

Study on Injury Mechanism of Different Anions in Solar Greenhouse Soil to Growth and Development of Cucumber

【作者】 李海云

【导师】 王秀峰; 邢禹贤;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 蔬菜学, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 本课题立足我国北方地区日光温室栽培实际,以过量施肥模拟设施土壤次生盐渍化,研究不同阴离子在过量条刊:下对设施土壤化学性状及对黄瓜生长发育的影响,并探讨其生理生化代谢及障害机理。主要结果如下: 1.与对照相比,三种阴离子化肥的施用都使土壤EC值升高、pH值降低,且施肥水平越高,升高(或降低)的幅度越大;三种阴离子对土壤化学性状的影响大小顺序是Cl->SO42->NO3-。 2.黄瓜的株高、节间长、叶面积、地上部干物重、光合速率、产量均是CK的最高,N)3-处理的次之,Cl-处理的为最差;SO42-及Cl-对叶绿体均产生不良影响。对同种处理而言,本试验条件下施肥水平越高,对黄瓜生长的抑制程度越大。 3.从三种阴离子对黄瓜营养元素吸收的影响可以看出,S、N和Cl之间存在竞争性吸收抑制,且在叶中表现最明显。三种阴离子处理下,植株各器官的Mn含量均随施肥量的增加而急剧上升,根中的含量最高,并且SO42-处理的高于Cl-处理的。 4.三种阴离子处理都增加了黄瓜叶片的电解质相对渗漏率、MDA及游离Pro含量,降低了黄瓜叶片的渗透势,其作用强度是Cl->SO42->NO3-,而且,随着施肥量的增加,此趋势更加明显。对可溶性蛋白的影响则不尽相同,SO42-处理下蛋白质含量升高,NO3及Cl-处理的蛋白质含量则下降。不同阴离子对黄瓜根系琥珀酸脱氢酶活性影响表现出了明显的差异,NO3-与CK相比差别不大,但SO42-和Cl-化肥的施用则明显降低了根系琥珀酸脱氢酶活性,即降低了根系的吸收能力。施用含SO42-和Cl-化肥的量越多,残存在土壤中的SO42-和Cl-越多,与NO3-化肥相比,对根系活力的影响也越大。 5.不同阴离子处理对黄瓜叶片不同保护酶活性的影响是有差异的,但植物体内保护酶活性都比CK有所增加,其中SO42-处理条件下,POD活性最高:SOD活性在Cl-处理下最高;CAT活性在SO42-和Cl-处理条件下无明显差异,但均高于NO3-处理和CK。 6.三种阴离子化肥的量增加时都使叶片ABA含量升高,NO3-及SO42-化肥施用量的增加提高叶片ZR、GA的含量,Cl-化肥则使其降低。 7.用水培方法研究了不同盐(KCl、KNO3、K2SO4和PEG)在不同渗透势梯度下对黄瓜生长发育的影响。结果表明:PEG与等渗的其它三种无机盐(KNO3、K2SO4、 李海云:设施土壤阴离子种类对黄瓜生育障害机理的研究KCI)处理溶液相比较,对黄瓜株高、叶面积及根系活力的抑制程度最大,尽管积累的可溶性糖及脯氨酸最多,但叶片的渗透调节能力最差。四种盐处理都是溶液浓度越高,对黄瓜造成的不良影响越大。在本试验处理浓度及处理时间范围内三种阴离子对黄瓜的伤害作用主要是由渗透胁迫造成的,离子胁迫是次要因素。

【Abstract】 Based on the productive practice of solar greenhouse in northern China,this subject use over-fertilization simulate salt accumulation of soil in solar greenhouse, studied the effect of different anions on chemical character of soil in greenhouse and growth and metabolism of cucumber, and probed into their injury mechanism to cucumber. The main results were as follows:1 .Compared with CK, all three kinds of fertilizer with different anions increased EC value and decreased pH value of soil solution, the higher fertilization level was. the higher degree of increase or decrease was. The influential sequence of anions on the soil were C1>SO42>NO3".2. Plant height, length between nodes, shoot dry weight, Pn and yield of cucumber in CK treatment were highest, that of cucumber were treated with NO.-T were lower than CK, and the worst was the treatment of Cl". SO42’ and Cl" had bad effect on chloroplast in cucumber leaves. Under the conditions of this experiment, in the same treatment type, the higher fertilization level was, the higher inhibition degree to cucumber was.3. From the effect of three kinds of anions on mineral elements absorption of cucumber, we can conclude that there were competitive inhibition relationship among S, N and Cl, especially in leaves. Mn content in cucumber roots stems and leaves were increased significantly when raised fertilization, regardless treatment types. The content of Mn in roots was highest, and that of treated with SO42" was higher than Cl".4.A11 treatments of three kinds anions increased the relative electrolytic leakage.content of MDA and Pro in cucumber leaves, decreased the osmotic potential. The intensity effect was C1">SO42~>NO3" at the same fertilization level, and the higher content of anions was in soil, the clearer this trend was. However, their effect on soluble protein content was not the same; fertilizer with SO42" increased it, fertilizer with Cl" and NO3" decreased it. The effect of different fertilizers on succinic dehydrogenase activity in cucumber roots was not the same, either. At the same treatment level, the difference of root succinic dehydrogenase activity between CK and NO3~ treatment was small, but the fertilization of Cl" and SO4 " reduced succinic dehydrogenase activity significantly, namely, reduced the ability of root absorb, the amount of Cl" and SO42" in soil increased with the raise of fertilization, and their effect on root absorbing ability increased compared with NO3" treatment,5. At the same treatment level, the affective degree of different anions on activity of protection enzyme in cucumber leaves is different, protection enzyme activity in cucumber leaves of all anions treatments were higher than CK. POD activity was the highest when the cucumber were treated with SO42", SOD activity was the highest when treated with Cl". The difference of CAT activity between Cl" and SO42’ treatments were not significantly, and both of them were higher than CK and NO3" treatments.6. Raising the three fertilizer’s value can all lead to increase ABA content in cucumber leaves, ZR and GA were increased in NO3" and SO42" treatments, and decreased in Cl" treatment.7. The effect of different kinds of salt (KC1, KN03, K2SO4 and PEG) under three different osmotic potential on growth of cucumber was studied in condition of solute culture. The results showed that: compared with three kinds of inorganic salt at the same osmotic potential, PEG had the highest restrain degree on plant height, leaf area and succinic dehydrogenase activity of cucumber. Although amount of soluble sugar and Pro accumulated in cucumber leaves that were treated with PEG was the most, osmotic adjustment ability was the worst. The higher solution density was, the worse effect on cucumber was, no matter what salt involved in this experiment. The main reason of injury three different kinds of anions to cucumber was osmotic stress, and ion stress was minor factor within this experiment scope of salt density and treatment time .

【关键词】 黄瓜设施土壤阴离子盐害
【Key words】 CucumberSoil in greenhouseAnionSalt injury
  • 【分类号】S642.2
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】318