

Terrigenous Sequence Stratigraphy Characteristic Hydrocarbon Exploration of Fault-depressed Lacustrine Basin: A case Study of Early Cretaceous, Honghaoersute Sag, Erlian Basin

【作者】 谭荣

【导师】 赵霞飞; 杜金虎;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2002, 博士


【摘要】 本文采取从宏观到微观,从定性到定量的研究思路,应用层序地层学、地震地层学、储层沉积学的理论和技术方法,结合区域地质、岩芯、测井、地震、物性资料,采用多专业、多学科理论和方法相结合。阐明层序、体系域和沉积体系的内部构成及其特征,与高分辨地震资料和测井资料的处理技术相结合,深入解剖洪浩尔舒特凹陷油气藏成藏组合的沉积体系空间配置、储层预测,在等时地层框架内对含油层段(K1ba组、K1bt1及K1bt2段)进行精细解剖,有目的地寻找以地层、岩性圈闭为主的隐蔽油气藏。本论文的主要认识和结论如下: (1)进一步认识南缘边界断层位移量对下降盘形成次凹或横向突起的控制意义,认出南缘的4个突起是调节带之所在,也是古河流入湖处。这种格局导致凹陷强烈分割,并以横向搬运为主。 (2)首次系统确定滨滩-滨面、沿岸带、沿岸沙坝、侵蚀水道、有堤水道、浊积叶状体、席状浊积、滑塌体、碎屑流、密度改正颗粒流等成因单元。同时指出白垩纪湖泊为开放型淡水湖。 (3)将下白垩统划分为6个三级层序,指出本区两层安山岩的层序位置。 (4)首次确定了下白垩统的各种沉积体系:盆底扇、斜坡扇、有堤水道、亚平行相、滑塌相、低位楔、TST、HST,结合地震反射和测井响应,讨论了它们的分布,微相和储层特征,对今后勘探开发上作无疑有重要价值。 (5)通过典型井剖面及众多连井剖面的层序地层分析,证实枢纽断层的控制作用,断层下降盘各体系域发育完整,而其上升盘(西北斜坡区)由低处向高处,依次是PGC、TST、HST超复于SB之上。在斜坡上,IVF往往提供重要储层。 (6)首次将下白垩统地震相划分为三大类共17种地震相单元,并完成了由地震相→沉积相转相工作。对凹陷内各层序(体系域)沉积时的物源、搬运方向、沉积体系分布和有利储层发育带,都有了较确切的认识。 (7)体系域内及体系域间储层非均质性强,体系域内储层具有线性增加型(A)、线性降低型(B)、稳定型(C)、二次中间增大型(D)四类非均质定量模式。其中以线性增加型最发育,次为线性降低型,二次中间增大型,稳定型少见。 (8)分析了井下含油特征及其体系域分布,对中—东次凹作了储层评价,提出了3个Ⅰ类远景区,4个Ⅱ类远景区,分析了远景不明区的有利沉积条件。

【Abstract】 From macro to micro and from qualitative to quantitative evaluation, this paper, applicating the theory and technological method of sequence stratigraphy, seismic stratigraphy-, reservoir sedimentology, combining with multispecialty and mutisubject theory that used geology, log, seismic, mathematics and earth physics and basing on synthetic application of regional geology, core, log, seismic and petrophysical property data, has studied the inner structure and characteristic of sequence, system tract and depositional system.Combining with high resolution seismic data and log data, this paper makes a profound analysis of the space pattern and reservoir predictability of depositional system on oil and gas pools of honghaoersute sag. By means of Kiba formation, K.ibt’ and Kibt2 segments analysis on the equivalent time stratigraphic framework, subtle traps will be predicted on stratigraphic traps and lithological traps.The results from the research indicated that:(1) This paper further indicates the control significance of southern boundary fault displacement component, which downthrown side forms syncline or anticline, and points out that 4 anticlines in south are adjustment zone and are the entering lake position of ancient river. The structural framework gives rise to that the seg is intensivly indiscriminate and is major abeam migration.(2) This paper has firstly identified these genetic units on shore beach-shore face, longshore zone, longshore sands, erosional channel, leveed channel, turbidite lobes, turbidite sheet, slump, debris flow, density-modified grain flow etc; At the same time, and points out that the lake of Cretaceous is open-type fresh water lake.(3) 6 the 3rd-order sequence have been identified in early Cretaceous, the position of sequence is erected on 2 sets andesite.(4) A veries of depositional system of early Cretaceous have been identified firstly:basin floor fan, slope fan, leveed channel, subparallel facies, slump facies, lowstand wedge, TST, HST. Combining with seismic reflection and log response, this paper discusses distribution of above facies, microfacies and reservoir characteristics.(5) Based on the integrated sequence stratigraphy analysis of typical wells section and many well-to-well section, the control of hinge fault is confirmed.System tracts of downfaulted block perfectly develop, from lower position to higher position,upfaulted block (west-north region of the gentle slop) is in turn PGC, TST, HST,overlapping in SB. IVF provides important reservoir on gentle slope.(6) Deposition-Seismic response is obvious, 17 series (3 types) seismic facies have firstly been identificated in early Cretaceous and from seismic facies to deposition facies has been finished. There has been a certain recognition to sediment source, migration direction, depositional system distribution and reservoir favorable zones within sequence.(7) Reservoir heterogeneity is strong in intra-system tracts and in inter-system tracts. Four quantitative models of reservoir heterogeneity in intra-system tracts are reserched.(8) Hydrocarbon characteristic and system tracts have been analysised, and reservoir evaluation has been finished about middle-east sag. This paper points out 3( I type) hydrocarbon prospect and 4( II type) hydrocarbon prospect and favorable depositional condition of uncertain prospect is analysised too.

  • 【分类号】P618.13
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】971