

Studies on Database of Traditional Chinese Medicine Effective Component and Pharmacody

【作者】 李想

【导师】 李向高;

【作者基本信息】 吉林农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 本研究旨在能够为大家提供方便的手段,利用先进的计算机检索方法,收集常用的400多位中药,将其基本信息和有效成分及药理作用总结于该光盘中,有利于各医药研究机构及医药专家检索查询中药的有效成分及药理作用。 本研究采用Visual Basic数据库引擎ADO及Microsoft公司的Access数据库系统对常用中药进行了分类排序,并编制模糊查询系统,使查询时间缩短,在新药申报(中药材,及中药制剂)中需要的资料也被整理分类归纳与其中。 本研究提供了一种方法,可以对不同植物中含有的相同成分,及复方中多个成分进行比对,找到其药理作用的异同,另一方面,作为新药开发的先导化合物,从天然药物中提取的化合物的药理作用也得以揭示。

【Abstract】 Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is elite of our native land.it played an essential role in the past 5000 years with Chinese culture. How can we developing it is an important task for our general ion.When China enters the WTO, more and more export opportunities may be found for the Chinese enterprises to step on the world stage. They can fully take part in the activities of the world economy, technology and trade etc. At present, China needs to strengthen the research on the rules and regulations of WTO, especially the influence of entry into WTO and the measures to deal with it, for the benefit of the pharmaceutical industry.The import tariff of medicine will be decreased by 5. 5 - 6. 5 percent, and a large amount of imported medicine will pour into China market upon China joining the WTO; Though there are numerous pharmaceutical enterprises in China, most of them are short of the capability to develop the new products. Furthermore, Chinese pharmaceutical enterprises may have to pay the expensive patent fees to the foreign companies to obtain the advanced technology. This is also a great challenge. It was expected that the medical insurance industry will experience the process of the division in the next few years, the law of "survival of the fittest" will be fully manifested in the market competition.There are many different compound in TCM,how can we measure the quality of TCM. For this purpose ,we make this project for the researcher who put his heart into TCM research to save their time in lot of index-time.There are about 400 botany in this software and this project was programed with Visual BasicTM.

【关键词】 中药成分药理作用数据库系统
  • 【分类号】R288
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】790