

【作者】 王素霞

【导师】 吴义勤;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪90年代,长篇小说以其独特的文体革命赢得了文学的核心地位,形成了颇有规模的市场效应,并展示了“多语合弦”的对话姿态,显示出旺盛的生命活力,这就向批评家们敞开了极有诱惑力的探寻空间。为能深入透视这种活力的背后所隐藏的艺术规律,本文以全新的视角,交错纵横的时空网络,采用理论分析与文本解读相互呼应的论证方式,在探讨世界长篇小说和中国20世纪长篇小说文体惯例演变规律的基础上,放大、突出90年代长篇小说文体革命所呈现的艺术策略和审美特征,具有迫切的理论意义、丰富的现实意义和深刻的历史意义。 本文理论视角涉及小说文体学、叙事学、语言学、修辞学和心理学等不同学科,多层面、多角度地探讨长篇小说文体在90年代的巨大变革,并穿越小说的艺术时空,聆听中国小说在与世界文学链接进程中所发出的繁富足音。 导论:文体惯例及其演变 小说是语言的艺术,其中,最能显现语言与小说间张力的是文体的存在。可以说,文体的流变成为凸现小说意义的最佳存在方式。文体包涵的相关语言学、叙事学、心理学和社会学等元素之间交互作用,形成了小说内部特有的文体惯例及其变易的内在规范。对惯例的考察提供了本文切入长篇小说文体变革的视角。 文体惯例常常是规范化的,它有一种相对稳定的语言操作模式。文体意识就是对于文体惯例的意识。长篇小说作为一种文类文体,从其诞生之日起,就内蕴着强烈的文体自觉意识,成为对传统文体惯例的冲破与偏离的先锋。它在世界文学中发生了两次质变,一是“时间形式”的脱颖而出;一是“空间形式”的横空出世。 对20世纪中国长篇小说文体形式演变规律的考察就从这里开始。 第一章 溯源:戴着镣铐跳舞 20世纪是中国现代长篇小说的诞生及发展时期,它演绎着小说文体惯例由偏离、创新到稳定、平衡以至再偏离的变化规律:从20年代开始确立的现代意味的长篇白话体式,是对中国古代和近代长篇小说的反动;以现实主义为主要内容的“史诗”型时间形式结构成为90年代以前最为显著的文体标志。就文体意识而言,这一时期的文体并非独立的存在,而是隐藏于思想内容、题材主题和人物形象的背后,“戴着镣铐跳舞”。文体惯例在90年代发生重大偏离,小说呈现多元而繁荣的态势。作家文体意识的转型导致文体的结构方式、文体修辞、叙事策略和审美心理等方面发生了重大变革。 对时间与空间形式的分别展开,成为长篇小说文体结构变革的两种姿态。 第二章 有意味的时间形式 某种意义上,长篇小说就是作者对时间的线性结构艺术的表达,这使长篇小说的故事内核具有一种无法比拟的博大与繁富。“时间”在90年代的长篇叙事舞台上,内化为小说的结构张力、潜伏的结构动机、突出的结构线索和深层的主题意蕴等不同方式,呈现出更加丰富化、多样化、内在化和隐蔽化的风姿,并形成了丰富的时间形式结构:命运型、纪年型、戏剧型、空间型和成长型等。这种形式以一种线性的结构发展主题,讲究着人物、事件的顺序、条理与秩序,带有强烈的线条感、曲折性与封闭意识。同时,又呈现出由客观外在向内在心理的转化,极大地丰富并拓展了小说文体结构的时间范畴。 第三章 另类播撒的空间形式 作家在摒弃时间线索和外部矛盾之后,关注的是一种新的空间形式的创造, 他们采用并置、和声、反讽等手段,对小说结构进行了新的创造,显示了长篇小 说结构的内在表现力。这类小说摒弃了时间的连续单向性与空间的单维性等特 征,创造了多维的时空范畴,因此,小说叙事视点的不断变化就成为空间形式展 开的首要条件。其次,现代作家把他的对象当作一个整体来表现,其对象的统一 性不是存在于时间关系中,而是存在于一个空间关系的封闭系统中,这就使小说 本身所具有的叙事因子凝聚了内在的张力,并构筑了复调、对话等结构特色,拓 展了长篇小说的艺术技艺。但是,它依然隐藏着某些负面效应,影响着艺术本体 的发展和进步。 结语:敞开的未来 如果说小说体式凭借外表形式的先锋性率先冲破了传统长篇小说的文体惯 例,文本结构又以内在构架支撑了小说文体对惯例的变革,那么在90年代最深 层的思想内蕴里,长篇小说以其“多语合弦”的对话共呜的姿态走完了西方几百 年来在小说文体变革中所走的道路,这就是它在文体结构与文体修辞两个方面的 重大创新。当然,这种变革并非是由“时间形式”转向“空间形式”的过程,而 是二者相互借鉴、互通有无的渗透历程,它们使小说结构呈现出繁富、谨严却又 开放、自由的特征。若从结构类型和结构手段分析,小说文体经历了由“单一” 向“繁富”、由“客观”向“主观”、由“表现”到“呈现”、由“封闭”到“开 放”的变化;若从文体修辞的角度透视,小说文体则经历了从“宏大”到?

