

Research of Deformation Mechanism of Mining Overburden Separated Strata

【作者】 苏仲杰

【导师】 杨伦; 于广明;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁工程技术大学 , 采矿工程, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 煤系地层的结构以层状沉积岩层为主要特征,随着煤层开采工作面的推进,上覆岩层内产生离层现象是一种必然。离层的发展有其特定的时—空规律,只要掌握离层的时间结构、空间结构及总体的宏观、中观结构,即离层距煤层高度、离层宽度及离层挠度的时空规律,正确实施离层注浆,使注浆体与岩层互相协调,共同作用,从而支承岩层减缓地层沉陷的目的是可以达到的。 覆岩离层注浆是近几年在我国发展起来的一项减缓地表沉降的新技术,我国已有近10个矿进行了工业性试验,在不同程度上取得了地表减沉效果。有关的理论研究和实践应用研究也取得了一定的成果。但是,尚没有形成完整的基础理论体系,许多理论实践方面的关键问题,例如覆岩离层的变形机理及其受力状态、覆岩离层成拱作用的机理及拱的形态、覆岩离层距煤层高度、离层岩板长度和宽度、离层挠度与工作面推进距离的时空规律、注浆材料在离层空间的变形等问题至今未能很好地解决。上述理论问题如不解决,必将限制离层注浆技术的广泛应用。因此,本文在现有的离层注浆的理论和实践研究基础上,对亟待解决的关键问题进行如下实质性的理论和应用研究工作: (1) 通过物理模拟与数值模拟研究覆岩离层的受力状态,为离层岩层的挠度计算提供可靠的依据; (2) 研究覆岩离层距煤层高度、离层岩板两边长度、离层挠度与工作面推进距离的时空规律,确定其与注浆量的协调关系; (3) 建立覆岩内压力平衡拱迹线的力学模型,计算离层岩板的尺寸; (4) 分析离层岩层变形力学机理,采用薄板小挠度理论建立离层岩板挠度计算力学模型及其计算原则,为确定离层空间体积、注浆量等提供可靠的计算依据; (5) 对注浆材料粉煤灰浆被压缩后的物理力学性质进行实验研究,确定其实际存在离层空间内的体积; (6) 确定离层注浆效果的评价方法; (7) 建立任意条件下未注浆和注浆后地表下沉最大值的计算力学模型; (8) 将上述研究成果有效地应用于工程实践。

【Abstract】 The coal measures stratum are characterized by the bedded sedimentary rock.When coal masses are extracted, the separated strata in the overburden is an inevitable phenomenon.The development of the separated strata follows the specific time-space law. As long as we obtain concordant relation among the evolution of the separated strata and their macroscopic, midscopic structures,the time-space law of the separated strata heights widtlu length and flexibility are obtained, the new technology of being in separated strata grout to slow down the subsidence is efficient absolutely.The technology of the separated strata grout to slow down the subsidence has been applied tentatively in some ten mines. The variable ratios of slowing down the subsidence are achieved respectively. Some study results are obtained by theoretical research and by practice. But many key questions are still not solved in theory and in practice, for instance, what mechanism about deformation follows and what statement about stress of the overburden separateded strata is, what mechanism about pressure arch follows and how about the shape of the arch is in the overburden, how about the relation among the mining space and the height and the length of the separated strata is, how about deformation of the grouting material born large pressure in the separated strata space is, etc.. These deficiencies are the major factors to limit the application of the technology .For above reasons, the writer, based on the experience of many years in theoretical research and in practice, has studied the following questions:(1) Study of the stress statement of overburden obtained by physical simulation and numerical simulation provides a credible basis for calculating the flexibility of the separated strata.(2) The concordant relation between the mining space and the height of the separations strata, the length of the separated strata rock layers is obtained, and the relation between the mining space and the quantity of grouting material is also given.(3) The mechanics model of the pressure balance arch in overburden is founded, that is necessary to calculate the sizes of separated strata rock layers.(4) The mechanics principle of the deformation of the separated strata rock layersis analyzed. Based on the small flexibility theory of thin plate, the mechanics model and the computation method used to calculate the flexibility of separated strata rock layers are obtained to calculate the volume of the separated strata space and the quantity of grouting material.(5) The physical mechanics property of the slurry of coal dust is tested, and the actual volume of it in the separated strata space is calculated in condition that it has been compressed.(6) The method of evaluating the effect of grouting in layer separations is obtained.(7) The mechanics model of calculating the maximal value of the subsidence after grouting or not is founded in variable conditions.(8) The studying results are verified by examples.
