

【作者】 同利军

【导师】 史金波;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 专门史, 2000, 博士

【摘要】 选题的指导思想及目的:本文是研究自秦汉时期至鸦片战争以前的中国古代北方少数民族军事思想。撰写过程中,始终坚持历史唯物主义的根本原则,坚持实事求是的科学态度,坚持民族平等和民族互相促进、共同发展的观点;以理论的创新和某些观念的突破为写作的思想出发点,采用比较分析和因素分析的方法,对古代北方少数民族军事思想的产生、发展和演变进行综合研究,探索其发展过程中的特点和规律,为现实的军事斗争和国防建设提供有益的借鉴。 由于我国古代历史上少数民族建立的中央政权,主要在中原及北方地区。历史上北方地区的少数民族军事活动较频繁,战争规模较大,对中国乃至世界战争史都产生过极为重要的影响。而且,只有北方少数民族(蒙古族、满族)实现了统一中国的大业。鉴于如此,本论文将研究古代北方少数民族军事思想历史作为主题及内容。 军事思想的主要载体是军事著作。但是,在现存的军事著作中,关于战争历史的颇多,但涉及军事思想史的专著较少。即使在研究军事思想方面的著作中,涉及少数民族军事思想历史的寥寥无几,而对少数民族军事思想通史的研究更是无人问津。国内研究少数民族军事思想的著作主要局限于断代史,如中国人民解放军军事科学院战略研究部主编的《中国军事百科全书·中国历代军事思想分册》,汤昌和主编的《中国古代军事思想》,中国军事科学院主编的《中国军事通史》(该书有关的章节)等。这些著作偏重对一些建立中原王朝政权的少数民族的军事思想进行总结,在论述中侧重从军事战略方面着笔,这与本文作者着重从经济类型和生产方式中研究古代北方少数民族军事思想的发展历史,在研究内容和体例等方面有所区别。国外也有研究中国古代少数民族军事历史的著作和文章,但都属断代史的研究,而且重点集中在蒙元时期。如志费尼所著的《世界征服者史》,泣国人勒内·格鲁塞写的《草原帝国》等。此外,还有许多前苏联和日本等国的学者对蒙元时期、清朝等时期的少数民族战争史进行过描述。但是,作者经过调查发现,在我国和世界范围内浩如烟海的有关中国军事内容的书目中,至今尚无一部专门全面研究中国各少数民族军事思想通史的专著,这对于我们这样一个多民族国家来说,在军事思想史研究上是一大缺憾。为了弥补这个失缺,作者撰写了这篇学术论文。 古代北方少数民族军事思想的分类及其特点:军事思想是人们对军事活动规律的理性认识与科学总结,因此它是军事科学的核心构成部分之一。它发端于军事实践之中,是对军事活动及战争规律的客观反映;同时,又是人们常用以指导战争实践的基本方祛论。为了更深刻细致地研究中国古代北方少数民族军事思想,作者将少数民族的军事思想按照经济类型进行分类。中国古代社会的北方地区基本有四种经济类型的少数民族群体,分别为:游牧经济类型的民族、渔猎经济类型的民族、农耕经济类型的民族、混合经济类型(兼有上述两种或两种以上经济类型)的民族。这四种经济类型分别产生出四种军事思想;即:游牧经济类型民族的军事思想(又称游牧民族军事思想人渔猎经济类型民族的军事思想(又称渔猎民族军事思想\农耕经济 2 类型民族的军事思想(又称农耕民族军事思想):混合经济类型民族 军事思想。这四种军事思想中,对中国少数民族军事思想史影响最大, 最具有少数民族特色的是游牧民族和渔猎民族的军事思想。 游牧。渔猎经济类型的民族生存。发展空间的获取与拓展,受其 生产方式所制约。其军事思想的主要特征是:在军事哲学思想上信奉 自然崇拜和神鬼崇拜:在战争观卜主张以利为战(即认为战争的主要 目的是为了获取经济利益入在战争指导思想方面提倡主动进攻,侧 重野战,主张速决战和无后方作战的原则;在建军思想方面崇尚勇武。 善战的思想,坚持兵民合一制度;在军事技术思想方面积极学习汉族 的军事技术,强调发展进攻型武器,注重提高武器的杀伤力和军队的 机动能力。 农耕经济类型民族的军事思想同样也受其生产方式的制约,在军 事哲学上奉行儒家思想,推崇兵阴阳学家理论;在战争观上主张以政 为战(即认为战争的主要作用是为了实现政治目标);战争指导思想 方面主张以防御为主,侧重阵地战,善于持久战及以后方支援前方; 建军思想方面坚持以成文法治军的原则:在军事技术思想方面重视增 强武器的威力,主要发展对抗骑兵的军事技术。 混合经济类型民族的军事思想,兼容了游牧。渔猎,农耕这三种 经济类型民族的军事思想。 辩证唯物主义的基本原理告诉我们,事物是不断变化而且在变化 中不断发展的。随着历史的发展,生产?

