

【作者】 朱大明

【导师】 秦德先; 方源敏;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 论文结合云南省省院省校科技合作项目“个旧锡矿深部和外围成矿预测及矿山增储研究(2000YK-05)” 及云南省自然科学基金项目“矿区地理信息系统(MGIS)信息编码与数据采集研究”(编号:2000D0005Q),首次在个旧锡矿应用地理信息系统(GIS)进行了成矿预测研究。以GIS作为技术支撑,对个旧锡矿高松矿田的地质、地球化学、地球物理等信息进行综合研究,圈定靶区,效果良好。研究结果表明GIS在成矿预测方面具有如下优点:(1)GIS为空间多源地学信息提供了非常强大的综合分析及可视化功能;(2)能快速分析找矿标志和成矿有利地段;(3)能客观分析、圈定以前用人工方法难以准确划分的地质异常,获得高精度的花岗岩顶板等深线及立体模型、电阻率低阻带及原生晕分布图;(4)GIS与传统方法相比,可加速数据的分析对比,缩短研究周期;(5)GIS对各种地学图件及输入的数据,既可长期保存,又可根据研究者需要,进行增添和修改。个旧锡矿区是个老矿区,开采历史悠久,目前资源紧张,矿山生产急需向深部及外围找矿,以期扩大储量。而高松矿田是目前个旧矿区工作程度较低的区域,但自解放以来积累了一定的地质和物化探资料及少量的钻孔资料,加上本次研究所做的工作,可满足综合信息成矿预测的需要。主要研究成果如下:一、建立空间数据库(数据处理、图形矢量化等):收集、扫描、处理物化探图件约280幅;33~#矿群、10~#矿群地球化学采样210件;10~#矿群、33~#矿群探矿工程原始数据编码、录入、修改完善,数据量约20000行;高松矿田及外围地形图(比例尺1:2000)矢量化共132幅(约106Km~2),地质图(1:10000—1:2000)矢量化约80Km~2;化探图件、资料的处理面积约169Km~2(共计104931个数据),物探图件、数据处理面积约75Km~2。二、利用GIS自动处理地学海量数据,提出GIS空间分析建立找矿信息模型。三、通过编程实现离散数据文件转化为地理信息系统明码格式从而转换为GIS的点、线、面文件格式的实际问题,极大地提高了工作效率,而整个转化过程精度高:实现了图层的无误差叠加。四、通过GIS空间分析建模建立了Ag、Cu、Sn、Mn、Pb、Zn、As、Hg、Cd、Bi元素的找矿信息模型。五、利用GIS作出了15个断面的“个旧地区高松矿田等视电阻率(Pd)断面图”,“个旧地区高松矿田等视电阻率一阶导数(Ks)断面图”和“个旧地区高松矿田等视电阻率二阶导数(Kd)断面图”共45幅图,综合相应的地质、化探、钻孔等资料得到“个旧地区高松矿田电测深断面低阻带分布图”。六、利用GIS缓冲区(Buffer)功能,得到了构造影响区域图。七、由收集到揭露花岗岩体的433个钻孔,应用GIS空间分析建立了花岗岩体的空间模型,绘制出了花岗岩体顶板等深线图及立体模型。八、建立了铜、锡矿化强度模型。九、对断裂构造地球化学分析结果进行了研究,应用GIS建立了因子得分模型。十、利用GIS的空间分析,对多源地质信息进行了综合研究,划定了8个找矿靶区,并对这些靶区进行了详细的野外检查。十一、提出1号靶区工程验证的建议,即33号矿群的北东方向。结合矿山实际及相关资料,就1号靶区验证工程作出了初步设计。十二、通过工程验证,新增SnCu金属量约3.0万吨。

【Abstract】 The dissertation is one part of the science and technology cooperation project between Yunnan province and university/china academy named The Research of Metallogenetic and Mineral Resource Predication in the Deep and Periphery of Gejiu Tin Deposit(2000YK-5) and the natural science foundation project of Yunnan province named The Research of Information Coding and Data Collection of Mining Area CIS (2000D0005Q) . It emphasizes particularly on the mineral resource predication based on GIS in Gejiu ore field.The integrated analysis of ore. resource information seems to be one of the effecive means for optimization of prospecting targets. In the past ,the work was done artificially. Being time-consuming and costly, and could hardly attain the expected result. At present, the processing of data by computer technique has become more powerful, because GIS was developed in recent years. In particularly, GIS has opened up vast prospects for integrated processing of geoscience data and prognosis of ore resources. Being a sort of application software, GIS combines spatial data base management and image analysis into an organic whole, with superposition analysis of spatial data as an important feature.GIS can analyses, extract mineral information, quantitatively assess mineral resources, delineate tractes , construct variables, earn out prospecting targets selection and so on.Gejiu tin district is an old mine with a long exploitation history, and its resources is nearly used up at present. According to the producing scale, it is essential to prospect more resources in the deep and surrounding district. Gaosong ore field is the only field where research degree is low. and here only a No. 10 orebody group is mined. Since 1949 some geological, geochemical and geophysical data and a few drill data of Gaosong ore field have been accumulated, and together with the work of this time, the data are enough to predict mineral resource in this filed .So the research is concentrated on Gaosong ore field. The main results are listed as follow:Through researching on the rock geochemistry and geophysics, concealed granite mass shape, and establishing the models of Sn and Cu mineralizing intension maily with GIS, 8 predication /ones in Gaosong field are found, we point out that No. 1 prospecting target is the most favorable for seeking for concealed orebody: The No.l prospecting target is located on north-east to No.33 orebody group, the connecting position and nearby area of Lutangba fault cutting by Zhayaoku fault.106km2 relief map and 80km2 geologic map of Gejiu ore field are plotted.GIS spatial model for the prognosis of ore resources is set up. Huge data of Gaosong field has been transformed to vector maps automatically in the GIS environment.Geochemical and geophysical data preprocessing, geochemical and geophysical data managing, geochemical and geophysical anomaly analysing, geochemical and geophysical data mapping have been done based on GIS.Since the valuable ore-prospecting information is lapped from original data, and composite geological, geochemical and geophysical anomaly is detected, anomaly inspection and prospecting target optimization have been made based on GIS.The verify program for No. 1 prospecting target has been drawn up based on GIS.Using the GIS. 8 predication /one fields have been found, and one of the predication /ones has been validated with good effect. The nc\\ metallic reserve of tin and copper is 300001 as the predicting result.

  • 【分类号】P612;P208
  • 【被引频次】12
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