

Study on Laser-induced CCD Detector Vulnerability and Survivability and Fussy Synthetic Evaluation on CCD Jamming Effects

【作者】 王世勇

【导师】 武克用; 郭劲;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(长春光学精密机械与物理研究所) , 光学工程, 2002, 博士

【摘要】 光电探测器具有极强的目标探测能力,而激光具有极高的亮度;因而各类光电装备的光电探测器成为国外发达国家正在大力发展激光武器系统的首要攻击目标,激光对探测器的干扰与损伤程度如何、受干扰后能否继续正常工作、何时达到损伤阈值以及如何对干扰效果做出客观评价是人们非常关心的问题。因而开展激光对光电探测器干扰与损伤实验并对干扰效果进行客观合理的评估具有相当重要的意义。本文是知识创新工程首批重点支持项目“光电对抗与检测”的一部分。论文主要包括以下几部分。1、 绍了CCD光电探测器工作的基本原理,介绍了CCD光电特性模型,分析了“光饱和溢出”现象。建立了脉冲与连续激光辐照MOS结构典型材料硅和铝的加热模型,并对脉冲激光与连续激光辐照硅和铝的温升分布进行了数值计算,得到了温升分布曲线;介绍了模糊数学基本理论与模糊评判的基本思想。2、 系统地开展了脉冲与连续激光干扰面阵CCD光电探测器实验,实验证实:与连续激光相比,脉冲激光仅需较低的能量即可将CCD破坏,得到在破坏面阵CCD探测器方面脉冲激光优于连续激光的结论。通过实验,得到激光干扰KA-320型面阵CCD光电探测器的像元饱和阈值、探测器靶面饱和阈值、局域损伤阈值,并得到了0.632μm与1.06μm波段入射激光功率与CCD靶面饱和程度的对应关系曲线,了解了面阵CCD探测器受激光干扰的各个阶段。采用不同频率的脉冲激光、不同的视场外入射角度,实现了对CCD光电探测器的视场外干扰,验证了视场外激光干扰面阵CCD探测器的可行性。采用脉冲激光实现了对处于相关跟踪方式下工作的光电探测跟踪模拟系统的干扰,指出只有对波门内实施有效的干扰才能使相关跟踪方式失效。3、 根据第二章提到的激光干扰面阵CCD探测器的干扰机理与模糊综合评估理论,结合实验中得到的实验数据,建立了激光干扰<WP=5>面阵CCD光电探测器干扰效果模糊综合评估模型,并对本文开展的干扰实验进行了模糊综合评估,得到了与实验结果一致的评估结论。

【Abstract】 Optical gains as large as one million are used to achieve the high sensitivities required in current electro-optical sensors. These large optical gains make the detector the most susceptible sensor element to laser damage. People concerns that the influence to the quality of CCD camera image under laser irradiation, the laser-induced threshold of CCD detector and the evaluation of laser-induced effects. The program of this paper sponsored by Chinese academy of sciences innovation engineering fund. This paper includes that :1、 The principle of CCD working was introduced. The phenomenon of CCD saturate was analyzed with the CCD electro-optical characteristics numerical model. The thermal model of CCD material irradiated by pulse and CW laser was presented and discussed. The temperature profile of CCD material irradiated by pulse and CW laser was solved with numerical method. It was introduced in brief that the theory of fuzzy mathematic and fuzzy synthetic evaluation. 2、 The influence to the quality of array CCD camera under the irradiation of CW and pulse laser was investigated experimentally .The result of experiment shows that the CCD easily damaged by pulse laser to CW laser. The thresholds of KA-320 model CCD saturation and sub-damage were measured. The relation between area of CCD saturation and 0.632μm 、1.06μm laser power/energy was measured . The CCD camera was disturbed by strong radiation from laser outside the field of view in experiment. The relation between the area of CCD saturation and off-axis angle was measured. The different phenomena of CCD <WP=7>disturbed by different frequency pulse laser were observed. In experiment a CCD image tracking simulation system was disturbed effectively when tracking target region jammed by laser . 3、 By utilizing the theory of fuzzy synthetic evaluation, the laser-induced effects on CCD camera were investigated. The fuzzy evaluation model was present and applied in experiment of CCD disturbed by pulse and CW laser. The result of fuzzy synthetic evaluation is consistent with the experiment.
