理学研究领域,浙江大学心理系也在90年代末开始了对企业形象设计的研究并取得了一定成果。但总的说来,迄今心理学的研究成果并不多见;尚未见到对企业形象设计的核心部分即企业理念的深刻反思及实证性的研究成果。 当代心理学发展的基本趋向之一是既注重个体过程的研究,也注意向组织过程的研究扩展。从这个意义上说,从心理学的角度研究企业形象设计、企业理念设计是十分必要的。本研究具有一定的开拓性。 本论文力图从理性反思与实证研究两个维度深入探讨企业理念特别是中国企业的理念问题;以期为中国企业理念的科学化提供依据,进而为企业形象设计的中国化和中国企业的名牌战略服务。全文共分四个部分。 1.简要介绍企业理念研究的理论背景;对企业形象设计的实践历程和研究历程进行简要回顾;分析企业形象设计及企业理念研究的缺失;探讨心理学介入企业形象设计研究的可能性和必要性;提出本研究的基本构想和总体研究策略与方法。通过这部分的研究,奠定了心理学研究企业理念问题的基本构思。 2.企业理念的理性反思。首先,在对理念和企业理念进行深度辨析与综述的基础上,对企业理念做出较科学的界定;其次,阐明心理学、行为科学的理论与方法是以理念识别为核心的企业识别(企业形象设计)理论科学化的重要基础。 且 \第三,从不同的学科(经济学、管理学、文化学、品牌论、管理嫡、耗散结构论)视角对企业理念及其研究价值进行审视,以确认对企业理念进行研究的学术价值与实践价值。第四,对当今世界将企业形象设计运用得最为成功的美国、日本的情况进行述评;并将其与中国的企业形象设计发展历程及现状进行比较;为我国企业建构有中国特色的企业理念文化提供了思路;并对中国企业理念建设的误区提出了若干对策。 3.对中国企业理念的现状及其对公众行为的影响进行探索性实证研究。主要内容包括: 3* 企业员工对企业理念制定过程的了解状况;企业员工对所在企业理念的认同度;企业员工对企业理念认同度与企业理念确立方式的关系;企业员工对企业理念认同度与企业理念确立时机的关系。结果表明:企业员工在对企业理念制定过程的了解上,性别和年龄上不存在显著差异,而在职位上存在显著差异。在企业理念的认同度上,职位的主效应显著;且高层管理者在本企业理念的认同度上显著高于中层管理者和普通职员。理念的不同确立方式对理念的认同度存在显著的影响;由集体讨论、专家策划确立的理念认同度最高,借用他人的理念认同度最低。企业理念的确立时机对理念的认同度存在显著的影响:企业刚建立或转型时确立的理念认同度最高。 3二本研究以对企业员工的调查结果为依据,定量地确立了企业理念8个方面的功能和9个方面的价值取向:并探讨了企业理念与组织承诺之间的关系。结果表明:关于企业理念的功能,企业员工普遍认为企业理念的功能前几位依次是:形成共同的价值观、形成内部凝聚力和向心力、保证企业追求目标时不偏离方向、培养企业共识等。关于企业理念的价值取向,生产型企业强调的重点依次应为质量、信誉、服务、责任等;服务型企业强调的重点依次应为服务、信誉、质量、责任等。关于组织承诺,企业员工对企业理念的熟悉度和认同度越高,对企业的组织承诺也就越高。 3.3关于企业理念对公众行为的影响,研究结果表明:一半以上的公众认为企业理念对大众购买行为有非常大的影响或比较大的影响:无论是生产型还是服务型企业,公众的企业理念认同度、熟悉度对购买意向均具有显著的预测作用。 3.4关于企业理念的传播策略。研究结果表明,企业内部公众对企业理念传播策略的认知情况是:目前中国企业理念传播的主要形式依次为:会议、口号、手册、条例等;所用主要媒体依次为自制宣传品、报纸、电视、户外广告等。分 -豆互· 5弓u刁自歹93.8%、8o9%uj主三业 工 kk二*口刁亭了@三日霎$一卜一自亨刁自了—亘日霎日一贫N、#外三主主方三r& k_ 念传播。78.4%的员工认为企业理念应与企业核心广告语一致。员工认为媒体传 播企业理念的有效性依次为电视、报纸、户外广告、互联网等。外部公众对企业 理念传播策略的认知情况是:大众通过传媒了解企业理念的次序是电视、户外广 告、报纸、杂志等,但按其影响的重要性依次应为电视、报纸、互联网、杂志等。 通过以上几

【Abstract】 Corporate mind identity, as the core of the corporate identity system(CIS), and of corporate culture, has drawn attention from both practical and theoretical circles since 1980s of the 20th century. Many scholars have taken study of it in terms of economics, culture, brand theory and management. But so far as research is concerned, great efforts have been made to approach it through textbook-style general demonstration or abstract philosophical metaphysics, while very little introspection has been done. With regard to the identity system of corporate mind identity, the findings of the recorded research show that the present research still remain at the stage of definition-giving, direction-taking and classifying. In 1990s, Ma Mou-chao, from the Institute of Psychology Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, began to incorporate CIS into the field of psychological research. The psychology Department of Zhe Jiang University also started the research on CIS in the late 1990s, which proved to be fruitful. However, generally speaking, up to now, few achievements have been made in the field of psychology. It has not been reported that any achievement has been made in positive research on corporate mind identity, the core of the designing of corporate identity system. Nor has rational reflection been made on it.One of the basic trends of the development of contemporary psychology is not only to attach importance to the research on the individual process, but also to pay attention to extending the research to organization process. In that sense, it is objectively inevitable that psychology will intervene in the field of the designing of corporate identity system and corporate mind identity. This treatise is intended to do some pioneer job to make research on corporate mind identity.This treatise attempts to approach the subject of corporate mind identity, especially corporate mind identity in China, in terms of rational introspection and positive research. It is supposed to provide basis for making corporate mind identity in China scientific so as to contribute to making the designing of corporate mind identity China characterized and serve the strategy of establishing famous brands of China’s corporations. The treatise consists of four parts:1 .It briefly introduces the theoretical background of the research on corporate mind identity, gives a retrospective view of the development of the practice and research of CIS, analyzes the success and failure of the research on the designing of corporate identity system and corporate mind identity, explores the probability and necessity of getting psychology to intervened in the research on CIS, advances basic conceptions on the research and the general research policies and the methods. The research done in this part of the treatise will lay foundation for basic conceptions on corporate mind identity in psychological research.2. It makes rational reflection on corporate mind identity. First, based on a piercing analysis and a general account of mind identity and corporate mind identity, it defines more scientifically corporate mind identity. Secondly, it makes it clear that the theories and methods of psychology and behavioral science are important basis for making scientific the theory of distinguishing corporations (corporate identity system) whose core is the identifying of mind identity. Thirdly, it examines, from angles of different subjects (economics, management, culture, brand theory, and so on), that corporate mind identity and the value of its research with the view to identifying theacademic and practical values of the research on corporate mind identity. Fourthly, it comments on the actual conditions in the United State and Japan, which most successfully apply present situation in their $$corporate. This is compared with the development and the status quo of the designing of CIS in China. Thus the treatise provides an approach to establishing for our country’s corporations a culture of corporate mind identity that is characteristic of China. A

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