【Abstract】 This thesis tends to investigate the regularity of Style Revolution of Novels in 1990s. The revolution gives rise to the echos on "Multivoices chord of Style".An introduction : Style Convention and its EvolutionNovels are arts of language. Style is the most important part that changes the tension between language and novel. It is the best way to express the significance of novel. Elements of style which includes Linguistic ,Narrative, Psychology and Sociology are relative to each other .They form peculiar style convention and inner standard of novel. Investigation of convention is an entrance to research style revolution of novel.Style convention is usually standard. It has a relative stable operating model of language . Style consciousness is the sense of style convention. As a kind of genre, novel has been have strong conciousness to break through and deviate traditional style convention from its birth day .It had two qualitative changes in international literature history: one is Time Form; the other is Spacial Form. We will begin with our investigation right from here.The First Chapter: Dancing with Shackles .Chinese Modern Novel emerged and developed in the 20th Century .It deducted the changing principle of convention from deviation to regularity and to deviation again The vernacular style which was founded in 1920s opposed to Chinese Ancient Novel. "Epic"style of Time Form which treated Realism as its main content became the most outstanding mark of style. Style in that period was not independent, it was behind the content, the theme and the figures, "Dancing with shackles". Style convention deviate a lot in 1990s. Novel became multivarious and prosperous. Writers’ style conciouness changed, which resulted in great revolution on structure pattern, style rhetoric, narrative tactics and aesthetic psychology .To spread out Time Form and Spacial Form respectively, we can know the evolution process of style.The Second Chapter: Meaningful Time FormTo some extent , novels are aristic expression of Time’s linear structure .This makes the stories very broad and rich .On the 1990s’ narrative stage, Time became the structure tension, latent structure motive .structure elements and deep expression of the theme,etc.Then the charm emerged more plentiful ,various , inner and potential .They form many kinds of structures: Fate mold ;Annals mold ;Drama mold ,Space mold ,Grown梪p mold ,etc. They develop the themes with a linear structure .They emphasize order of figures and events presentation and sequence .At the same time ,they present transformation from objective to inner psychology ,then enrich and broaden Time categories of structure .The Third Chapter : Spacial Form on DisseminationAfter abanden time clue in outer conditon ,writers pay attention to the newcreation of Spacial Form. They newly create novel structure by means of BINGZHI, Irony and Chord .This kind of novel abandons Time’ linear and creates multidimensional categories. According to this point of view .continuous changes of narrative is the elementary condition. Next, modern writers present their figures as a whole ,which exists not in Time relationship but in a confining system of Spacial relationship .Novel’ narrative elements gather inner tension ,and give rise to the distinguishing structure on "Double Tones " and "Dialogue". But they still conceal some negative effect and affect the development of novel.Ending Speech: Uncovered FutureThere are two types on style revolution:: Structure and Rhetoric ,which express various characters such as rich, open ,free and so on .It uncovers the prosess of evolution from "Single"to "Plentiful", "Objective" to "Subjective", "Expressness to Appearance", "Sealing" to "Openness". It also uncovers the tranformation from "Epic" to "Normal", "Group" to "Personality", "Cousciouness Ideology "to "Folk ".

【关键词】 长篇小说文体惯例时间形式空间形式体式
【Key words】 novelconventionTime FormSpacial Formrhetoric
  • 【分类号】I207.425
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