

An Institutional Economic Analysis of the Evolution of China’s Land Property Right System

【作者】 蓝虹

【导师】 樊志民;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业经济管理学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 农业是中国乃至世界上一切发展中国家的国民经济基础,而农业经济的增长,关键又在于土地产权制度的绩效。但1985年至今,中国农业长期处于徘徊状态,从而再次引发了国内各界对于怎样进一步改革土地产权制度的关注。 但制度的演进历程是具有连续性的,现行的制度特征来自于过去对现行选择集合所施加的限制,制度矩阵的报酬递增的结果,在很大程度上反映了路径依赖的更为基本的作用。因此,要研究现有土地产权制度应如何创新,就必须了解中国历史上土地产权制度演进的路径依赖过程。 通过对中国土地产权制度的追根溯源,本文认为,一个国家文明发源地的初始资源禀赋状况与该国初始制度体系的选择有着内生性联系。因为在文明形成的早期,由于技术的相对落后,人们经济行为的选择受自然环境因素的影响很大,各国不同的初始资源禀赋状况导致了人们对不同经济行为的选择,从而形成了不向的初始制度体系。而初始制度体系一旦形成,其演进中各要素间的互相影响互相依存互相强化所导致的报酬递增特征就会作用于其后的制度变迁,使其沿着既定的轨迹运行,即使遇到偶发事件对制度体系演进轨迹的冲击,但由于制度体系演进中的报酬递增特性及制度体系内各相关环节的内在逻辑联系,即使某一环节的演进被中断,其它环节也会利用路径依赖关系对其进行修复,从而使制度体系沿着初始资源禀赋所决定的模式和方向运行,这说明了初始选择的重要性。 中国特殊的宜农初始资源禀赋导致了人口迅速增长与人地比例的日趋紧张,土地用养的尖锐矛盾使以精细的养地措施为基础的精耕细作耕作技术成为人地关系紧张状况下中国必需的技术选择,而要推广普及精耕细作耕作技术就必须保证农民拥有土地长期使用权与收益权。但产权制度与技术制度互动演进的结果,一方面是推动了经济增长,另一方面却又导致了人口的进一步增加,因为精耕细作耕作技术与保证农民土地长期使用权与收益权的产权制度的共同作用,造就了中国以小农经济为主体的经济体系和制度体系,在这一经济体系与制度体系的作用下,农民对于生育的理性选择是多生多育,从而导致了人口进一步增长与人地比例更加紧张。人地比例、耕作技术、土地产权制度之间的互动演进导致了中国土地产权制度路径依赖关系的形成。人地比例紧张,既是中国特殊的制度演进路径选择的原因,又是制度演进中所形成的路径依赖作用的结果。在路径依赖作用下,人地比例紧张这一要素禀赋结构特征被反复强化,因此,人地比例紧张所导致的土地用养之间的尖锐矛盾,始终是引起中国土地产权制度变迁的内生性因素。 本文把人民公社体制的解体,家庭联产承包责任制的建立与演进看作是路径依赖作用的结果,认为人民公社体制之所以最终被家庭联产承包责任制所取代,就在于历史时期土地产权制度演进导致了当代中国人地比例更加紧张,土地用养矛盾更加尖锐,这一约束条件要求中国必须施行比历史时期精细度更高的精耕细作耕作技术,但人民公社体制却与精耕细作耕作技术相背离,而同期的人口却在传统生育文化路径依赖作用下保持着多生多育的增长惯性,人地比例,耕作技术与上地产权制度朝着不同方向变动,导致了经济体制内的负反馈效应,从而使人民公社体制的收益一一成本结构的不利变化越来越明显,迫使国家对农地产权制度进行调整,从调整的方向看,从三级所有,大队为基础,到三级所有,队为基础,再到家庭联产承包责任制的建立,直到承包期限由短期变为长期,由15年变为30年,这一步步的演进都是朝着保证农民土地长期使用权与收益权的方向回归,以促进精耕细作耕作技术的推广和完善,显现出制度变迁过程中路径依赖的作用。为了缓解人地比例日趋紧张所导致的土地用养更加尖锐的矛盾,家庭联产承包责任制完善的方向应该是在土地国家终极所有的前提下,强化农民现有土地的长期使用权,并通过法律手段保证土地使用权的转让,使农民获得土地长期使用权和收益权,给予农民用养土地的激励,以保证中国以养地为基础以用养结合为核心的精耕细作耕作技术能够得到贯彻实施和发展完善,从而保障农业的可持续发展。

【Abstract】 Agriculture is a basic fundament for Chinese national economic; it is also the same meaning for the development country in the world.The critical factor that inference the agriculture development lay under the merit of land property right. But china agriculture development has stagnated for a long term since 1985, this state cause much more attention about the institution reformation of china land property right both in and outside of the country.Since the evolution of institution has been a successive process, the character of institution running currently is formulated by the past event which restrain the selection set of today’s institution, the result of remuneration increment of the institution matrix reflects the even basic function of the path dependency. If the research of how to make a creation of the institution of land property right, which operates currently, is conducted, the researcher must study the process of path dependency of the evolution in china history.Tracing back the institution of china land property right, the inner relationship exists between the state of the original resources endowment of country and the initial selection of institution, which formulated in the beginning. While as long as the initial institution is formulated, the character of remuneration increment which produced by the influence, reliance and fortify of each element of the system in the evolution of institution will act on the late evolution of institution, and make it operate along the established trace. Even some fortuitous events pounded the trace of evolution, owning to the inner logical connection of each link of institution and the character of remuneration increment in the system of institution evolution, even some link of evolution is suspended, the other link will renovate it with relationship of the trace reliance. And make the system of institution run along the model and direction, which confined by initial resources of endowment. The important role of the initial selection is explained.The ratio between land and population become even tense, because of the special initial resources endowment for agriculture in china which lead to the increment of population speedily. The active conflicts between the land using and land culture decide that the intensive cultivation based on the conduction of culturing land finely should be a better technical selection for china farmer to tackle the problem. The long-term right of usage and incoming of land owned by farmer must be guaranteed, if government wants to popularize the technique of intensive cultivation. The result of evolution produced by the action between the institution of land property right and the institution of techniquepromote the economic increment, But also cause population rising up. The action of the technique of intensive cultivation and the protection of the right of usage and income of land owned by farmer attainments the system of economic and institution of china to be a small- scale of peasant economy. Under this type of the system, the rational selection of reproduction for farmer is to bear much more children. The more children to be labored, the much intense of the ratio between land and population will happen. So the reciprocal driving cycle among the proportion of population to farmland area, farming technique, and land property right led to the path dependency.It is the evolution of historical land property right system, that bring the tense relationship of China proportion of population to farmland area in present, and lead to the replacement of people’s Communal system by household responsibility contract system. The much more tense relationship of proportion of population to farmland area, the much more active conflict of land use and culture, need much more finer culture technique. But the people’s Communal system cannot protect the finer culture technique, while the population is rising up speedily by the role of traditional reproduction culture’s path dependency in the same term of history, and make the people’s