【Abstract】 The Principles and the Aim The purpose of this paper is to study military thought of ethnic minorities in noithern China from Qin and Han dynasty to the Opium War. During the writing process, from the beginning to the end, we stuck to the cardinal principles of historical materialism, to the practical and realistic attitude, and to the viewpoint of national equity-since all the nationalities helped each other and developed together all through the history. Theoretic innovations and breakthroughs of ideas are anticipated in this paper. Using the methods of comparing analysis and factor anah sis. we studied the origination, the development and evolution of military thought of the minorities. It is hoped mat the features and the rules thus revealed would offer some useful inspirations for our actual military constructions.Since most of the central regimes founded by minorities were on the Central Plains and the northland of China military activities on northland were high in frequency and broad in scale, which have made great influence on the war history both of China and of the world. Moreover, the minorities who had reunited China (that is, Mongolia and Man) were mainly resided in north China. Therefore, the paper is focused on the military thought of the minorities in ancient north China.The main earner of military thought is military works. However, among the extant military works, few concerned the history of military thought, while many of them concerned history of war. Those works dealing with military thought seldom concerned the history of military thought and the works concerning the history of military thought of the minorities were even fewer. Furthermore, no one is concerning with the general histoiy of minority military thought. Those works studying the military thought of minorities, such as Military Encvclopedia & .Military Thought in Ancient China, compiled by the Academy of PLA Military Science, Military Thought in Ancient China, compiled by Dr. ’fang Changhe, General Chinese Military History, compiled by the Academy of PLA Military Science, are confined in dynastic histories. These works laid particular stress on summarizing the military thought of the minorities who founded dynasties and regimes on the Central Plains, with’ a focus on military stratagem. Comparatively, writer of this paper laid stress on economic types and production forms in order to study history of military thought development of ancient minorities in northland and researched on different content and style. Many works and essays abroad studying Chinese ancient minor ethnic military history, for example, Juvaini’s The History- of World Conqueror, Grousset’s L ’Empire des steppers, researched on Mongolic Yuan dynasty. Some scholars from former Soviet Union, Japan and other countries have depicted war history of Mongolian Yuan and Qing dynasties. After primary investigation, this writer discovered that among all the books studying Chinese military history, inland and worldwide, there was no one by now that studied Chinese ethnic military thought hisiory. It is a pity in the study of military history for such a multiracial nation. In order to remedy this regret, I wrote this paper.The Classification and Character of Military Thought of Ancient Northern Minorities Military thought is rational knowledge and scientific summary of military rules, so it is one of the core components of military science. It is derived from military activities, it is a subjective reflection of military activities and positive and negative military rules; conversely, it directs military practice as basic methodology. The writer divided the military thought of the minorities by economic types in order to study it more profoundly and meticulously. In ancient society of north China, there were four economic types of minority group. They were nomadic economy people, fishing and hunting economy people, farming economy people, and mixed economy people (including two or more types). The four types of economy produced respectively four types of milit

  • 【分类号】E092
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